minetest.registered_on_chat_messages, minetest.register_on_chat_message = make_registration()
minetest.registered_globalsteps, minetest.register_globalstep = make_registration()
+minetest.registered_playerevents, minetest.register_playerevent = make_registration()
minetest.registered_on_mapgen_inits, minetest.register_on_mapgen_init = make_registration()
minetest.registered_on_shutdown, minetest.register_on_shutdown = make_registration()
minetest.registered_on_punchnodes, minetest.register_on_punchnode = make_registration()
--- /dev/null
+local health_bar_definition =
+ hud_elem_type = "statbar",
+ position = { x=0.5, y=1 },
+ text = "heart.png",
+ number = 20,
+ direction = 0,
+ size = { x=24, y=24 },
+ offset = { x=(-10*24)-25, y=-(48+24+10)},
+local breath_bar_definition =
+ hud_elem_type = "statbar",
+ position = { x=0.5, y=1 },
+ text = "bubble.png",
+ number = 20,
+ direction = 0,
+ size = { x=24, y=24 },
+ offset = {x=25,y=-(48+24+10)},
+local hud_ids = {}
+local function initialize_builtin_statbars(player)
+ if not player:is_player() then
+ return
+ end
+ local name = player:get_player_name()
+ if name == "" then
+ return
+ end
+ if (hud_ids[name] == nil) then
+ hud_ids[name] = {}
+ end
+ if player:hud_get_flags().healthbar then
+ if hud_ids[name].id_healthbar == nil then
+ health_bar_definition.number = player:get_hp()
+ hud_ids[name].id_healthbar = player:hud_add(health_bar_definition)
+ end
+ else
+ if hud_ids[name].id_healthbar ~= nil then
+ player:hud_remove(hud_ids[name].id_healthbar)
+ hud_ids[name].id_healthbar = nil
+ end
+ end
+ if (player:get_breath() < 11) then
+ if player:hud_get_flags().breathbar then
+ if hud_ids[name].id_breathbar == nil then
+ hud_ids[name].id_breathbar = player:hud_add(breath_bar_definition)
+ end
+ else
+ if hud_ids[name].id_breathbar ~= nil then
+ player:hud_remove(hud_ids[name].id_breathbar)
+ hud_ids[name].id_breathbar = nil
+ end
+ end
+ elseif hud_ids[name].id_breathbar ~= nil then
+ player:hud_remove(hud_ids[name].id_breathbar)
+ hud_ids[name].id_breathbar = nil
+ end
+local function cleanup_builtin_statbars(player)
+ if not player:is_player() then
+ return
+ end
+ local name = player:get_player_name()
+ if name == "" then
+ return
+ end
+ hud_ids[name] = nil
+local function player_event_handler(player,eventname)
+ assert(player:is_player())
+ local name = player:get_player_name()
+ if name == "" then
+ return
+ end
+ if eventname == "health_changed" then
+ initialize_builtin_statbars(player)
+ if hud_ids[name].id_healthbar ~= nil then
+ player:hud_change(hud_ids[name].id_healthbar,"number",player:get_hp())
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ if eventname == "breath_changed" then
+ initialize_builtin_statbars(player)
+ if hud_ids[name].id_breathbar ~= nil then
+ player:hud_change(hud_ids[name].id_breathbar,"number",player:get_breath()*2)
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ if eventname == "hud_changed" then
+ initialize_builtin_statbars(player)
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function minetest.hud_replace_builtin(name, definition)
+ if definition == nil or
+ type(definition) ~= "table" or
+ definition.hud_elem_type ~= "statbar" then
+ return false
+ end
+ if name == "health" then
+ health_bar_definition = definition
+ for name,ids in pairs(hud_ids) do
+ local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
+ if player and hud_ids[name].id_healthbar then
+ player:hud_remove(hud_ids[name].id_healthbar)
+ initialize_builtin_statbars(player)
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ if name == "breath" then
+ breath_bar_definition = definition
+ for name,ids in pairs(hud_ids) do
+ local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
+ if player and hud_ids[name].id_breathbar then
+ player:hud_remove(hud_ids[name].id_breathbar)
+ initialize_builtin_statbars(player)
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
The offset field specifies a pixel offset from the position. Contrary to position,
the offset is not scaled to screen size. This allows for some precisely-positioned
items in the HUD.
+Note offset WILL adapt to screen dpi as well as user defined scaling factor!
Below are the specific uses for fields in each type; fields not listed for that type are ignored.
Note: Future revisions to the HUD API may be incompatible; the HUD API is still in the experimental stages.
If odd, will end with a vertically center-split texture.
- direction
- offset: offset in pixels from position.
+ - size: If used will force full-image size to this value (override texture pack image size)
- inventory
- text: The name of the inventory list to be displayed.
- number: Number of items in the inventory to be displayed.
- text: Distance suffix. Can be blank.
- number: An integer containing the RGB value of the color used to draw the text.
- world_pos: World position of the waypoint.
Representations of simple things
max_jitter = 0.5, -- maximum packet time jitter
avg_jitter = 0.03, -- average packet time jitter
connection_uptime = 200, -- seconds since client connected
-- following information is available on debug build only!!!
--ser_vers = 26, -- serialization version used by client
^ Dig node with the same effects that a player would cause
^ Punch node with the same effects that a player would cause
minetest.get_meta(pos) -- Get a NodeMetaRef at that position
minetest.get_node_timer(pos) -- Get NodeTimerRef
- to_table() -> nil or {fields = {...}, inventory = {list1 = {}, ...}}
- from_table(nil or {})
^ See "Node Metadata"
NodeTimerRef: Node Timers - a high resolution persistent per-node timer
- Can be gotten via minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
^ flags: (is visible) hotbar, healthbar, crosshair, wielditem
^ pass a table containing a true/false value of each flag to be set or unset
^ if a flag is nil, the flag is not modified
+- hud_get_flags(): returns a table containing status of hud flags
+ ^ returns { hotbar=true, healthbar=true, crosshair=true, wielditem=true, breathbar=true }
- hud_set_hotbar_itemcount(count): sets number of items in builtin hotbar
^ count: number of items, must be between 1 and 23
- hud_set_hotbar_image(texturename)
^ sets background image for hotbar
- hud_set_hotbar_selected_image(texturename)
^ sets image for selected item of hotbar
+- hud_replace_builtin(name, hud definition)
+ ^ replace definition of a builtin hud element
+ ^ name: "breath" or "health"
+ ^ hud definition: definition to replace builtin definition
- set_sky(bgcolor, type, {texture names})
^ bgcolor: {r=0...255, g=0...255, b=0...255} or nil, defaults to white
^ Available types:
Entity definition (register_entity)
(Deprecated: Everything in object properties is read directly from here)
initial_properties = <initial object properties>,
on_activate = function(self, staticdata, dtime_s),
get_staticdata = function(self),
^ Called sometimes; the string returned is passed to on_activate when
the entity is re-activated from static state
# Also you can define arbitrary member variables here
myvariable = whatever,
can_dig = function(pos,player)
^ returns true if node can be dug, or false if not
^ default: nil
on_punch = func(pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing),
^ default: minetest.node_punch
^ By default: Calls minetest.register_on_punchnode callbacks
^ if defined, itemstack will hold clicker's wielded item
^ Shall return the leftover itemstack
^ Note: pointed_thing can be nil, if a mod calls this function
on_dig = func(pos, node, digger),
^ default: minetest.node_dig
^ By default: checks privileges, wears out tool and removes node
on_timer = function(pos,elapsed),
^ default: nil
^ called by NodeTimers, see minetest.get_node_timer and NodeTimerRef
to_list, to_index, count, player),
^ Called when a player wants to move items inside the inventory
^ Return value: number of items allowed to move
allow_metadata_inventory_put = func(pos, listname, index, stack, player),
^ Called when a player wants to put something into the inventory
^ Return value: number of items allowed to put
^ Return value: -1: Allow and don't modify item count in inventory
allow_metadata_inventory_take = func(pos, listname, index, stack, player),
^ Called when a player wants to take something out of the inventory
^ Return value: number of items allowed to take
on_metadata_inventory_take = func(pos, listname, index, stack, player),
^ Called after the actual action has happened, according to what was allowed.
^ No return value
on_blast = func(pos, intensity),
^ intensity: 1.0 = mid range of regular TNT
^ If defined, called when an explosion touches the node, instead of
allow_move = func(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player),
^ Called when a player wants to move items inside the inventory
^ Return value: number of items allowed to move
allow_put = func(inv, listname, index, stack, player),
^ Called when a player wants to put something into the inventory
^ Return value: number of items allowed to put
^ Return value: -1: Allow and don't modify item count in inventory
allow_take = func(inv, listname, index, stack, player),
^ Called when a player wants to take something out of the inventory
^ Return value: number of items allowed to take
^ Return value: -1: Allow and don't modify item count in inventory
on_move = func(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player),
on_put = func(inv, listname, index, stack, player),
on_take = func(inv, listname, index, stack, player),
^ See "HUD Element Types"
offset = {x=0, y=0},
^ See "HUD Element Types"
+ size = { x=100, y=100 },
+ ^ Size of element in pixels
Particle definition (add_particle)
v2f align = readV2F1000(is);
v2f offset = readV2F1000(is);
v3f world_pos;
+ v2s32 size;
world_pos = readV3F1000(is);
}catch(SerializationError &e) {};
+ try{
+ size = readV2S32(is);
+ } catch(SerializationError &e) {};
ClientEvent event;
event.type = CE_HUDADD;
event.hudadd.align = new v2f(align);
event.hudadd.offset = new v2f(offset);
event.hudadd.world_pos = new v3f(world_pos);
+ event.hudadd.size = new v2s32(size);
else if(command == TOCLIENT_HUDRM)
v2f v2fdata;
v3f v3fdata;
u32 intdata = 0;
+ v2s32 v2s32data;
std::string datastring((char *)&data[2], datasize - 2);
std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary);
sdata = deSerializeString(is);
else if (stat == HUD_STAT_WORLD_POS)
v3fdata = readV3F1000(is);
+ else if (stat == HUD_STAT_SIZE )
+ v2s32data = readV2S32(is);
intdata = readU32(is);
event.hudchange.v3fdata = new v3f(v3fdata);
event.hudchange.sdata = new std::string(sdata); = intdata;
+ event.hudchange.v2s32data = new v2s32(v2s32data);
else if(command == TOCLIENT_HUD_SET_FLAGS)
v2f *align;
v2f *offset;
v3f *world_pos;
+ v2s32 * size;
} hudadd;
u32 id;
std::string *sdata;
u32 data;
v3f *v3fdata;
+ v2s32 * v2s32data;
} hudchange;
video::SColor *bgcolor;
u8 keep_metadata // Added in protocol version 22
TOCLIENT_PLAYERPOS = 0x23, // Obsolete
[0] u16 command
[N] u16 peer_id
[N] char[20] name
TOCLIENT_SECTORMETA = 0x26, // Obsolete
[0] u16 command
[2] serialized inventory
TOCLIENT_OBJECTDATA = 0x28, // Obsolete
Sent as unreliable.
string initialization data
u16 command
u16 length of remote media server url (if applicable)
string url
u16 command
u32 length of the next item
serialized ToolDefManager
u16 command
u32 length of the next item
serialized NodeDefManager
u16 command
u32 length of next item
serialized ItemDefManager
u16 command
u32 dir
v2f1000 align
v2f1000 offset
+ v3f1000 world_pos
+ v2s32 size
u8 do_override (boolean)
u16 day-night ratio 0...65535
u16 command
2: stop digging (all parameters ignored)
3: digging completed
TOSERVER_RELEASE = 0x29, // Obsolete
// (oops, there is some gap here)
[3] u16 id
[5] u16 item
u16 command
[2] u16 item
u16 command
delete event.hudadd.align;
delete event.hudadd.offset;
delete event.hudadd.world_pos;
+ delete event.hudadd.size;
e->align = *event.hudadd.align;
e->offset = *event.hudadd.offset;
e->world_pos = *event.hudadd.world_pos;
+ e->size = *event.hudadd.size;
if (id == nhudelem)
delete event.hudadd.align;
delete event.hudadd.offset;
delete event.hudadd.world_pos;
+ delete event.hudadd.size;
else if (event.type == CE_HUDRM)
delete event.hudchange.v3fdata;
delete event.hudchange.v2fdata;
delete event.hudchange.sdata;
+ delete event.hudchange.v2s32data;
e->world_pos = *event.hudchange.v3fdata;
+ e->size = *event.hudchange.v2s32data;
+ break;
delete event.hudchange.v3fdata;
delete event.hudchange.v2fdata;
delete event.hudchange.sdata;
+ delete event.hudchange.v2s32data;
else if (event.type == CE_SET_SKY)
if (show_hud)
- hud.drawHotbar(client.getHP(), client.getPlayerItem(),
- client.getBreath());
+ hud.drawHotbar(client.getPlayerItem());
if (!e)
- v2s32 pos(e->pos.X * m_screensize.X, e->pos.Y * m_screensize.Y);
+ v2s32 pos(floor(e->pos.X * (float) m_screensize.X + 0.5),
+ floor(e->pos.Y * (float) m_screensize.Y + 0.5));
switch (e->type) {
video::ITexture *texture = tsrc->getTexture(e->text);
break; }
v2s32 offs(e->offset.X, e->offset.Y);
- drawStatbar(pos, HUD_CORNER_UPPER, e->dir, e->text, e->number, offs);
+ drawStatbar(pos, HUD_CORNER_UPPER, e->dir, e->text, e->number, offs, e->size);
break; }
InventoryList *inv = inventory->getList(e->text);
-void Hud::drawStatbar(v2s32 pos, u16 corner, u16 drawdir, std::string texture, s32 count, v2s32 offset) {
+void Hud::drawStatbar(v2s32 pos, u16 corner, u16 drawdir, std::string texture,
+ s32 count, v2s32 offset, v2s32 size)
const video::SColor color(255, 255, 255, 255);
const video::SColor colors[] = {color, color, color, color};
core::dimension2di srcd(stat_texture->getOriginalSize());
+ core::dimension2di dstd;
+ if (size == v2s32()) {
+ dstd = srcd;
+ } else {
+ dstd.Height = size.Y * g_settings->getFloat("gui_scaling") *
+ porting::getDisplayDensity();
+ dstd.Width = size.X * g_settings->getFloat("gui_scaling") *
+ porting::getDisplayDensity();
+ offset.X *= g_settings->getFloat("gui_scaling") *
+ porting::getDisplayDensity();
+ offset.Y *= g_settings->getFloat("gui_scaling") *
+ porting::getDisplayDensity();
+ }
v2s32 p = pos;
if (corner & HUD_CORNER_LOWER)
- p -= srcd.Height;
+ p -= dstd.Height;
p += offset;
steppos = v2s32(1, 0);
- steppos.X *= srcd.Width;
- steppos.Y *= srcd.Height;
+ steppos.X *= dstd.Width;
+ steppos.Y *= dstd.Height;
for (s32 i = 0; i < count / 2; i++)
core::rect<s32> srcrect(0, 0, srcd.Width, srcd.Height);
- core::rect<s32> dstrect(srcrect);
+ core::rect<s32> dstrect(0,0, dstd.Width, dstd.Height);
dstrect += p;
driver->draw2DImage(stat_texture, dstrect, srcrect, NULL, colors, true);
if (count % 2 == 1)
core::rect<s32> srcrect(0, 0, srcd.Width / 2, srcd.Height);
- core::rect<s32> dstrect(srcrect);
+ core::rect<s32> dstrect(0,0, dstd.Width / 2, dstd.Height);
dstrect += p;
driver->draw2DImage(stat_texture, dstrect, srcrect, NULL, colors, true);
-void Hud::drawHotbar(s32 halfheartcount, u16 playeritem, s32 breath) {
+void Hud::drawHotbar(u16 playeritem) {
v2s32 centerlowerpos(m_displaycenter.X, m_screensize.Y);
drawItems(secondpos, hotbar_itemcount, hotbar_itemcount/2, mainlist, playeritem + 1, 0);
- if (player->hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_HEALTHBAR_VISIBLE)
- drawStatbar(pos - v2s32(0, 4), HUD_CORNER_LOWER, HUD_DIR_LEFT_RIGHT,
- "heart.png", halfheartcount, v2s32(0, 0));
- if (player->hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_BREATHBAR_VISIBLE && breath <= 10)
- drawStatbar(pos - v2s32(-180, 4), HUD_CORNER_LOWER, HUD_DIR_LEFT_RIGHT,
- "bubble.png", breath*2, v2s32(0, 0));
struct HudElement {
v2f align;
v2f offset;
v3f world_pos;
+ v2s32 size;
#ifndef SERVER
u32 text_height, IGameDef *gamedef,
LocalPlayer *player, Inventory *inventory);
- void drawHotbar(s32 halfheartcount, u16 playeritem, s32 breath);
+ void drawHotbar(u16 playeritem);
void resizeHotbar();
void drawCrosshair();
void drawSelectionBoxes(std::vector<aabb3f> &hilightboxes);
void drawLuaElements(v3s16 camera_offset);
- void drawStatbar(v2s32 pos, u16 corner, u16 drawdir,
- std::string texture, s32 count, v2s32 offset);
+ void drawStatbar(v2s32 pos, u16 corner, u16 drawdir, std::string texture,
+ s32 count, v2s32 offset, v2s32 size=v2s32());
void drawItems(v2s32 upperleftpos, s32 itemcount, s32 offset,
InventoryList *mainlist, u16 selectitem, u16 direction);
+void ScriptApiEnv::player_event(ServerActiveObject* player, std::string type)
+ // Get minetest.registered_playerevents
+ lua_getglobal(L, "minetest");
+ lua_getfield(L, -1, "registered_playerevents");
+ // Call callbacks
+ objectrefGetOrCreate(player); // player
+ lua_pushstring(L,type.c_str()); // event type
+ try {
+ script_run_callbacks(L, 2, RUN_CALLBACKS_MODE_FIRST);
+ } catch (LuaError &e) {
+ getServer()->setAsyncFatalError(e.what());
+ }
void ScriptApiEnv::environment_OnMapgenInit(MapgenParams *mgparams)
// After initializing mapgens
void environment_OnMapgenInit(MapgenParams *mgparams);
+ //called on player event
+ void player_event(ServerActiveObject* player, std::string type);
void initializeEnvironment(ServerEnvironment *env);
elem->scale = lua_istable(L, -1) ? read_v2f(L, -1) : v2f();
lua_pop(L, 1);
+ lua_getfield(L, 2, "size");
+ elem->size = lua_istable(L, -1) ? read_v2s32(L, -1) : v2s32();
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
elem->name = getstringfield_default(L, 2, "name", "");
elem->text = getstringfield_default(L, 2, "text", "");
elem->number = getintfield_default(L, 2, "number", 0);
elem->world_pos = lua_istable(L, -1) ? read_v3f(L, -1) : v3f();
lua_pop(L, 1);
+ /* check for known deprecated element usage */
+ if ((elem->type == HUD_ELEM_STATBAR) && (elem->size == v2s32())) {
+ log_deprecated(L,"Deprecated usage of statbar without size!");
+ }
u32 id = getServer(L)->hudAdd(player, elem);
if (id == (u32)-1) {
delete elem;
e->world_pos = read_v3f(L, 4);
value = &e->world_pos;
+ e->size = read_v2s32(L, 4);
+ value = &e->size;
+ break;
getServer(L)->hudChange(player, id, stat, value);
return 1;
+int ObjectRef::l_hud_get_flags(lua_State *L)
+ ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1);
+ Player *player = getplayer(ref);
+ if (player == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, player->hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_HOTBAR_VISIBLE);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "hotbar");
+ lua_pushboolean(L, player->hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_HEALTHBAR_VISIBLE);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "healthbar");
+ lua_pushboolean(L, player->hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_CROSSHAIR_VISIBLE);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "crosshair");
+ lua_pushboolean(L, player->hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_WIELDITEM_VISIBLE);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "wielditem");
+ lua_pushboolean(L, player->hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_BREATHBAR_VISIBLE);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "breathbar");
+ return 1;
// hud_set_hotbar_itemcount(self, hotbar_itemcount)
int ObjectRef::l_hud_set_hotbar_itemcount(lua_State *L)
luamethod(ObjectRef, hud_change),
luamethod(ObjectRef, hud_get),
luamethod(ObjectRef, hud_set_flags),
+ luamethod(ObjectRef, hud_get_flags),
luamethod(ObjectRef, hud_set_hotbar_itemcount),
luamethod(ObjectRef, hud_set_hotbar_image),
luamethod(ObjectRef, hud_set_hotbar_selected_image),
// hud_set_flags(self, flags)
static int l_hud_set_flags(lua_State *L);
+ // hud_get_flags()
+ static int l_hud_get_flags(lua_State *L);
// hud_set_hotbar_itemcount(self, hotbar_itemcount)
static int l_hud_set_hotbar_itemcount(lua_State *L);
Send player breath if changed
- if(playersao->m_breath_not_sent){
+ if(playersao->m_breath_not_sent) {
std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary);
u16 breath = readU16(is);
+ m_script->player_event(playersao,"breath_changed");
else if(command == TOSERVER_PASSWORD)
writeV2F1000(os, form->align);
writeV2F1000(os, form->offset);
writeV3F1000(os, form->world_pos);
+ writeV2S32(os,form->size);
// Make data buffer
std::string s = os.str();
writeV3F1000(os, *(v3f *)value);
+ writeV2S32(os,*(v2s32 *)value);
+ break;
playersao->m_hp_not_sent = false;
SendHP(peer_id, playersao->getHP());
+ m_script->player_event(playersao,"health_changed");
// Send to other clients
std::string str = gob_cmd_punched(playersao->readDamage(), playersao->getHP());
PlayerSAO *playersao = getPlayerSAO(peer_id);
playersao->m_breath_not_sent = false;
+ m_script->player_event(playersao,"breath_changed");
SendBreath(peer_id, playersao->getBreath());
return false;
SendHUDSetFlags(player->peer_id, flags, mask);
+ m_script->player_event(player->getPlayerSAO(),"hud_changed");
return true;