{NULL, 0}
+void Mapgen::updateLiquid(UniqueQueue<v3s16> *trans_liquid, v3s16 nmin, v3s16 nmax) {
+ bool isliquid, wasliquid;
+ u32 i;
+ for (s16 z = nmin.Z; z <= nmax.Z; z++) {
+ for (s16 x = nmin.X; x <= nmax.X; x++) {
+ v2s16 p2d(x, z);
+ wasliquid = true;
+ v3s16 em = vm->m_area.getExtent();
+ i = vm->m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, nmax.Y, p2d.Y));
+ for (s16 y = nmax.Y; y >= nmin.Y; y--) {
+ isliquid = ndef->get(vm->m_data[i]).isLiquid();
+ // there was a change between liquid and nonliquid, add to queue
+ if (isliquid != wasliquid)
+ trans_liquid->push_back(v3s16(p2d.X, y, p2d.Y));
+ wasliquid = isliquid;
+ vm->m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Mapgen::updateLighting(v3s16 nmin, v3s16 nmax) {
+ enum LightBank banks[2] = {LIGHTBANK_DAY, LIGHTBANK_NIGHT};
+ VoxelArea a(nmin - v3s16(1,0,1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE,
+ nmax + v3s16(1,0,1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE);
+ bool block_is_underground = (water_level > nmax.Y);
+ bool sunlight = !block_is_underground;
+ ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "EmergeThread: mapgen lighting update", SPT_AVG);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ enum LightBank bank = banks[i];
+ std::set<v3s16> light_sources;
+ std::map<v3s16, u8> unlight_from;
+ voxalgo::clearLightAndCollectSources(*vm, a, bank, ndef,
+ light_sources, unlight_from);
+ voxalgo::propagateSunlight(*vm, a, sunlight, light_sources, ndef);
+ vm->unspreadLight(bank, unlight_from, light_sources, ndef);
+ vm->spreadLight(bank, light_sources, ndef);
+ }
+//////////////////////// Mapgen V6 parameter read/write
bool MapgenV6Params::readParams(Settings *settings) {
freq_desert = settings->getFloat("mgv6_freq_desert");
return 0.04 * (noise-zeroval) / (1.0-zeroval);
-#if 0 /// BIG COMMENT
-namespace mapgen
- Some helper functions for the map generator
-#if 1
-// Returns Y one under area minimum if not found
-static s16 find_ground_level(VoxelManipulator &vmanip, v2s16 p2d,
- INodeDefManager *ndef)
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- s16 y_nodes_max = vmanip.m_area.MaxEdge.Y;
- s16 y_nodes_min = vmanip.m_area.MinEdge.Y;
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, y_nodes_max, p2d.Y));
- s16 y;
- for(y=y_nodes_max; y>=y_nodes_min; y--)
- {
- MapNode &n = vmanip.m_data[i];
- if(ndef->get(n).walkable)
- break;
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- }
- if(y >= y_nodes_min)
- return y;
- else
- return y_nodes_min - 1;
-#if 0
-// Returns Y one under area minimum if not found
-static s16 find_ground_level_clever(VoxelManipulator &vmanip, v2s16 p2d,
- INodeDefManager *ndef)
- if(!vmanip.m_area.contains(v3s16(p2d.X, vmanip.m_area.MaxEdge.Y, p2d.Y)))
- return vmanip.m_area.MinEdge.Y-1;
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- s16 y_nodes_max = vmanip.m_area.MaxEdge.Y;
- s16 y_nodes_min = vmanip.m_area.MinEdge.Y;
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, y_nodes_max, p2d.Y));
- s16 y;
- content_t c_tree = ndef->getId("mapgen_tree");
- content_t c_leaves = ndef->getId("mapgen_leaves");
- for(y=y_nodes_max; y>=y_nodes_min; y--)
- {
- MapNode &n = vmanip.m_data[i];
- if(ndef->get(n).walkable
- && n.getContent() != c_tree
- && n.getContent() != c_leaves)
- break;
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- }
- if(y >= y_nodes_min)
- return y;
- else
- return y_nodes_min - 1;
-// Returns Y one under area minimum if not found
-static s16 find_stone_level(VoxelManipulator &vmanip, v2s16 p2d,
- INodeDefManager *ndef)
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- s16 y_nodes_max = vmanip.m_area.MaxEdge.Y;
- s16 y_nodes_min = vmanip.m_area.MinEdge.Y;
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, y_nodes_max, p2d.Y));
- s16 y;
- content_t c_stone = ndef->getId("mapgen_stone");
- content_t c_desert_stone = ndef->getId("mapgen_desert_stone");
- for(y=y_nodes_max; y>=y_nodes_min; y--)
- {
- MapNode &n = vmanip.m_data[i];
- content_t c = n.getContent();
- if(c != CONTENT_IGNORE && (
- c == c_stone || c == c_desert_stone))
- break;
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- }
- if(y >= y_nodes_min)
- return y;
- else
- return y_nodes_min - 1;
-#if 0
-static void make_papyrus(VoxelManipulator &vmanip, v3s16 p0,
- INodeDefManager *ndef)
- MapNode papyrusnode(ndef->getId("mapgen_papyrus"));
- s16 trunk_h = myrand_range(2, 3);
- v3s16 p1 = p0;
- for(s16 ii=0; ii<trunk_h; ii++)
- {
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(p1))
- vmanip.m_data[vmanip.m_area.index(p1)] = papyrusnode;
- p1.Y++;
- }
-static void make_cactus(VoxelManipulator &vmanip, v3s16 p0,
- INodeDefManager *ndef)
- MapNode cactusnode(ndef->getId("mapgen_cactus"));
- s16 trunk_h = 3;
- v3s16 p1 = p0;
- for(s16 ii=0; ii<trunk_h; ii++)
- {
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(p1))
- vmanip.m_data[vmanip.m_area.index(p1)] = cactusnode;
- p1.Y++;
- }
-#if 0
-static void make_nc(VoxelManipulator &vmanip, PseudoRandom &random,
- INodeDefManager *ndef)
- v3s16 dir;
- u8 facedir_i = 0;
- s32 r = random.range(0, 3);
- if(r == 0){
- dir = v3s16( 1, 0, 0);
- facedir_i = 3;
- }
- if(r == 1){
- dir = v3s16(-1, 0, 0);
- facedir_i = 1;
- }
- if(r == 2){
- dir = v3s16( 0, 0, 1);
- facedir_i = 2;
- }
- if(r == 3){
- dir = v3s16( 0, 0,-1);
- facedir_i = 0;
- }
- v3s16 p = vmanip.m_area.MinEdge + v3s16(
- 16+random.range(0,15),
- 16+random.range(0,15),
- 16+random.range(0,15));
- vmanip.m_data[vmanip.m_area.index(p)] = MapNode(ndef->getId("mapgen_nyancat"), facedir_i);
- u32 length = random.range(3,15);
- for(u32 j=0; j<length; j++)
- {
- p -= dir;
- vmanip.m_data[vmanip.m_area.index(p)] = MapNode(ndef->getId("mapgen_nyancat_rainbow"));
- }
- Noise functions. Make sure seed is mangled differently in each one.
-#if 0
- Scaling the output of the noise function affects the overdrive of the
- contour function, which affects the shape of the output considerably.
-#define CAVE_NOISE_SCALE 12.0
-//#define CAVE_NOISE_SCALE 10.0
-//#define CAVE_NOISE_SCALE 7.5
-//#define CAVE_NOISE_SCALE 5.0
-//#define CAVE_NOISE_SCALE 1.0
-NoiseParams get_cave_noise1_params(u64 seed)
- /*return NoiseParams(NOISE_PERLIN_CONTOUR, seed+52534, 5, 0.7,
- /*return NoiseParams(NOISE_PERLIN_CONTOUR, seed+52534, 4, 0.7,
- /*return NoiseParams(NOISE_PERLIN_CONTOUR, seed+52534, 5, 0.6,
- /*return NoiseParams(NOISE_PERLIN_CONTOUR, seed+52534, 5, 0.3,
- return NoiseParams(NOISE_PERLIN_CONTOUR, seed+52534, 4, 0.5,
- //return NoiseParams(NOISE_CONSTANT_ONE);
-NoiseParams get_cave_noise2_params(u64 seed)
- /*return NoiseParams(NOISE_PERLIN_CONTOUR_FLIP_YZ, seed+10325, 5, 0.7,
- /*return NoiseParams(NOISE_PERLIN_CONTOUR_FLIP_YZ, seed+10325, 4, 0.7,
- /*return NoiseParams(NOISE_PERLIN_CONTOUR_FLIP_YZ, seed+10325, 5, 0.3,
- return NoiseParams(NOISE_PERLIN_CONTOUR_FLIP_YZ, seed+10325, 4, 0.5,
- //return NoiseParams(NOISE_CONSTANT_ONE);
-NoiseParams get_ground_noise1_params(u64 seed)
- return NoiseParams(NOISE_PERLIN, seed+983240, 4,
- 0.55, 80.0, 40.0);
-NoiseParams get_ground_crumbleness_params(u64 seed)
- return NoiseParams(NOISE_PERLIN, seed+34413, 3,
- 1.3, 20.0, 1.0);
-NoiseParams get_ground_wetness_params(u64 seed)
- return NoiseParams(NOISE_PERLIN, seed+32474, 4,
- 1.1, 40.0, 1.0);
-bool is_cave(u64 seed, v3s16 p)
- double d1 = noise3d_param(get_cave_noise1_params(seed), p.X,p.Y,p.Z);
- double d2 = noise3d_param(get_cave_noise2_params(seed), p.X,p.Y,p.Z);
- return d1*d2 > CAVE_NOISE_THRESHOLD;
- Ground density noise shall be interpreted by using this.
- TODO: No perlin noises here, they should be outsourced
- and buffered
- NOTE: The speed of these actually isn't terrible
-bool val_is_ground(double ground_noise1_val, v3s16 p, u64 seed)
- //return ((double)p.Y < ground_noise1_val);
- double f = 0.55 + noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/250, 0.5+(float)p.Z/250,
- seed+920381, 3, 0.45);
- if(f < 0.01)
- f = 0.01;
- else if(f >= 1.0)
- f *= 1.6;
- double h = WATER_LEVEL + 10 * noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/250, 0.5+(float)p.Z/250,
- seed+84174, 4, 0.5);
- /*double f = 1;
- double h = 0;*/
- return ((double)p.Y - h < ground_noise1_val * f);
- Queries whether a position is ground or not.
-bool is_ground(u64 seed, v3s16 p)
- double val1 = noise3d_param(get_ground_noise1_params(seed), p.X,p.Y,p.Z);
- return val_is_ground(val1, p, seed);
-// Amount of trees per area in nodes
-double tree_amount_2d(u64 seed, v2s16 p)
- /*double noise = noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/250, 0.5+(float)p.Y/250,
- seed+2, 5, 0.66);*/
- double noise = noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/125, 0.5+(float)p.Y/125,
- seed+2, 4, 0.66);
- double zeroval = -0.39;
- if(noise < zeroval)
- return 0;
- else
- return 0.04 * (noise-zeroval) / (1.0-zeroval);
-#if 0
-double surface_humidity_2d(u64 seed, v2s16 p)
- double noise = noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/500, 0.5+(float)p.Y/500,
- seed+72384, 4, 0.66);
- noise = (noise + 1.0)/2.0;
- if(noise < 0.0)
- noise = 0.0;
- if(noise > 1.0)
- noise = 1.0;
- return noise;
- Incrementally find ground level from 3d noise
-s16 find_ground_level_from_noise(u64 seed, v2s16 p2d, s16 precision)
- // Start a bit fuzzy to make averaging lower precision values
- // more useful
- s16 level = myrand_range(-precision/2, precision/2);
- s16 dec[] = {31000, 100, 20, 4, 1, 0};
- s16 i;
- for(i = 1; dec[i] != 0 && precision <= dec[i]; i++)
- {
- // First find non-ground by going upwards
- // Don't stop in caves.
- {
- s16 max = level+dec[i-1]*2;
- v3s16 p(p2d.X, level, p2d.Y);
- for(; p.Y < max; p.Y += dec[i])
- {
- if(!is_ground(seed, p))
- {
- level = p.Y;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Then find ground by going downwards from there.
- // Go in caves, too, when precision is 1.
- {
- s16 min = level-dec[i-1]*2;
- v3s16 p(p2d.X, level, p2d.Y);
- for(; p.Y>min; p.Y-=dec[i])
- {
- bool ground = is_ground(seed, p);
- /*if(dec[i] == 1 && is_cave(seed, p))
- ground = false;*/
- if(ground)
- {
- level = p.Y;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // This is more like the actual ground level
- level += dec[i-1]/2;
- return level;
-double get_sector_average_ground_level(u64 seed, v2s16 sectorpos, double p=4);
-double get_sector_average_ground_level(u64 seed, v2s16 sectorpos, double p)
- v2s16 node_min = sectorpos*MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
- v2s16 node_max = (sectorpos+v2s16(1,1))*MAP_BLOCKSIZE-v2s16(1,1);
- double a = 0;
- a += find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Y), p);
- a += find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X, node_max.Y), p);
- a += find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_max.X, node_max.Y), p);
- a += find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_max.X, node_min.Y), p);
- a += find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, node_min.Y+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2), p);
- a /= 5;
- return a;
-double get_sector_maximum_ground_level(u64 seed, v2s16 sectorpos, double p=4);
-double get_sector_maximum_ground_level(u64 seed, v2s16 sectorpos, double p)
- v2s16 node_min = sectorpos*MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
- v2s16 node_max = (sectorpos+v2s16(1,1))*MAP_BLOCKSIZE-v2s16(1,1);
- double a = -31000;
- // Corners
- a = MYMAX(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Y), p));
- a = MYMAX(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X, node_max.Y), p));
- a = MYMAX(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_max.X, node_max.Y), p));
- a = MYMAX(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Y), p));
- // Center
- a = MYMAX(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, node_min.Y+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2), p));
- // Side middle points
- a = MYMAX(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, node_min.Y), p));
- a = MYMAX(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, node_max.Y), p));
- a = MYMAX(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Y+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2), p));
- a = MYMAX(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_max.X, node_min.Y+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2), p));
- return a;
-double get_sector_minimum_ground_level(u64 seed, v2s16 sectorpos, double p=4);
-double get_sector_minimum_ground_level(u64 seed, v2s16 sectorpos, double p)
- v2s16 node_min = sectorpos*MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
- v2s16 node_max = (sectorpos+v2s16(1,1))*MAP_BLOCKSIZE-v2s16(1,1);
- double a = 31000;
- // Corners
- a = MYMIN(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Y), p));
- a = MYMIN(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X, node_max.Y), p));
- a = MYMIN(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_max.X, node_max.Y), p));
- a = MYMIN(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Y), p));
- // Center
- a = MYMIN(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, node_min.Y+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2), p));
- // Side middle points
- a = MYMIN(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, node_min.Y), p));
- a = MYMIN(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, node_max.Y), p));
- a = MYMIN(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Y+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2), p));
- a = MYMIN(a, find_ground_level_from_noise(seed,
- v2s16(node_max.X, node_min.Y+MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2), p));
- return a;
-// Required by mapgen.h
-bool block_is_underground(u64 seed, v3s16 blockpos)
- /*s16 minimum_groundlevel = (s16)get_sector_minimum_ground_level(
- seed, v2s16(blockpos.X, blockpos.Z));*/
- // Nah, this is just a heuristic, just return something
- s16 minimum_groundlevel = WATER_LEVEL;
- if(blockpos.Y*MAP_BLOCKSIZE + MAP_BLOCKSIZE <= minimum_groundlevel)
- return true;
- else
- return false;
-double base_rock_level_2d(u64 seed, v2s16 p)
- // The base ground level
- double base = (double)WATER_LEVEL - (double)AVERAGE_MUD_AMOUNT
- + 20. * noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/250., 0.5+(float)p.Y/250.,
- seed+82341, 5, 0.6);
- /*// A bit hillier one
- double base2 = WATER_LEVEL - 4.0 + 40. * noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/250., 0.5+(float)p.Y/250.,
- seed+93413, 6, 0.69);
- if(base2 > base)
- base = base2;*/
-#if 1
- // Higher ground level
- double higher = (double)WATER_LEVEL + 20. + 16. * noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/500., 0.5+(float)p.Y/500.,
- seed+85039, 5, 0.6);
- //higher = 30; // For debugging
- // Limit higher to at least base
- if(higher < base)
- higher = base;
- // Steepness factor of cliffs
- double b = 0.85 + 0.5 * noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/125., 0.5+(float)p.Y/125.,
- seed-932, 5, 0.7);
- b = rangelim(b, 0.0, 1000.0);
- b = b*b*b*b*b*b*b;
- b *= 5;
- b = rangelim(b, 0.5, 1000.0);
- // Values 1.5...100 give quite horrible looking slopes
- if(b > 1.5 && b < 100.0){
- if(b < 10.0)
- b = 1.5;
- else
- b = 100.0;
- }
- //dstream<<"b="<<b<<std::endl;
- //double b = 20;
- //b = 0.25;
- // Offset to more low
- double a_off = -0.20;
- // High/low selector
- /*double a = 0.5 + b * (a_off + noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/500., 0.5+(float)p.Y/500.,
- seed+4213, 6, 0.7));*/
- double a = (double)0.5 + b * (a_off + noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/250., 0.5+(float)p.Y/250.,
- seed+4213, 5, 0.69));
- // Limit
- a = rangelim(a, 0.0, 1.0);
- //dstream<<"a="<<a<<std::endl;
- double h = base*(1.0-a) + higher*a;
- double h = base;
- return h;
-s16 find_ground_level_from_noise(u64 seed, v2s16 p2d, s16 precision)
- return base_rock_level_2d(seed, p2d) + AVERAGE_MUD_AMOUNT;
-double get_mud_add_amount(u64 seed, v2s16 p)
- return ((float)AVERAGE_MUD_AMOUNT + 2.0 * noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/200, 0.5+(float)p.Y/200,
- seed+91013, 3, 0.55));
-bool get_have_beach(u64 seed, v2s16 p2d)
- // Determine whether to have sand here
- double sandnoise = noise2d_perlin(
- 0.2+(float)p2d.X/250, 0.7+(float)p2d.Y/250,
- seed+59420, 3, 0.50);
- return (sandnoise > 0.15);
-enum BiomeType
-BiomeType get_biome(u64 seed, v2s16 p2d)
- // Just do something very simple as for now
- double d = noise2d_perlin(
- 0.6+(float)p2d.X/250, 0.2+(float)p2d.Y/250,
- seed+9130, 3, 0.50);
- if(d > 0.45)
- return BT_DESERT;
- if(d > 0.35 && (noise2d( p2d.X, p2d.Y, int(seed) ) + 1.0) > ( 0.45 - d ) * 20.0 )
- return BT_DESERT;
- return BT_NORMAL;
-u32 get_blockseed(u64 seed, v3s16 p)
- s32 x=p.X, y=p.Y, z=p.Z;
- return (u32)(seed%0x100000000ULL) + z*38134234 + y*42123 + x*23;
-void make_block(BlockMakeData *data)
- if(data->no_op)
- {
- //dstream<<"makeBlock: no-op"<<std::endl;
- return;
- }
- assert(data->vmanip);
- assert(data->nodedef);
- assert(data->blockpos_requested.X >= data->blockpos_min.X &&
- data->blockpos_requested.Y >= data->blockpos_min.Y &&
- data->blockpos_requested.Z >= data->blockpos_min.Z);
- assert(data->blockpos_requested.X <= data->blockpos_max.X &&
- data->blockpos_requested.Y <= data->blockpos_max.Y &&
- data->blockpos_requested.Z <= data->blockpos_max.Z);
- INodeDefManager *ndef = data->nodedef;
- // Hack: use minimum block coordinates for old code that assumes
- // a single block
- v3s16 blockpos = data->blockpos_requested;
- /*dstream<<"makeBlock(): ("<<blockpos.X<<","<<blockpos.Y<<","
- <<blockpos.Z<<")"<<std::endl;*/
- v3s16 blockpos_min = data->blockpos_min;
- v3s16 blockpos_max = data->blockpos_max;
- v3s16 blockpos_full_min = blockpos_min - v3s16(1,1,1);
- v3s16 blockpos_full_max = blockpos_max + v3s16(1,1,1);
- ManualMapVoxelManipulator &vmanip = *(data->vmanip);
- // Area of central chunk
- v3s16 node_min = blockpos_min*MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
- v3s16 node_max = (blockpos_max+v3s16(1,1,1))*MAP_BLOCKSIZE-v3s16(1,1,1);
- // Full allocated area
- v3s16 full_node_min = (blockpos_min-1)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
- v3s16 full_node_max = (blockpos_max+2)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE-v3s16(1,1,1);
- v3s16 central_area_size = node_max - node_min + v3s16(1,1,1);
- const s16 max_spread_amount = MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
- int volume_blocks = (blockpos_max.X - blockpos_min.X + 1)
- * (blockpos_max.Y - blockpos_min.Y + 1)
- * (blockpos_max.Z - blockpos_max.Z + 1);
- int volume_nodes = volume_blocks *
- // Generated surface area
- //double gen_area_nodes = MAP_BLOCKSIZE*MAP_BLOCKSIZE * rel_volume;
- // Horribly wrong heuristic, but better than nothing
- bool block_is_underground = (WATER_LEVEL > node_max.Y);
- /*
- Create a block-specific seed
- */
- u32 blockseed = get_blockseed(data->seed, full_node_min);
- /*
- Cache some ground type values for speed
- */
-// Creates variables c_name=id and n_name=node
-#define CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, name)\
- content_t c_##name = ndef->getId("mapgen_" #name);\
- MapNode n_##name(c_##name);
-// Default to something else if was CONTENT_IGNORE
-#define CONTENT_VARIABLE_FALLBACK(name, dname)\
- if(c_##name == CONTENT_IGNORE){\
- c_##name = c_##dname;\
- n_##name = n_##dname;\
- }
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, stone);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, air);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, water_source);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, dirt);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, sand);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, gravel);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, clay);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, lava_source);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, cobble);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, mossycobble);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, dirt_with_grass);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, junglegrass);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, stone_with_coal);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, stone_with_iron);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, mese);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, desert_sand);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE_FALLBACK(desert_sand, sand);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, desert_stone);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE_FALLBACK(desert_stone, stone);
- // Maximum height of the stone surface and obstacles.
- // This is used to guide the cave generation
- s16 stone_surface_max_y = 0;
- /*
- Generate general ground level to full area
- */
- {
-#if 1
- TimeTaker timer1("Generating ground level");
- for(s16 x=node_min.X; x<=node_max.X; x++)
- for(s16 z=node_min.Z; z<=node_max.Z; z++)
- {
- // Node position
- v2s16 p2d = v2s16(x,z);
- /*
- Skip of already generated
- */
- /*{
- v3s16 p(p2d.X, node_min.Y, p2d.Y);
- if(vmanip.m_data[vmanip.m_area.index(p)].d != CONTENT_AIR)
- continue;
- }*/
- // Ground height at this point
- float surface_y_f = 0.0;
- // Use perlin noise for ground height
- surface_y_f = base_rock_level_2d(data->seed, p2d);
- /*// Experimental stuff
- {
- float a = highlands_level_2d(data->seed, p2d);
- if(a > surface_y_f)
- surface_y_f = a;
- }*/
- // Convert to integer
- s16 surface_y = (s16)surface_y_f;
- // Log it
- if(surface_y > stone_surface_max_y)
- stone_surface_max_y = surface_y;
- BiomeType bt = get_biome(data->seed, p2d);
- /*
- Fill ground with stone
- */
- {
- // Use fast index incrementing
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, node_min.Y, p2d.Y));
- for(s16 y=node_min.Y; y<=node_max.Y; y++)
- {
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE){
- if(y <= surface_y){
- if(y > WATER_LEVEL && bt == BT_DESERT)
- vmanip.m_data[i] = n_desert_stone;
- else
- vmanip.m_data[i] = n_stone;
- } else if(y <= WATER_LEVEL){
- vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_water_source);
- } else {
- vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_air);
- }
- }
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }//timer1
- // Limit dirt flow area by 1 because mud is flown into neighbors.
- assert(central_area_size.X == central_area_size.Z);
- s16 mudflow_minpos = 0-max_spread_amount+1;
- s16 mudflow_maxpos = central_area_size.X+max_spread_amount-2;
- /*
- Loop this part, it will make stuff look older and newer nicely
- */
- const u32 age_loops = 2;
- for(u32 i_age=0; i_age<age_loops; i_age++)
- { // Aging loop
- /******************************
- ******************************/
-#if 1
- {
- // 24ms @cs=8
- //TimeTaker timer1("caves");
- /*
- Make caves (this code is relatively horrible)
- */
- double cave_amount = 6.0 + 6.0 * noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(double)node_min.X/250, 0.5+(double)node_min.Y/250,
- data->seed+34329, 3, 0.50);
- cave_amount = MYMAX(0.0, cave_amount);
- u32 caves_count = cave_amount * volume_nodes / 50000;
- u32 bruises_count = 1;
- PseudoRandom ps(blockseed+21343);
- PseudoRandom ps2(blockseed+1032);
- if(ps.range(1, 6) == 1)
- bruises_count = ps.range(0, ps.range(0, 2));
- if(get_biome(data->seed, v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Y)) == BT_DESERT){
- caves_count /= 3;
- bruises_count /= 3;
- }
- for(u32 jj=0; jj<caves_count+bruises_count; jj++)
- {
- bool large_cave = (jj >= caves_count);
- s16 min_tunnel_diameter = 2;
- s16 max_tunnel_diameter = ps.range(2,6);
- int dswitchint = ps.range(1,14);
- u16 tunnel_routepoints = 0;
- int part_max_length_rs = 0;
- if(large_cave){
- part_max_length_rs = ps.range(2,4);
- tunnel_routepoints = ps.range(5, ps.range(15,30));
- min_tunnel_diameter = 5;
- max_tunnel_diameter = ps.range(7, ps.range(8,24));
- } else {
- part_max_length_rs = ps.range(2,9);
- tunnel_routepoints = ps.range(10, ps.range(15,30));
- }
- bool large_cave_is_flat = (ps.range(0,1) == 0);
- v3f main_direction(0,0,0);
- // Allowed route area size in nodes
- v3s16 ar = central_area_size;
- // Area starting point in nodes
- v3s16 of = node_min;
- // Allow a bit more
- //(this should be more than the maximum radius of the tunnel)
- //s16 insure = 5; // Didn't work with max_d = 20
- s16 insure = 10;
- s16 more = max_spread_amount - max_tunnel_diameter/2 - insure;
- ar += v3s16(1,0,1) * more * 2;
- of -= v3s16(1,0,1) * more;
- s16 route_y_min = 0;
- // Allow half a diameter + 7 over stone surface
- s16 route_y_max = -of.Y + stone_surface_max_y + max_tunnel_diameter/2 + 7;
- /*// If caves, don't go through surface too often
- if(large_cave == false)
- route_y_max -= ps.range(0, max_tunnel_diameter*2);*/
- // Limit maximum to area
- route_y_max = rangelim(route_y_max, 0, ar.Y-1);
- if(large_cave)
- {
- /*// Minimum is at y=0
- route_y_min = -of.Y - 0;*/
- // Minimum is at y=max_tunnel_diameter/4
- //route_y_min = -of.Y + max_tunnel_diameter/4;
- //s16 min = -of.Y + max_tunnel_diameter/4;
- //s16 min = -of.Y + 0;
- s16 min = 0;
- if(node_min.Y < WATER_LEVEL && node_max.Y > WATER_LEVEL)
- {
- min = WATER_LEVEL - max_tunnel_diameter/3 - of.Y;
- route_y_max = WATER_LEVEL + max_tunnel_diameter/3 - of.Y;
- }
- route_y_min = ps.range(min, min + max_tunnel_diameter);
- route_y_min = rangelim(route_y_min, 0, route_y_max);
- }
- /*dstream<<"route_y_min = "<<route_y_min
- <<", route_y_max = "<<route_y_max<<std::endl;*/
- s16 route_start_y_min = route_y_min;
- s16 route_start_y_max = route_y_max;
- // Start every 4th cave from surface when applicable
- /*bool coming_from_surface = false;
- if(node_min.Y <= 0 && node_max.Y >= 0){
- coming_from_surface = (jj % 4 == 0 && large_cave == false);
- if(coming_from_surface)
- route_start_y_min = -of.Y + stone_surface_max_y + 10;
- }*/
- route_start_y_min = rangelim(route_start_y_min, 0, ar.Y-1);
- route_start_y_max = rangelim(route_start_y_max, route_start_y_min, ar.Y-1);
- // Randomize starting position
- v3f orp(
- (float)(ps.next()%ar.X)+0.5,
- (float)(ps.range(route_start_y_min, route_start_y_max))+0.5,
- (float)(ps.next()%ar.Z)+0.5
- );
- v3s16 startp(orp.X, orp.Y, orp.Z);
- startp += of;
- MapNode airnode(CONTENT_AIR);
- MapNode waternode(c_water_source);
- MapNode lavanode(c_lava_source);
- /*
- Generate some tunnel starting from orp
- */
- for(u16 j=0; j<tunnel_routepoints; j++)
- {
- if(j%dswitchint==0 && large_cave == false)
- {
- main_direction = v3f(
- ((float)(ps.next()%20)-(float)10)/10,
- ((float)(ps.next()%20)-(float)10)/30,
- ((float)(ps.next()%20)-(float)10)/10
- );
- main_direction *= (float)ps.range(0, 10)/10;
- }
- // Randomize size
- s16 min_d = min_tunnel_diameter;
- s16 max_d = max_tunnel_diameter;
- s16 rs = ps.range(min_d, max_d);
- // Every second section is rough
- bool randomize_xz = (ps2.range(1,2) == 1);
- v3s16 maxlen;
- if(large_cave)
- {
- maxlen = v3s16(
- rs*part_max_length_rs,
- rs*part_max_length_rs/2,
- rs*part_max_length_rs
- );
- }
- else
- {
- maxlen = v3s16(
- rs*part_max_length_rs,
- ps.range(1, rs*part_max_length_rs),
- rs*part_max_length_rs
- );
- }
- v3f vec;
- vec = v3f(
- (float)(ps.next()%(maxlen.X*1))-(float)maxlen.X/2,
- (float)(ps.next()%(maxlen.Y*1))-(float)maxlen.Y/2,
- (float)(ps.next()%(maxlen.Z*1))-(float)maxlen.Z/2
- );
- // Jump downward sometimes
- if(!large_cave && ps.range(0,12) == 0)
- {
- vec = v3f(
- (float)(ps.next()%(maxlen.X*1))-(float)maxlen.X/2,
- (float)(ps.next()%(maxlen.Y*2))-(float)maxlen.Y*2/2,
- (float)(ps.next()%(maxlen.Z*1))-(float)maxlen.Z/2
- );
- }
- /*if(large_cave){
- v3f p = orp + vec;
- s16 h = find_ground_level_clever(vmanip,
- v2s16(p.X, p.Z), ndef);
- route_y_min = h - rs/3;
- route_y_max = h + rs;
- }*/
- vec += main_direction;
- v3f rp = orp + vec;
- if(rp.X < 0)
- rp.X = 0;
- else if(rp.X >= ar.X)
- rp.X = ar.X-1;
- if(rp.Y < route_y_min)
- rp.Y = route_y_min;
- else if(rp.Y >= route_y_max)
- rp.Y = route_y_max-1;
- if(rp.Z < 0)
- rp.Z = 0;
- else if(rp.Z >= ar.Z)
- rp.Z = ar.Z-1;
- vec = rp - orp;
- for(float f=0; f<1.0; f+=1.0/vec.getLength())
- {
- v3f fp = orp + vec * f;
- fp.X += 0.1*ps.range(-10,10);
- fp.Z += 0.1*ps.range(-10,10);
- v3s16 cp(fp.X, fp.Y, fp.Z);
- s16 d0 = -rs/2;
- s16 d1 = d0 + rs;
- if(randomize_xz){
- d0 += ps.range(-1,1);
- d1 += ps.range(-1,1);
- }
- for(s16 z0=d0; z0<=d1; z0++)
- {
- s16 si = rs/2 - MYMAX(0, abs(z0)-rs/7-1);
- for(s16 x0=-si-ps.range(0,1); x0<=si-1+ps.range(0,1); x0++)
- {
- s16 maxabsxz = MYMAX(abs(x0), abs(z0));
- s16 si2 = rs/2 - MYMAX(0, maxabsxz-rs/7-1);
- for(s16 y0=-si2; y0<=si2; y0++)
- {
- /*// Make better floors in small caves
- if(y0 <= -rs/2 && rs<=7)
- continue;*/
- if(large_cave_is_flat){
- // Make large caves not so tall
- if(rs > 7 && abs(y0) >= rs/3)
- continue;
- }
- s16 z = cp.Z + z0;
- s16 y = cp.Y + y0;
- s16 x = cp.X + x0;
- v3s16 p(x,y,z);
- p += of;
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(p) == false)
- continue;
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(p);
- if(large_cave)
- {
- if(full_node_min.Y < WATER_LEVEL &&
- full_node_max.Y > WATER_LEVEL){
- if(p.Y <= WATER_LEVEL)
- vmanip.m_data[i] = waternode;
- else
- vmanip.m_data[i] = airnode;
- } else if(full_node_max.Y < WATER_LEVEL){
- if(p.Y < startp.Y - 2)
- vmanip.m_data[i] = lavanode;
- else
- vmanip.m_data[i] = airnode;
- } else {
- vmanip.m_data[i] = airnode;
- }
- } else {
- // Don't replace air or water or lava or ignore
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE ||
- vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == CONTENT_AIR ||
- vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_water_source ||
- vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_lava_source)
- continue;
- vmanip.m_data[i] = airnode;
- // Set tunnel flag
- vmanip.m_flags[i] |= VMANIP_FLAG_CAVE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- orp = rp;
- }
- }
- }//timer1
-#if 1
- {
- // 15ms @cs=8
- TimeTaker timer1("add mud");
- /*
- Add mud to the central chunk
- */
- for(s16 x=node_min.X; x<=node_max.X; x++)
- for(s16 z=node_min.Z; z<=node_max.Z; z++)
- {
- // Node position in 2d
- v2s16 p2d = v2s16(x,z);
- // Randomize mud amount
- s16 mud_add_amount = get_mud_add_amount(data->seed, p2d) / 2.0 + 0.5;
- // Find ground level
- s16 surface_y = find_stone_level(vmanip, p2d, ndef);
- // Handle area not found
- if(surface_y == vmanip.m_area.MinEdge.Y - 1)
- continue;
- MapNode addnode(c_dirt);
- BiomeType bt = get_biome(data->seed, p2d);
- if(bt == BT_DESERT)
- addnode = MapNode(c_desert_sand);
- if(bt == BT_DESERT && surface_y + mud_add_amount <= WATER_LEVEL+1){
- addnode = MapNode(c_sand);
- } else if(mud_add_amount <= 0){
- mud_add_amount = 1 - mud_add_amount;
- addnode = MapNode(c_gravel);
- } else if(bt == BT_NORMAL && get_have_beach(data->seed, p2d) &&
- surface_y + mud_add_amount <= WATER_LEVEL+2){
- addnode = MapNode(c_sand);
- }
- if(bt == BT_DESERT){
- if(surface_y > 20){
- mud_add_amount = MYMAX(0, mud_add_amount - (surface_y - 20)/5);
- }
- }
- /*
- If topmost node is grass, change it to mud.
- It might be if it was flown to there from a neighboring
- chunk and then converted.
- */
- {
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, surface_y, p2d.Y));
- MapNode *n = &vmanip.m_data[i];
- if(n->getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass)
- *n = MapNode(c_dirt);
- }
- /*
- Add mud on ground
- */
- {
- s16 mudcount = 0;
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- s16 y_start = surface_y+1;
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, y_start, p2d.Y));
- for(s16 y=y_start; y<=node_max.Y; y++)
- {
- if(mudcount >= mud_add_amount)
- break;
- MapNode &n = vmanip.m_data[i];
- n = addnode;
- mudcount++;
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }//timer1
- /*
- Add blobs of dirt and gravel underground
- */
- if(get_biome(data->seed, v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Y)) == BT_NORMAL)
- {
- PseudoRandom pr(blockseed+983);
- for(int i=0; i<volume_nodes/10/10/10; i++)
- {
- bool only_fill_cave = (myrand_range(0,1) != 0);
- v3s16 size(
- pr.range(1, 8),
- pr.range(1, 8),
- pr.range(1, 8)
- );
- v3s16 p0(
- pr.range(node_min.X, node_max.X)-size.X/2,
- pr.range(node_min.Y, node_max.Y)-size.Y/2,
- pr.range(node_min.Z, node_max.Z)-size.Z/2
- );
- MapNode n1;
- if(p0.Y > -32 && pr.range(0,1) == 0)
- n1 = MapNode(c_dirt);
- else
- n1 = MapNode(c_gravel);
- for(int x1=0; x1<size.X; x1++)
- for(int y1=0; y1<size.Y; y1++)
- for(int z1=0; z1<size.Z; z1++)
- {
- v3s16 p = p0 + v3s16(x1,y1,z1);
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(p);
- if(!vmanip.m_area.contains(i))
- continue;
- // Cancel if not stone and not cave air
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() != c_stone &&
- !(vmanip.m_flags[i] & VMANIP_FLAG_CAVE))
- continue;
- if(only_fill_cave && !(vmanip.m_flags[i] & VMANIP_FLAG_CAVE))
- continue;
- vmanip.m_data[i] = n1;
- }
- }
- }
-#if 1
- {
- // 340ms @cs=8
- TimeTaker timer1("flow mud");
- /*
- Flow mud away from steep edges
- */
- // Iterate a few times
- for(s16 k=0; k<3; k++)
- {
- for(s16 x=mudflow_minpos; x<=mudflow_maxpos; x++)
- for(s16 z=mudflow_minpos; z<=mudflow_maxpos; z++)
- {
- // Invert coordinates every 2nd iteration
- if(k%2 == 0)
- {
- x = mudflow_maxpos - (x-mudflow_minpos);
- z = mudflow_maxpos - (z-mudflow_minpos);
- }
- // Node position in 2d
- v2s16 p2d = v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Z) + v2s16(x,z);
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, node_max.Y, p2d.Y));
- s16 y=node_max.Y;
- while(y >= node_min.Y)
- {
- for(;; y--)
- {
- MapNode *n = NULL;
- // Find mud
- for(; y>=node_min.Y; y--)
- {
- n = &vmanip.m_data[i];
- //if(content_walkable(n->d))
- // break;
- if(n->getContent() == c_dirt ||
- n->getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass ||
- n->getContent() == c_gravel)
- break;
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- }
- // Stop if out of area
- //if(vmanip.m_area.contains(i) == false)
- if(y < node_min.Y)
- break;
- /*// If not mud, do nothing to it
- MapNode *n = &vmanip.m_data[i];
- if(n->d != CONTENT_MUD && n->d != CONTENT_GRASS)
- continue;*/
- if(n->getContent() == c_dirt ||
- n->getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass)
- {
- // Make it exactly mud
- n->setContent(c_dirt);
- /*
- Don't flow it if the stuff under it is not mud
- */
- {
- u32 i2 = i;
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i2, -1);
- // Cancel if out of area
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(i2) == false)
- continue;
- MapNode *n2 = &vmanip.m_data[i2];
- if(n2->getContent() != c_dirt &&
- n2->getContent() != c_dirt_with_grass)
- continue;
- }
- }
- /*s16 recurse_count = 0;
- mudflow_recurse:*/
- v3s16 dirs4[4] = {
- v3s16(0,0,1), // back
- v3s16(1,0,0), // right
- v3s16(0,0,-1), // front
- v3s16(-1,0,0), // left
- };
- // Theck that upper is air or doesn't exist.
- // Cancel dropping if upper keeps it in place
- u32 i3 = i;
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i3, 1);
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(i3) == true
- && ndef->get(vmanip.m_data[i3]).walkable)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Drop mud on side
- for(u32 di=0; di<4; di++)
- {
- v3s16 dirp = dirs4[di];
- u32 i2 = i;
- // Move to side
- vmanip.m_area.add_p(em, i2, dirp);
- // Fail if out of area
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(i2) == false)
- continue;
- // Check that side is air
- MapNode *n2 = &vmanip.m_data[i2];
- if(ndef->get(*n2).walkable)
- continue;
- // Check that under side is air
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i2, -1);
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(i2) == false)
- continue;
- n2 = &vmanip.m_data[i2];
- if(ndef->get(*n2).walkable)
- continue;
- /*// Check that under that is air (need a drop of 2)
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i2, -1);
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(i2) == false)
- continue;
- n2 = &vmanip.m_data[i2];
- if(content_walkable(n2->d))
- continue;*/
- // Loop further down until not air
- bool dropped_to_unknown = false;
- do{
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i2, -1);
- n2 = &vmanip.m_data[i2];
- // if out of known area
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(i2) == false
- || n2->getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE){
- dropped_to_unknown = true;
- break;
- }
- }while(ndef->get(*n2).walkable == false);
- // Loop one up so that we're in air
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i2, 1);
- n2 = &vmanip.m_data[i2];
- bool old_is_water = (n->getContent() == c_water_source);
- // Move mud to new place
- if(!dropped_to_unknown) {
- *n2 = *n;
- // Set old place to be air (or water)
- if(old_is_water)
- *n = MapNode(c_water_source);
- else
- *n = MapNode(CONTENT_AIR);
- }
- // Done
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }//timer1
- } // Aging loop
- /***********************
- ************************/
- /*
- Add top and bottom side of water to transforming_liquid queue
- */
- for(s16 x=full_node_min.X; x<=full_node_max.X; x++)
- for(s16 z=full_node_min.Z; z<=full_node_max.Z; z++)
- {
- // Node position
- v2s16 p2d(x,z);
- {
- bool water_found = false;
- // Use fast index incrementing
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, full_node_max.Y, p2d.Y));
- for(s16 y=full_node_max.Y; y>=full_node_min.Y; y--)
- {
- if(y == full_node_max.Y){
- water_found =
- (vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_water_source ||
- vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_lava_source);
- }
- else if(water_found == false)
- {
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_water_source ||
- vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_lava_source)
- {
- v3s16 p = v3s16(p2d.X, y, p2d.Y);
- data->transforming_liquid.push_back(p);
- water_found = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // This can be done because water_found can only
- // turn to true and end up here after going through
- // a single block.
- if(vmanip.m_data[i+1].getContent() != c_water_source ||
- vmanip.m_data[i+1].getContent() != c_lava_source)
- {
- v3s16 p = v3s16(p2d.X, y+1, p2d.Y);
- data->transforming_liquid.push_back(p);
- water_found = false;
- }
- }
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Grow grass
- */
- for(s16 x=full_node_min.X; x<=full_node_max.X; x++)
- for(s16 z=full_node_min.Z; z<=full_node_max.Z; z++)
- {
- // Node position in 2d
- v2s16 p2d = v2s16(x,z);
- /*
- Find the lowest surface to which enough light ends up
- to make grass grow.
- Basically just wait until not air and not leaves.
- */
- s16 surface_y = 0;
- {
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, node_max.Y, p2d.Y));
- s16 y;
- // Go to ground level
- for(y=node_max.Y; y>=full_node_min.Y; y--)
- {
- MapNode &n = vmanip.m_data[i];
- if(ndef->get(n).param_type != CPT_LIGHT
- || ndef->get(n).liquid_type != LIQUID_NONE)
- break;
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- }
- if(y >= full_node_min.Y)
- surface_y = y;
- else
- surface_y = full_node_min.Y;
- }
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(p2d.X, surface_y, p2d.Y);
- MapNode *n = &vmanip.m_data[i];
- if(n->getContent() == c_dirt){
- // Well yeah, this can't be overground...
- if(surface_y < WATER_LEVEL - 20)
- continue;
- n->setContent(c_dirt_with_grass);
- }
- }
- /*
- Generate some trees
- */
- assert(central_area_size.X == central_area_size.Z);
- {
- PseudoRandom ps (blockseed);
- // Divide area into parts
- s16 div = 8;
- s16 sidelen = central_area_size.X / div;
- double area = sidelen * sidelen;
- for(s16 x0=0; x0<div; x0++)
- for(s16 z0=0; z0<div; z0++)
- {
- // Center position of part of division
- v2s16 p2d_center(
- node_min.X + sidelen/2 + sidelen*x0,
- node_min.Z + sidelen/2 + sidelen*z0
- );
- // Minimum edge of part of division
- v2s16 p2d_min(
- node_min.X + sidelen*x0,
- node_min.Z + sidelen*z0
- );
- // Maximum edge of part of division
- v2s16 p2d_max(
- node_min.X + sidelen + sidelen*x0 - 1,
- node_min.Z + sidelen + sidelen*z0 - 1
- );
- // Amount of trees
- u32 tree_count = area * tree_amount_2d(data->seed, p2d_center);
- // Put trees in random places on part of division
- for(u32 i=0; i<tree_count; i++)
- {
- s16 x = ps.range(p2d_min.X, p2d_max.X);
- s16 z = ps.range(p2d_min.Y, p2d_max.Y);
- s16 y = find_ground_level(vmanip, v2s16(x,z), ndef);
- // Don't make a tree under water level
- if(y < WATER_LEVEL)
- continue;
- // Don't make a tree so high that it doesn't fit
- if(y > node_max.Y - 6)
- continue;
- v3s16 p(x,y,z);
- /*
- Trees grow only on mud and grass
- */
- {
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p));
- MapNode *n = &vmanip.m_data[i];
- if(n->getContent() != c_dirt
- && n->getContent() != c_dirt_with_grass)
- continue;
- }
- p.Y++;
- // Make a tree
- treegen::make_tree(vmanip, p, false, ndef, ps.next());
- }
- }
- }
-#if 0
- /*
- Make base ground level
- */
- for(s16 x=node_min.X; x<=node_max.X; x++)
- for(s16 z=node_min.Z; z<=node_max.Z; z++)
- {
- // Node position
- v2s16 p2d(x,z);
- {
- // Use fast index incrementing
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, node_min.Y, p2d.Y));
- for(s16 y=node_min.Y; y<=node_max.Y; y++)
- {
- // Only modify places that have no content
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE)
- {
- // First priority: make air and water.
- // This avoids caves inside water.
- if(all_is_ground_except_caves == false
- && val_is_ground(noisebuf_ground.get(x,y,z),
- v3s16(x,y,z), data->seed) == false)
- {
- if(y <= WATER_LEVEL)
- vmanip.m_data[i] = n_water_source;
- else
- vmanip.m_data[i] = n_air;
- }
- else if(noisebuf_cave.get(x,y,z) > CAVE_NOISE_THRESHOLD)
- vmanip.m_data[i] = n_air;
- else
- vmanip.m_data[i] = n_stone;
- }
- vmanip->m_area.add_y(em, i, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Add mud and sand and others underground (in place of stone)
- */
- for(s16 x=node_min.X; x<=node_max.X; x++)
- for(s16 z=node_min.Z; z<=node_max.Z; z++)
- {
- // Node position
- v2s16 p2d(x,z);
- {
- // Use fast index incrementing
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, node_max.Y, p2d.Y));
- for(s16 y=node_max.Y; y>=node_min.Y; y--)
- {
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_stone)
- {
- if(noisebuf_ground_crumbleness.get(x,y,z) > 1.3)
- {
- if(noisebuf_ground_wetness.get(x,y,z) > 0.0)
- vmanip.m_data[i] = n_dirt;
- else
- vmanip.m_data[i] = n_sand;
- }
- else if(noisebuf_ground_crumbleness.get(x,y,z) > 0.7)
- {
- if(noisebuf_ground_wetness.get(x,y,z) < -0.6)
- vmanip.m_data[i] = n_gravel;
- }
- else if(noisebuf_ground_crumbleness.get(x,y,z) <
- -3.0 + MYMIN(0.1 * sqrt((float)MYMAX(0, -y)), 1.5))
- {
- vmanip.m_data[i] = n_lava_source;
- for(s16 x1=-1; x1<=1; x1++)
- for(s16 y1=-1; y1<=1; y1++)
- for(s16 z1=-1; z1<=1; z1++)
- data->transforming_liquid.push_back(
- v3s16(p2d.X+x1, y+y1, p2d.Y+z1));
- }
- }
- vmanip->m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Add dungeons
- */
- //if(node_min.Y < approx_groundlevel)
- //if(myrand() % 3 == 0)
- //if(myrand() % 3 == 0 && node_min.Y < approx_groundlevel)
- //if(myrand() % 100 == 0 && node_min.Y < approx_groundlevel)
- //float dungeon_rarity = g_settings.getFloat("dungeon_rarity");
- float dungeon_rarity = 0.02;
- if(((noise3d(blockpos.X,blockpos.Y,blockpos.Z,data->seed)+1.0)/2.0)
- < dungeon_rarity
- && node_min.Y < approx_groundlevel)
- {
- // Dungeon generator doesn't modify places which have this set
- // Set all air and water to be untouchable to make dungeons open
- // to caves and open air
- for(s16 x=full_node_min.X; x<=full_node_max.X; x++)
- for(s16 z=full_node_min.Z; z<=full_node_max.Z; z++)
- {
- // Node position
- v2s16 p2d(x,z);
- {
- // Use fast index incrementing
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, full_node_max.Y, p2d.Y));
- for(s16 y=full_node_max.Y; y>=full_node_min.Y; y--)
- {
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == CONTENT_AIR)
- vmanip.m_flags[i] |= VMANIP_FLAG_DUNGEON_PRESERVE;
- else if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_water_source)
- vmanip.m_flags[i] |= VMANIP_FLAG_DUNGEON_PRESERVE;
- vmanip->m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- }
- }
- }
- PseudoRandom random(blockseed+2);
- // Add it
- make_dungeon1(vmanip, random, ndef);
- // Convert some cobble to mossy cobble
- for(s16 x=full_node_min.X; x<=full_node_max.X; x++)
- for(s16 z=full_node_min.Z; z<=full_node_max.Z; z++)
- {
- // Node position
- v2s16 p2d(x,z);
- {
- // Use fast index incrementing
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, full_node_max.Y, p2d.Y));
- for(s16 y=full_node_max.Y; y>=full_node_min.Y; y--)
- {
- // (noisebuf not used because it doesn't contain the
- // full area)
- double wetness = noise3d_param(
- get_ground_wetness_params(data->seed), x,y,z);
- double d = noise3d_perlin((float)x/2.5,
- (float)y/2.5,(float)z/2.5,
- blockseed, 2, 1.4);
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_cobble)
- {
- if(d < wetness/3.0)
- {
- vmanip.m_data[i].setContent(c_mossycobble);
- }
- }
- /*else if(vmanip.m_flags[i] & VMANIP_FLAG_DUNGEON_INSIDE)
- {
- if(wetness > 1.2)
- vmanip.m_data[i].setContent(c_dirt);
- }*/
- vmanip->m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Add NC
- */
- {
- PseudoRandom ncrandom(blockseed+9324342);
- if(ncrandom.range(0, 1000) == 0 && blockpos.Y <= -3)
- {
- make_nc(vmanip, ncrandom, ndef);
- }
- }
- /*
- Add top and bottom side of water to transforming_liquid queue
- */
- for(s16 x=node_min.X; x<=node_max.X; x++)
- for(s16 z=node_min.Z; z<=node_max.Z; z++)
- {
- // Node position
- v2s16 p2d(x,z);
- {
- bool water_found = false;
- // Use fast index incrementing
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, node_max.Y, p2d.Y));
- for(s16 y=node_max.Y; y>=node_min.Y; y--)
- {
- if(water_found == false)
- {
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_water_source)
- {
- v3s16 p = v3s16(p2d.X, y, p2d.Y);
- data->transforming_liquid.push_back(p);
- water_found = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // This can be done because water_found can only
- // turn to true and end up here after going through
- // a single block.
- if(vmanip.m_data[i+1].getContent() != c_water_source)
- {
- v3s16 p = v3s16(p2d.X, y+1, p2d.Y);
- data->transforming_liquid.push_back(p);
- water_found = false;
- }
- }
- vmanip->m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- If close to ground level
- */
- //if(abs(approx_ground_depth) < 30)
- if(minimum_ground_depth < 5 && maximum_ground_depth > -5)
- {
- /*
- Add grass and mud
- */
- for(s16 x=node_min.X; x<=node_max.X; x++)
- for(s16 z=node_min.Z; z<=node_max.Z; z++)
- {
- // Node position
- v2s16 p2d(x,z);
- {
- bool possibly_have_sand = get_have_beach(data->seed, p2d);
- bool have_sand = false;
- u32 current_depth = 0;
- bool air_detected = false;
- bool water_detected = false;
- bool have_clay = false;
- // Use fast index incrementing
- s16 start_y = node_max.Y+2;
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, start_y, p2d.Y));
- for(s16 y=start_y; y>=node_min.Y-3; y--)
- {
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_water_source)
- water_detected = true;
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == CONTENT_AIR)
- air_detected = true;
- if((vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_stone
- || vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass
- || vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_dirt
- || vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_sand
- || vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_gravel
- ) && (air_detected || water_detected))
- {
- if(current_depth == 0 && y <= WATER_LEVEL+2
- && possibly_have_sand)
- have_sand = true;
- if(current_depth < 4)
- {
- if(have_sand)
- {
- vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_sand);
- }
- #if 1
- else if(current_depth==0 && !water_detected
- && y >= WATER_LEVEL && air_detected)
- vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_dirt_with_grass);
- #endif
- else
- vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_dirt);
- }
- else
- {
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_dirt
- || vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass)
- vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_stone);
- }
- current_depth++;
- if(current_depth >= 8)
- break;
- }
- else if(current_depth != 0)
- break;
- vmanip->m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Calculate some stuff
- */
- float surface_humidity = surface_humidity_2d(data->seed, p2d_center);
- bool is_jungle = surface_humidity > 0.75;
- // Amount of trees
- u32 tree_count = gen_area_nodes * tree_amount_2d(data->seed, p2d_center);
- if(is_jungle)
- tree_count *= 5;
- /*
- Add trees
- */
- PseudoRandom treerandom(blockseed);
- // Put trees in random places on part of division
- for(u32 i=0; i<tree_count; i++)
- {
- s16 x = treerandom.range(node_min.X, node_max.X);
- s16 z = treerandom.range(node_min.Z, node_max.Z);
- //s16 y = find_ground_level(vmanip, v2s16(x,z));
- s16 y = find_ground_level_from_noise(data->seed, v2s16(x,z), 4);
- // Don't make a tree under water level
- if(y < WATER_LEVEL)
- continue;
- // Make sure tree fits (only trees whose starting point is
- // at this block are added)
- if(y < node_min.Y || y > node_max.Y)
- continue;
- /*
- Find exact ground level
- */
- v3s16 p(x,y+6,z);
- bool found = false;
- for(; p.Y >= y-6; p.Y--)
- {
- u32 i = vmanip->m_area.index(p);
- MapNode *n = &vmanip->m_data[i];
- if(n->getContent() != CONTENT_AIR && n->getContent() != c_water_source && n->getContent() != CONTENT_IGNORE)
- {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- // If not found, handle next one
- if(found == false)
- continue;
- {
- u32 i = vmanip->m_area.index(p);
- MapNode *n = &vmanip->m_data[i];
- if(n->getContent() != c_dirt && n->getContent() != c_dirt_with_grass && n->getContent() != c_sand)
- continue;
- // Papyrus grows only on mud and in water
- if(n->getContent() == c_dirt && y <= WATER_LEVEL)
- {
- p.Y++;
- make_papyrus(vmanip, p, ndef);
- }
- // Trees grow only on mud and grass, on land
- else if((n->getContent() == c_dirt || n->getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass) && y > WATER_LEVEL + 2)
- {
- p.Y++;
- //if(surface_humidity_2d(data->seed, v2s16(x, y)) < 0.5)
- if(is_jungle == false)
- {
- bool is_apple_tree;
- if(myrand_range(0,4) != 0)
- is_apple_tree = false;
- else
- is_apple_tree = noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/100, 0.5+(float)p.Z/100,
- data->seed+342902, 3, 0.45) > 0.2;
- make_tree(vmanip, p, is_apple_tree, ndef);
- }
- else
- make_jungletree(vmanip, p, ndef);
- }
- // Cactii grow only on sand, on land
- else if(n->getContent() == c_sand && y > WATER_LEVEL + 2)
- {
- p.Y++;
- make_cactus(vmanip, p, ndef);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Add jungle grass
- */
- if(is_jungle)
- {
- PseudoRandom grassrandom(blockseed);
- for(u32 i=0; i<surface_humidity*5*tree_count; i++)
- {
- s16 x = grassrandom.range(node_min.X, node_max.X);
- s16 z = grassrandom.range(node_min.Z, node_max.Z);
- s16 y = find_ground_level_from_noise(data->seed, v2s16(x,z), 4);
- if(y < WATER_LEVEL)
- continue;
- if(y < node_min.Y || y > node_max.Y)
- continue;
- /*
- Find exact ground level
- */
- v3s16 p(x,y+6,z);
- bool found = false;
- for(; p.Y >= y-6; p.Y--)
- {
- u32 i = vmanip->m_area.index(p);
- MapNode *n = &vmanip->m_data[i];
- if(data->nodedef->get(*n).is_ground_content)
- {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- // If not found, handle next one
- if(found == false)
- continue;
- p.Y++;
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(p) == false)
- continue;
- if(vmanip.m_data[vmanip.m_area.index(p)].getContent() != CONTENT_AIR)
- continue;
- /*p.Y--;
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(p))
- vmanip.m_data[vmanip.m_area.index(p)] = c_dirt;
- p.Y++;*/
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(p))
- vmanip.m_data[vmanip.m_area.index(p)] = c_junglegrass;
- }
- }
-#if 0
- /*
- Add some kind of random stones
- */
- u32 random_stone_count = gen_area_nodes *
- randomstone_amount_2d(data->seed, p2d_center);
- // Put in random places on part of division
- for(u32 i=0; i<random_stone_count; i++)
- {
- s16 x = myrand_range(node_min.X, node_max.X);
- s16 z = myrand_range(node_min.Z, node_max.Z);
- s16 y = find_ground_level_from_noise(data->seed, v2s16(x,z), 1);
- // Don't add under water level
- /*if(y < WATER_LEVEL)
- continue;*/
- // Don't add if doesn't belong to this block
- if(y < node_min.Y || y > node_max.Y)
- continue;
- v3s16 p(x,y,z);
- // Filter placement
- /*{
- u32 i = vmanip->m_area.index(v3s16(p));
- MapNode *n = &vmanip->m_data[i];
- if(n->getContent() != c_dirt && n->getContent() != c_dirt_with_grass)
- continue;
- }*/
- // Will be placed one higher
- p.Y++;
- // Add it
- make_randomstone(vmanip, p);
- }
-#if 0
- /*
- Add larger stones
- */
- u32 large_stone_count = gen_area_nodes *
- largestone_amount_2d(data->seed, p2d_center);
- //u32 large_stone_count = 1;
- // Put in random places on part of division
- for(u32 i=0; i<large_stone_count; i++)
- {
- s16 x = myrand_range(node_min.X, node_max.X);
- s16 z = myrand_range(node_min.Z, node_max.Z);
- s16 y = find_ground_level_from_noise(data->seed, v2s16(x,z), 1);
- // Don't add under water level
- /*if(y < WATER_LEVEL)
- continue;*/
- // Don't add if doesn't belong to this block
- if(y < node_min.Y || y > node_max.Y)
- continue;
- v3s16 p(x,y,z);
- // Filter placement
- /*{
- u32 i = vmanip->m_area.index(v3s16(p));
- MapNode *n = &vmanip->m_data[i];
- if(n->getContent() != c_dirt && n->getContent() != c_dirt_with_grass)
- continue;
- }*/
- // Will be placed one lower
- p.Y--;
- // Add it
- make_largestone(vmanip, p);
- }
- }
- /*
- Add minerals
- */
- {
- PseudoRandom mineralrandom(blockseed);
- /*
- Add meseblocks
- */
- for(s16 i=0; i<approx_ground_depth/4; i++)
- {
- if(mineralrandom.next()%50 == 0)
- {
- s16 x = mineralrandom.range(node_min.X+1, node_max.X-1);
- s16 y = mineralrandom.range(node_min.Y+1, node_max.Y-1);
- s16 z = mineralrandom.range(node_min.Z+1, node_max.Z-1);
- for(u16 i=0; i<27; i++)
- {
- v3s16 p = v3s16(x,y,z) + g_27dirs[i];
- u32 vi = vmanip.m_area.index(p);
- if(vmanip.m_data[vi].getContent() == c_stone)
- if(mineralrandom.next()%8 == 0)
- vmanip.m_data[vi] = MapNode(c_mese);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Add others
- */
- {
- u16 a = mineralrandom.range(0,15);
- a = a*a*a;
- u16 amount = 20 * a/1000;
- for(s16 i=0; i<amount; i++)
- {
- s16 x = mineralrandom.range(node_min.X+1, node_max.X-1);
- s16 y = mineralrandom.range(node_min.Y+1, node_max.Y-1);
- s16 z = mineralrandom.range(node_min.Z+1, node_max.Z-1);
- u8 base_content = c_stone;
- MapNode new_content(CONTENT_IGNORE);
- u32 sparseness = 6;
- if(noisebuf_ground_crumbleness.get(x,y+5,z) < -0.1)
- {
- new_content = MapNode(c_stone_with_coal);
- }
- else
- {
- if(noisebuf_ground_wetness.get(x,y+5,z) > 0.0)
- new_content = MapNode(c_stone_with_iron);
- /*if(noisebuf_ground_wetness.get(x,y,z) > 0.0)
- vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_dirt);
- else
- vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_sand);*/
- }
- /*else if(noisebuf_ground_crumbleness.get(x,y,z) > 0.1)
- {
- }*/
- if(new_content.getContent() != CONTENT_IGNORE)
- {
- for(u16 i=0; i<27; i++)
- {
- v3s16 p = v3s16(x,y,z) + g_27dirs[i];
- u32 vi = vmanip.m_area.index(p);
- if(vmanip.m_data[vi].getContent() == base_content)
- {
- if(mineralrandom.next()%sparseness == 0)
- vmanip.m_data[vi] = new_content;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Add coal
- */
- //for(s16 i=0; i < MYMAX(0, 50 - abs(node_min.Y+8 - (-30))); i++)
- //for(s16 i=0; i<50; i++)
- u16 coal_amount = 30;
- u16 coal_rareness = 60 / coal_amount;
- if(coal_rareness == 0)
- coal_rareness = 1;
- if(mineralrandom.next()%coal_rareness == 0)
- {
- u16 a = mineralrandom.next() % 16;
- u16 amount = coal_amount * a*a*a / 1000;
- for(s16 i=0; i<amount; i++)
- {
- s16 x = mineralrandom.range(node_min.X+1, node_max.X-1);
- s16 y = mineralrandom.range(node_min.Y+1, node_max.Y-1);
- s16 z = mineralrandom.range(node_min.Z+1, node_max.Z-1);
- for(u16 i=0; i<27; i++)
- {
- v3s16 p = v3s16(x,y,z) + g_27dirs[i];
- u32 vi = vmanip.m_area.index(p);
- if(vmanip.m_data[vi].getContent() == c_stone)
- if(mineralrandom.next()%8 == 0)
- vmanip.m_data[vi] = MapNode(c_stone_with_coal);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Add iron
- */
- u16 iron_amount = 8;
- u16 iron_rareness = 60 / iron_amount;
- if(iron_rareness == 0)
- iron_rareness = 1;
- if(mineralrandom.next()%iron_rareness == 0)
- {
- u16 a = mineralrandom.next() % 16;
- u16 amount = iron_amount * a*a*a / 1000;
- for(s16 i=0; i<amount; i++)
- {
- s16 x = mineralrandom.range(node_min.X+1, node_max.X-1);
- s16 y = mineralrandom.range(node_min.Y+1, node_max.Y-1);
- s16 z = mineralrandom.range(node_min.Z+1, node_max.Z-1);
- for(u16 i=0; i<27; i++)
- {
- v3s16 p = v3s16(x,y,z) + g_27dirs[i];
- u32 vi = vmanip.m_area.index(p);
- if(vmanip.m_data[vi].getContent() == c_stone)
- if(mineralrandom.next()%8 == 0)
- vmanip.m_data[vi] = MapNode(c_stone_with_iron);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Calculate lighting
- */
- {
- ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "EmergeThread: mapgen lighting update",
- //VoxelArea a(node_min, node_max);
- VoxelArea a(node_min-v3s16(1,0,1)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE,
- node_max+v3s16(1,0,1)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE);
- /*VoxelArea a(node_min-v3s16(1,0,1)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2,
- node_max+v3s16(1,0,1)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2);*/
- enum LightBank banks[2] = {LIGHTBANK_DAY, LIGHTBANK_NIGHT};
- for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
- {
- enum LightBank bank = banks[i];
- std::set<v3s16> light_sources;
- std::map<v3s16, u8> unlight_from;
- voxalgo::clearLightAndCollectSources(vmanip, a, bank, ndef,
- light_sources, unlight_from);
- bool inexistent_top_provides_sunlight = !block_is_underground;
- voxalgo::SunlightPropagateResult res = voxalgo::propagateSunlight(
- vmanip, a, inexistent_top_provides_sunlight,
- light_sources, ndef);
- // TODO: Do stuff according to bottom_sunlight_valid
- vmanip.unspreadLight(bank, unlight_from, light_sources, ndef);
- vmanip.spreadLight(bank, light_sources, ndef);
- }
- }
-#endif ///BIG COMMENT
#include "main.h" // For g_profiler
#include "emerge.h"
#include "dungeongen.h"
+#include "treegen.h"
#include "mapgen_v6.h"
/////////////////// Mapgen V6 perlin noise default values
noise_mud = new Noise(params->np_mud, seed, csize.X, csize.Y);
noise_beach = new Noise(params->np_beach, seed, csize.X, csize.Y);
noise_biome = new Noise(params->np_biome, seed, csize.X, csize.Y);
- map_terrain_base = noise_terrain_base->result;
- map_terrain_higher = noise_terrain_higher->result;
- map_steepness = noise_steepness->result;
- map_height_select = noise_height_select->result;
- map_trees = noise_trees->result;
- map_mud = noise_mud->result;
- map_beach = noise_beach->result;
- map_biome = noise_biome->result;
- Some helper functions for the map generator
+//////////////////////// Some helper functions for the map generator
-#if 1
// Returns Y one under area minimum if not found
-s16 MapgenV6::find_ground_level(VoxelManipulator &vmanip, v2s16 p2d,
- INodeDefManager *ndef)
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- s16 y_nodes_max = vmanip.m_area.MaxEdge.Y;
- s16 y_nodes_min = vmanip.m_area.MinEdge.Y;
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, y_nodes_max, p2d.Y));
+s16 MapgenV6::find_ground_level(v2s16 p2d) {
+ v3s16 em = vm->m_area.getExtent();
+ s16 y_nodes_max = vm->m_area.MaxEdge.Y;
+ s16 y_nodes_min = vm->m_area.MinEdge.Y;
+ u32 i = vm->m_area.index(p2d.X, y_nodes_max, p2d.Y);
s16 y;
- for(y=y_nodes_max; y>=y_nodes_min; y--)
- {
- MapNode &n = vmanip.m_data[i];
+ for (y = y_nodes_max; y >= y_nodes_min; y--) {
+ MapNode &n = vm->m_data[i];
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
+ vm->m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- if(y >= y_nodes_min)
- return y;
- else
- return y_nodes_min - 1;
+ return (y >= y_nodes_min) ? y : y_nodes_min - 1;
// Returns Y one under area minimum if not found
-s16 MapgenV6::find_stone_level(VoxelManipulator &vmanip, v2s16 p2d,
- INodeDefManager *ndef)
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- s16 y_nodes_max = vmanip.m_area.MaxEdge.Y;
- s16 y_nodes_min = vmanip.m_area.MinEdge.Y;
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, y_nodes_max, p2d.Y));
+s16 MapgenV6::find_stone_level(v2s16 p2d) {
+ v3s16 em = vm->m_area.getExtent();
+ s16 y_nodes_max = vm->m_area.MaxEdge.Y;
+ s16 y_nodes_min = vm->m_area.MinEdge.Y;
+ u32 i = vm->m_area.index(p2d.X, y_nodes_max, p2d.Y);
s16 y;
- content_t c_stone = ndef->getId("mapgen_stone");
- content_t c_desert_stone = ndef->getId("mapgen_desert_stone");
- for(y=y_nodes_max; y>=y_nodes_min; y--)
- {
- MapNode &n = vmanip.m_data[i];
+ for (y = y_nodes_max; y >= y_nodes_min; y--) {
+ MapNode &n = vm->m_data[i];
content_t c = n.getContent();
- if(c != CONTENT_IGNORE && (
- c == c_stone || c == c_desert_stone))
+ if (c != CONTENT_IGNORE && (
+ c == c_stone || c == c_desert_stone))
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- }
- if(y >= y_nodes_min)
- return y;
- else
- return y_nodes_min - 1;
-void MapgenV6::make_tree(ManualMapVoxelManipulator &vmanip, v3s16 p0,
- bool is_apple_tree, INodeDefManager *ndef)
- MapNode treenode(ndef->getId("mapgen_tree"));
- MapNode leavesnode(ndef->getId("mapgen_leaves"));
- MapNode applenode(ndef->getId("mapgen_apple"));
- s16 trunk_h = myrand_range(4, 5);
- v3s16 p1 = p0;
- for(s16 ii=0; ii<trunk_h; ii++)
- {
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(p1))
- vmanip.m_data[vmanip.m_area.index(p1)] = treenode;
- p1.Y++;
- }
- // p1 is now the last piece of the trunk
- p1.Y -= 1;
- VoxelArea leaves_a(v3s16(-2,-1,-2), v3s16(2,2,2));
- //SharedPtr<u8> leaves_d(new u8[leaves_a.getVolume()]);
- Buffer<u8> leaves_d(leaves_a.getVolume());
- for(s32 i=0; i<leaves_a.getVolume(); i++)
- leaves_d[i] = 0;
- // Force leaves at near the end of the trunk
- {
- s16 d = 1;
- for(s16 z=-d; z<=d; z++)
- for(s16 y=-d; y<=d; y++)
- for(s16 x=-d; x<=d; x++)
- {
- leaves_d[leaves_a.index(v3s16(x,y,z))] = 1;
- }
- }
- // Add leaves randomly
- for(u32 iii=0; iii<7; iii++)
- {
- s16 d = 1;
- v3s16 p(
- myrand_range(leaves_a.MinEdge.X, leaves_a.MaxEdge.X-d),
- myrand_range(leaves_a.MinEdge.Y, leaves_a.MaxEdge.Y-d),
- myrand_range(leaves_a.MinEdge.Z, leaves_a.MaxEdge.Z-d)
- );
- for(s16 z=0; z<=d; z++)
- for(s16 y=0; y<=d; y++)
- for(s16 x=0; x<=d; x++)
- {
- leaves_d[leaves_a.index(p+v3s16(x,y,z))] = 1;
- }
- }
- // Blit leaves to vmanip
- for(s16 z=leaves_a.MinEdge.Z; z<=leaves_a.MaxEdge.Z; z++)
- for(s16 y=leaves_a.MinEdge.Y; y<=leaves_a.MaxEdge.Y; y++)
- for(s16 x=leaves_a.MinEdge.X; x<=leaves_a.MaxEdge.X; x++)
- {
- v3s16 p(x,y,z);
- p += p1;
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(p) == false)
- continue;
- u32 vi = vmanip.m_area.index(p);
- if(vmanip.m_data[vi].getContent() != CONTENT_AIR
- && vmanip.m_data[vi].getContent() != CONTENT_IGNORE)
- continue;
- u32 i = leaves_a.index(x,y,z);
- if(leaves_d[i] == 1) {
- bool is_apple = myrand_range(0,99) < 10;
- if(is_apple_tree && is_apple) {
- vmanip.m_data[vi] = applenode;
- } else {
- vmanip.m_data[vi] = leavesnode;
- }
- }
+ vm->m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
+ return (y >= y_nodes_min) ? y : y_nodes_min - 1;
- Noise functions. Make sure seed is mangled differently in each one.
-// Amount of trees per area in nodes
-double MapgenV6::tree_amount_2d(u64 seed, v2s16 p)
- /*double noise = noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/125, 0.5+(float)p.Y/125,
- seed+2, 4, 0.66);*/
- double noise = map_trees[(p.Y - node_min.Z) * ystride + (p.X - node_min.X)];
- double zeroval = -0.39;
- if(noise < zeroval)
- return 0;
- else
- return 0.04 * (noise-zeroval) / (1.0-zeroval);
// Required by mapgen.h
bool MapgenV6::block_is_underground(u64 seed, v3s16 blockpos)
-double MapgenV6::base_rock_level_2d(u64 seed, v2s16 p)
- if (flags & MG_FLAT)
- return water_level;
- int index = (p.Y - node_min.Z) * ystride + (p.X - node_min.X);
+//////////////////////// Base terrain height functions
- // The base ground level
- /*double base = (double)WATER_LEVEL - (double)AVERAGE_MUD_AMOUNT
- + 20. * noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/250., 0.5+(float)p.Y/250.,
- seed+82341, 5, 0.6);*/
- double base = water_level + map_terrain_base[index];
+float MapgenV6::baseTerrainLevel(float terrain_base, float terrain_higher,
+ float steepness, float height_select) {
+ float base = water_level + terrain_base;
+ float higher = water_level + terrain_higher;
- // Higher ground level
- /*double higher = (double)WATER_LEVEL + 20. + 16. * noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/500., 0.5+(float)p.Y/500.,
- seed+85039, 5, 0.6);*/
- double higher = water_level + map_terrain_higher[index];
- // Limit higher to at least base
+ // Limit higher ground level to at least base
if(higher < base)
higher = base;
// Steepness factor of cliffs
- /*double b = 0.85 + 0.5 * noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/125., 0.5+(float)p.Y/125.,
- seed-932, 5, 0.7);*/
- double b = map_steepness[index];
+ float b = steepness;
b = rangelim(b, 0.0, 1000.0);
- b = pow(b, 7);
- b *= 5;
+ b = 5 * b * b * b * b * b * b * b;
b = rangelim(b, 0.5, 1000.0);
// Values 1.5...100 give quite horrible looking slopes
- if(b > 1.5 && b < 100.0){
- if(b < 10.0)
- b = 1.5;
- else
- b = 100.0;
- }
+ if (b > 1.5 && b < 100.0)
+ b = (b < 10.0) ? 1.5 : 100.0;
- // Offset to more low
- double a_off = -0.20;
+ float a_off = -0.20; // Offset to more low
+ float a = 0.5 + b * (a_off + height_select);
+ a = rangelim(a, 0.0, 1.0); // Limit
+ return base * (1.0 - a) + higher * a;
- // High/low selector
- /*double a = (double)0.5 + b * (a_off + noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(float)p.X/250., 0.5+(float)p.Y/250.,
- seed+4213, 5, 0.69));*/
- double a = 0.5 + b * (a_off + map_height_select[index]);
- // Limit
- a = rangelim(a, 0.0, 1.0);
+float MapgenV6::baseTerrainLevelFromNoise(v2s16 p) {
+ if (flags & MG_FLAT)
+ return water_level;
+ float terrain_base = NoisePerlin2DPosOffset(noise_terrain_base->np,
+ p.X, 0.5, p.Y, 0.5, seed);
+ float terrain_higher = NoisePerlin2DPosOffset(noise_terrain_higher->np,
+ p.X, 0.5, p.Y, 0.5, seed);
+ float steepness = NoisePerlin2DPosOffset(noise_steepness->np,
+ p.X, 0.5, p.Y, 0.5, seed);
+ float height_select = NoisePerlin2DNoTxfmPosOffset(noise_height_select->np,
+ p.X, 0.5, p.Y, 0.5, seed);
+ return baseTerrainLevel(terrain_base, terrain_higher,
+ steepness, height_select);
- double h = base*(1.0-a) + higher*a;
- return h;
+float MapgenV6::baseTerrainLevelFromMap(v2s16 p) {
+ int index = (p.Y - node_min.Z) * ystride + (p.X - node_min.X);
+ return baseTerrainLevelFromMap(index);
-double MapgenV6::baseRockLevelFromNoise(v2s16 p) {
+float MapgenV6::baseTerrainLevelFromMap(int index) {
if (flags & MG_FLAT)
return water_level;
- double base = water_level +
- NoisePerlin2DPosOffset(noise_terrain_base->np, p.X, 0.5, p.Y, 0.5, seed);
- double higher = water_level +
- NoisePerlin2DPosOffset(noise_terrain_higher->np, p.X, 0.5, p.Y, 0.5, seed);
+ float terrain_base = noise_terrain_base->result[index];
+ float terrain_higher = noise_terrain_higher->result[index];
+ float steepness = noise_steepness->result[index];
+ float height_select = noise_height_select->result[index];
+ return baseTerrainLevel(terrain_base, terrain_higher,
+ steepness, height_select);
- if (higher < base)
- higher = base;
- double b = NoisePerlin2DPosOffset(noise_steepness->np, p.X, 0.5, p.Y, 0.5, seed);
- b = rangelim(b, 0.0, 1000.0);
- b = b*b*b*b*b*b*b;
- b *= 5;
- b = rangelim(b, 0.5, 1000.0);
+s16 MapgenV6::find_ground_level_from_noise(u64 seed, v2s16 p2d, s16 precision) {
+ return baseTerrainLevelFromNoise(p2d) + AVERAGE_MUD_AMOUNT;
- if(b > 1.5 && b < 100.0){
- if(b < 10.0)
- b = 1.5;
- else
- b = 100.0;
- }
- double a_off = -0.20;
- double a = 0.5 + b * (a_off + NoisePerlin2DNoTxfmPosOffset(
- noise_height_select->np, p.X, 0.5, p.Y, 0.5, seed));
- a = rangelim(a, 0.0, 1.0);
- return base * (1.0 - a) + higher * a;
+int MapgenV6::getGroundLevelAtPoint(v2s16 p) {
+ return baseTerrainLevelFromNoise(p) + AVERAGE_MUD_AMOUNT;
-s16 MapgenV6::find_ground_level_from_noise(u64 seed, v2s16 p2d, s16 precision)
+//////////////////////// Noise functions
+float MapgenV6::getTreeAmount(v2s16 p) {
+ int index = (p.Y - node_min.Z) * ystride + (p.X - node_min.X);
+ return getTreeAmount(index);
+float MapgenV6::getMudAmount(v2s16 p) {
+ int index = (p.Y - node_min.Z) * ystride + (p.X - node_min.X);
+ return getMudAmount(index);
+bool MapgenV6::getHaveBeach(v2s16 p) {
+ int index = (p.Y - node_min.Z) * ystride + (p.X - node_min.X);
+ return getHaveBeach(index);
+BiomeType MapgenV6::getBiome(v2s16 p) {
+ int index = (p.Y - node_min.Z) * ystride + (p.X - node_min.X);
+ return getBiome(index, p);
+float MapgenV6::getTreeAmount(int index)
- return baseRockLevelFromNoise(p2d) + AVERAGE_MUD_AMOUNT;
+ /*double noise = noise2d_perlin(
+ 0.5+(float)p.X/125, 0.5+(float)p.Y/125,
+ seed+2, 4, 0.66);*/
+ float noise = noise_trees->result[index];
+ float zeroval = -0.39;
+ if (noise < zeroval)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return 0.04 * (noise-zeroval) / (1.0-zeroval);
-double MapgenV6::get_mud_add_amount(u64 seed, v2s16 p)
+float MapgenV6::getMudAmount(int index)
if (flags & MG_FLAT)
/*return ((float)AVERAGE_MUD_AMOUNT + 2.0 * noise2d_perlin(
0.5+(float)p.X/200, 0.5+(float)p.Y/200,
seed+91013, 3, 0.55));*/
- int index = (p.Y - node_min.Z) * ystride + (p.X - node_min.X);
- return map_mud[index];
+ return noise_mud->result[index];
-bool MapgenV6::get_have_beach(u64 seed, v2s16 p2d)
+bool MapgenV6::getHaveBeach(int index)
// Determine whether to have sand here
/*double sandnoise = noise2d_perlin(
0.2+(float)p2d.X/250, 0.7+(float)p2d.Y/250,
seed+59420, 3, 0.50);*/
- int index = (p2d.Y - node_min.Z) * ystride + (p2d.X - node_min.X);
- double sandnoise = map_beach[index];
+ float sandnoise = noise_beach->result[index];
return (sandnoise > freq_beach);
-BiomeType MapgenV6::get_biome(u64 seed, v2s16 p2d)
+BiomeType MapgenV6::getBiome(int index, v2s16 p)
// Just do something very simple as for now
/*double d = noise2d_perlin(
0.6+(float)p2d.X/250, 0.2+(float)p2d.Y/250,
seed+9130, 3, 0.50);*/
- int index = (p2d.Y - node_min.Z) * ystride + (p2d.X - node_min.X);
- double d = map_biome[index];
- if(d > freq_desert)
+ float d = noise_biome->result[index];
+ if (d > freq_desert)
return BT_DESERT;
- if (flags & MGV6_BIOME_BLEND) {
- if(d > freq_desert - 0.10 &&
- (noise2d(p2d.X, p2d.Y, seed) + 1.0) > (freq_desert - d) * 20.0)
- return BT_DESERT;
- }
+ if ((flags & MGV6_BIOME_BLEND) &&
+ (d > freq_desert - 0.10) &&
+ ((noise2d(p.X, p.Y, seed) + 1.0) > (freq_desert - d) * 20.0))
+ return BT_DESERT;
return BT_NORMAL;
u32 MapgenV6::get_blockseed(u64 seed, v3s16 p)
-int MapgenV6::getGroundLevelAtPoint(v2s16 p) {
- return baseRockLevelFromNoise(p) + AVERAGE_MUD_AMOUNT;
-void MapgenV6::makeChunk(BlockMakeData *data)
- this->generating = true;
+//////////////////////// Map generator
+void MapgenV6::makeChunk(BlockMakeData *data) {
assert(data->blockpos_requested.X >= data->blockpos_min.X &&
- data->blockpos_requested.Y >= data->blockpos_min.Y &&
- data->blockpos_requested.Z >= data->blockpos_min.Z);
+ data->blockpos_requested.Y >= data->blockpos_min.Y &&
+ data->blockpos_requested.Z >= data->blockpos_min.Z);
assert(data->blockpos_requested.X <= data->blockpos_max.X &&
- data->blockpos_requested.Y <= data->blockpos_max.Y &&
- data->blockpos_requested.Z <= data->blockpos_max.Z);
- INodeDefManager *ndef = data->nodedef;
- // Hack: use minimum block coordinates for old code that assumes
- // a single block
+ data->blockpos_requested.Y <= data->blockpos_max.Y &&
+ data->blockpos_requested.Z <= data->blockpos_max.Z);
+ this->generating = true;
+ this->vm = data->vmanip;
+ this->ndef = data->nodedef;
+ // Hack: use minimum block coords for old code that assumes a single block
v3s16 blockpos = data->blockpos_requested;
- /*dstream<<"makeBlock(): ("<<blockpos.X<<","<<blockpos.Y<<","
- <<blockpos.Z<<")"<<std::endl;*/
v3s16 blockpos_min = data->blockpos_min;
v3s16 blockpos_max = data->blockpos_max;
v3s16 blockpos_full_min = blockpos_min - v3s16(1,1,1);
v3s16 blockpos_full_max = blockpos_max + v3s16(1,1,1);
- ManualMapVoxelManipulator &vmanip = *(data->vmanip);
// Area of central chunk
node_min = blockpos_min*MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
node_max = (blockpos_max+v3s16(1,1,1))*MAP_BLOCKSIZE-v3s16(1,1,1);
// Full allocated area
- v3s16 full_node_min = (blockpos_min-1)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
- v3s16 full_node_max = (blockpos_max+2)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE-v3s16(1,1,1);
+ full_node_min = (blockpos_min-1)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
+ full_node_max = (blockpos_max+2)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE-v3s16(1,1,1);
+ central_area_size = node_max - node_min + v3s16(1,1,1);
+ assert(central_area_size.X == central_area_size.Z);
- v3s16 central_area_size = node_max - node_min + v3s16(1,1,1);
+ int volume_blocks = (blockpos_max.X - blockpos_min.X + 1)
+ * (blockpos_max.Y - blockpos_min.Y + 1)
+ * (blockpos_max.Z - blockpos_max.Z + 1);
+ volume_nodes = volume_blocks *
+ // Create a block-specific seed
+ blockseed = get_blockseed(data->seed, full_node_min);
+ // Make some noise
+ calculateNoise();
+ c_stone = ndef->getId("mapgen_stone");
+ c_dirt = ndef->getId("mapgen_dirt");
+ c_dirt_with_grass = ndef->getId("mapgen_dirt_with_grass");
+ c_sand = ndef->getId("mapgen_sand");
+ c_water_source = ndef->getId("mapgen_water_source");
+ c_lava_source = ndef->getId("mapgen_lava_source");
+ c_gravel = ndef->getId("mapgen_gravel");
+ c_cobble = ndef->getId("mapgen_cobble");
+ c_desert_sand = ndef->getId("mapgen_desert_sand");
+ c_desert_stone = ndef->getId("mapgen_desert_stone");
+ if (c_desert_sand == CONTENT_IGNORE)
+ c_desert_sand = c_sand;
+ if (c_desert_stone == CONTENT_IGNORE)
+ c_desert_stone = c_stone;
+ // Maximum height of the stone surface and obstacles.
+ // This is used to guide the cave generation
+ s16 stone_surface_max_y;
+ // Generate general ground level to full area
+ stone_surface_max_y = generateGround();
const s16 max_spread_amount = MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
+ // Limit dirt flow area by 1 because mud is flown into neighbors.
+ s16 mudflow_minpos = -max_spread_amount + 1;
+ s16 mudflow_maxpos = central_area_size.X + max_spread_amount - 2;
- int volume_blocks = (blockpos_max.X - blockpos_min.X + 1)
- * (blockpos_max.Y - blockpos_min.Y + 1)
- * (blockpos_max.Z - blockpos_max.Z + 1);
- int volume_nodes = volume_blocks *
- // Generated surface area
- //double gen_area_nodes = MAP_BLOCKSIZE*MAP_BLOCKSIZE * rel_volume;
- // Horribly wrong heuristic, but better than nothing
- bool block_is_underground = (water_level > node_max.Y);
- /*
- Create a block-specific seed
- */
- u32 blockseed = get_blockseed(data->seed, full_node_min);
- /*
- Make some noise
- */
- {
- int x = node_min.X;
- int z = node_min.Z;
- // Need to adjust for the original implementation's +.5 offset...
- if (!(flags & MG_FLAT)) {
- noise_terrain_base->perlinMap2D(
- x + 0.5 * noise_terrain_base->np->spread.X,
- z + 0.5 * noise_terrain_base->np->spread.Z);
- noise_terrain_base->transformNoiseMap();
- noise_terrain_higher->perlinMap2D(
- x + 0.5 * noise_terrain_higher->np->spread.X,
- z + 0.5 * noise_terrain_higher->np->spread.Z);
- noise_terrain_higher->transformNoiseMap();
- noise_steepness->perlinMap2D(
- x + 0.5 * noise_steepness->np->spread.X,
- z + 0.5 * noise_steepness->np->spread.Z);
- noise_steepness->transformNoiseMap();
- noise_height_select->perlinMap2D(
- x + 0.5 * noise_height_select->np->spread.X,
- z + 0.5 * noise_height_select->np->spread.Z);
- }
+ // Loop this part, it will make stuff look older and newer nicely
+ const u32 age_loops = 2;
+ for (u32 i_age = 0; i_age < age_loops; i_age++) { // Aging loop
+ // Make caves (this code is relatively horrible)
+ if (flags & MG_CAVES)
+ generateCaves(stone_surface_max_y);
+ // Add mud to the central chunk
+ addMud();
+ // Add blobs of dirt and gravel underground
+ addDirtGravelBlobs();
+ // Flow mud away from steep edges
+ flowMud(mudflow_minpos, mudflow_maxpos);
+ }
+ // Add dungeons
+ if (flags & MG_DUNGEONS) {
+ DungeonGen dgen(ndef, data->seed, water_level);
+ dgen.generate(vm, blockseed, full_node_min, full_node_max);
+ }
+ // Add top and bottom side of water to transforming_liquid queue
+ updateLiquid(&data->transforming_liquid, full_node_min, full_node_max);
+ // Grow grass
+ growGrass();
+ // Generate some trees
+ if (flags & MG_TREES)
+ placeTrees();
+ // Calculate lighting
+ updateLighting(node_min, node_max);
+ this->generating = false;
+void MapgenV6::calculateNoise() {
+ int x = node_min.X;
+ int z = node_min.Z;
+ // Need to adjust for the original implementation's +.5 offset...
+ if (!(flags & MG_FLAT)) {
+ noise_terrain_base->perlinMap2D(
+ x + 0.5 * noise_terrain_base->np->spread.X,
+ z + 0.5 * noise_terrain_base->np->spread.Z);
+ noise_terrain_base->transformNoiseMap();
+ noise_terrain_higher->perlinMap2D(
+ x + 0.5 * noise_terrain_higher->np->spread.X,
+ z + 0.5 * noise_terrain_higher->np->spread.Z);
+ noise_terrain_higher->transformNoiseMap();
+ noise_steepness->perlinMap2D(
+ x + 0.5 * noise_steepness->np->spread.X,
+ z + 0.5 * noise_steepness->np->spread.Z);
+ noise_steepness->transformNoiseMap();
+ noise_height_select->perlinMap2D(
+ x + 0.5 * noise_height_select->np->spread.X,
+ z + 0.5 * noise_height_select->np->spread.Z);
+ }
+ if (flags & MG_TREES) {
x + 0.5 * noise_trees->np->spread.X,
z + 0.5 * noise_trees->np->spread.Z);
- if (!(flags & MG_FLAT)) {
- noise_mud->perlinMap2D(
- x + 0.5 * noise_mud->np->spread.X,
- z + 0.5 * noise_mud->np->spread.Z);
- noise_mud->transformNoiseMap();
- }
- noise_beach->perlinMap2D(
- x + 0.2 * noise_beach->np->spread.X,
- z + 0.7 * noise_beach->np->spread.Z);
- noise_biome->perlinMap2D(
- x + 0.6 * noise_biome->np->spread.X,
- z + 0.2 * noise_biome->np->spread.Z);
+ if (!(flags & MG_FLAT)) {
+ noise_mud->perlinMap2D(
+ x + 0.5 * noise_mud->np->spread.X,
+ z + 0.5 * noise_mud->np->spread.Z);
+ noise_mud->transformNoiseMap();
+ }
+ noise_beach->perlinMap2D(
+ x + 0.2 * noise_beach->np->spread.X,
+ z + 0.7 * noise_beach->np->spread.Z);
+ noise_biome->perlinMap2D(
+ x + 0.6 * noise_biome->np->spread.X,
+ z + 0.2 * noise_biome->np->spread.Z);
- /*
- Cache some ground type values for speed
- */
-// Creates variables c_name=id and n_name=node
-#define CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, name)\
- content_t c_##name = ndef->getId("mapgen_" #name);\
- MapNode n_##name(c_##name);
-// Default to something else if was CONTENT_IGNORE
-#define CONTENT_VARIABLE_FALLBACK(name, dname)\
- if(c_##name == CONTENT_IGNORE){\
- c_##name = c_##dname;\
- n_##name = n_##dname;\
+int MapgenV6::generateGround() {
+ //TimeTaker timer1("Generating ground level");
+ MapNode n_air(CONTENT_AIR), n_water_source(c_water_source);
+ MapNode n_stone(c_stone), n_desert_stone(c_desert_stone);
+ int stone_surface_max_y = -MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT;
+ u32 index = 0;
+ for (s16 z = node_min.Z; z <= node_max.Z; z++)
+ for (s16 x = node_min.X; x <= node_max.X; x++, index++) {
+ // Surface height
+ s16 surface_y = (s16)baseTerrainLevelFromMap(index);
+ // Log it
+ if (surface_y > stone_surface_max_y)
+ stone_surface_max_y = surface_y;
+ BiomeType bt = getBiome(index, v2s16(x, z));
+ // Fill ground with stone
+ v3s16 em = vm->m_area.getExtent();
+ u32 i = vm->m_area.index(x, node_min.Y, z);
+ for (s16 y = node_min.Y; y <= node_max.Y; y++) {
+ if (vm->m_data[i].getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE) {
+ if (y <= surface_y) {
+ vm->m_data[i] = (y > water_level && bt == BT_DESERT) ?
+ n_desert_stone : n_stone;
+ } else if (y <= water_level) {
+ vm->m_data[i] = n_water_source;
+ } else {
+ vm->m_data[i] = n_air;
+ }
+ }
+ vm->m_area.add_y(em, i, 1);
+ }
+ return stone_surface_max_y;
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, stone);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, air);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, water_source);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, dirt);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, sand);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, gravel);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, clay);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, lava_source);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, cobble);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, mossycobble);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, dirt_with_grass);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, junglegrass);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, stone_with_coal);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, stone_with_iron);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, mese);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, desert_sand);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE_FALLBACK(desert_sand, sand);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE(ndef, desert_stone);
- CONTENT_VARIABLE_FALLBACK(desert_stone, stone);
- // Maximum height of the stone surface and obstacles.
- // This is used to guide the cave generation
- s16 stone_surface_max_y = 0;
+void MapgenV6::addMud() {
+ // 15ms @cs=8
+ //TimeTaker timer1("add mud");
+ MapNode n_dirt(c_dirt), n_gravel(c_gravel);
+ MapNode n_sand(c_sand), n_desert_sand(c_desert_sand);
+ MapNode addnode;
+ u32 index = 0;
+ for (s16 z = node_min.Z; z <= node_max.Z; z++)
+ for (s16 x = node_min.X; x <= node_max.X; x++, index++) {
+ // Randomize mud amount
+ s16 mud_add_amount = getMudAmount(index) / 2.0 + 0.5;
- /*
- Generate general ground level to full area
- */
- {
-#if 1
- TimeTaker timer1("Generating ground level");
+ // Find ground level
+ s16 surface_y = find_stone_level(v2s16(x, z)); /////////////////optimize this!
+ // Handle area not found
+ if (surface_y == vm->m_area.MinEdge.Y - 1)
+ continue;
+ BiomeType bt = getBiome(index, v2s16(x, z));
+ addnode = (bt == BT_DESERT) ? n_desert_sand : n_dirt;
- for(s16 x=node_min.X; x<=node_max.X; x++)
- for(s16 z=node_min.Z; z<=node_max.Z; z++)
- {
- // Node position
- v2s16 p2d = v2s16(x,z);
+ if (bt == BT_DESERT && surface_y + mud_add_amount <= water_level + 1) {
+ addnode = n_sand;
+ } else if (mud_add_amount <= 0) {
+ mud_add_amount = 1 - mud_add_amount;
+ addnode = n_gravel;
+ } else if (bt == BT_NORMAL && getHaveBeach(index) &&
+ surface_y + mud_add_amount <= water_level + 2) {
+ addnode = n_sand;
+ }
- /*
- Skip of already generated
- */
- /*{
- v3s16 p(p2d.X, node_min.Y, p2d.Y);
- if(vmanip.m_data[vmanip.m_area.index(p)].d != CONTENT_AIR)
- continue;
- }*/
+ if (bt == BT_DESERT && surface_y > 20)
+ mud_add_amount = MYMAX(0, mud_add_amount - (surface_y - 20) / 5);
+ // If topmost node is grass, change it to mud. It might be if it was
+ // flown to there from a neighboring chunk and then converted.
+ u32 i = vm->m_area.index(x, surface_y, z);
+ if (vm->m_data[i].getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass)
+ vm->m_data[i] = n_dirt;
+ // Add mud on ground
+ s16 mudcount = 0;
+ v3s16 em = vm->m_area.getExtent();
+ s16 y_start = surface_y + 1;
+ i = vm->m_area.index(x, y_start, z);
+ for (s16 y = y_start; y <= node_max.Y; y++) {
+ if (mudcount >= mud_add_amount)
+ break;
- // Ground height at this point
- float surface_y_f = 0.0;
+ vm->m_data[i] = addnode;
+ mudcount++;
- // Use perlin noise for ground height
- surface_y_f = base_rock_level_2d(data->seed, p2d);
+ vm->m_area.add_y(em, i, 1);
+ }
+ }
- /*// Experimental stuff
- {
- float a = highlands_level_2d(data->seed, p2d);
- if(a > surface_y_f)
- surface_y_f = a;
- }*/
- // Convert to integer
- s16 surface_y = (s16)surface_y_f;
+void MapgenV6::flowMud(s16 &mudflow_minpos, s16 &mudflow_maxpos) {
+ // 340ms @cs=8
+ TimeTaker timer1("flow mud");
- // Log it
- if(surface_y > stone_surface_max_y)
- stone_surface_max_y = surface_y;
+ // Iterate a few times
+ for(s16 k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
+ for (s16 z = mudflow_minpos; z <= mudflow_maxpos; z++)
+ for (s16 x = mudflow_minpos; x <= mudflow_maxpos; x++) {
+ // Invert coordinates every 2nd iteration
+ if (k % 2 == 0) {
+ x = mudflow_maxpos - (x - mudflow_minpos);
+ z = mudflow_maxpos - (z - mudflow_minpos);
+ }
- BiomeType bt = get_biome(data->seed, p2d);
- /*
- Fill ground with stone
- */
- {
- // Use fast index incrementing
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, node_min.Y, p2d.Y));
- for(s16 y=node_min.Y; y<=node_max.Y; y++)
+ // Node position in 2d
+ v2s16 p2d = v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Z) + v2s16(x, z);
+ v3s16 em = vm->m_area.getExtent();
+ u32 i = vm->m_area.index(p2d.X, node_max.Y, p2d.Y);
+ s16 y = node_max.Y;
+ while(y >= node_min.Y)
+ {
+ for(;; y--)
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE){
- if(y <= surface_y){
- if(y > water_level && bt == BT_DESERT)
- vmanip.m_data[i] = n_desert_stone;
+ MapNode *n = NULL;
+ // Find mud
+ for(; y >= node_min.Y; y--) {
+ n = &vm->m_data[i];
+ if (n->getContent() == c_dirt ||
+ n->getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass ||
+ n->getContent() == c_gravel)
+ break;
+ vm->m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
+ }
+ // Stop if out of area
+ //if(vmanip.m_area.contains(i) == false)
+ if (y < node_min.Y)
+ break;
+ if (n->getContent() == c_dirt ||
+ n->getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass)
+ {
+ // Make it exactly mud
+ n->setContent(c_dirt);
+ // Don't flow it if the stuff under it is not mud
+ {
+ u32 i2 = i;
+ vm->m_area.add_y(em, i2, -1);
+ // Cancel if out of area
+ if(vm->m_area.contains(i2) == false)
+ continue;
+ MapNode *n2 = &vm->m_data[i2];
+ if (n2->getContent() != c_dirt &&
+ n2->getContent() != c_dirt_with_grass)
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ v3s16 dirs4[4] = {
+ v3s16(0,0,1), // back
+ v3s16(1,0,0), // right
+ v3s16(0,0,-1), // front
+ v3s16(-1,0,0), // left
+ };
+ // Check that upper is air or doesn't exist.
+ // Cancel dropping if upper keeps it in place
+ u32 i3 = i;
+ vm->m_area.add_y(em, i3, 1);
+ if (vm->m_area.contains(i3) == true &&
+ ndef->get(vm->m_data[i3]).walkable)
+ continue;
+ // Drop mud on side
+ for(u32 di=0; di<4; di++) {
+ v3s16 dirp = dirs4[di];
+ u32 i2 = i;
+ // Move to side
+ vm->m_area.add_p(em, i2, dirp);
+ // Fail if out of area
+ if (vm->m_area.contains(i2) == false)
+ continue;
+ // Check that side is air
+ MapNode *n2 = &vm->m_data[i2];
+ if (ndef->get(*n2).walkable)
+ continue;
+ // Check that under side is air
+ vm->m_area.add_y(em, i2, -1);
+ if (vm->m_area.contains(i2) == false)
+ continue;
+ n2 = &vm->m_data[i2];
+ if (ndef->get(*n2).walkable)
+ continue;
+ // Loop further down until not air
+ bool dropped_to_unknown = false;
+ do {
+ vm->m_area.add_y(em, i2, -1);
+ n2 = &vm->m_data[i2];
+ // if out of known area
+ if(vm->m_area.contains(i2) == false ||
+ n2->getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE) {
+ dropped_to_unknown = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (ndef->get(*n2).walkable == false);
+ // Loop one up so that we're in air
+ vm->m_area.add_y(em, i2, 1);
+ n2 = &vm->m_data[i2];
+ bool old_is_water = (n->getContent() == c_water_source);
+ // Move mud to new place
+ if (!dropped_to_unknown) {
+ *n2 = *n;
+ // Set old place to be air (or water)
+ if(old_is_water)
+ *n = MapNode(c_water_source);
- vmanip.m_data[i] = n_stone;
- } else if(y <= water_level){
- vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_water_source);
- } else {
- vmanip.m_data[i] = MapNode(c_air);
+ *n = MapNode(CONTENT_AIR);
+ // Done
+ break;
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, 1);
+ }
- }//timer1
- // Limit dirt flow area by 1 because mud is flown into neighbors.
- assert(central_area_size.X == central_area_size.Z);
- s16 mudflow_minpos = 0-max_spread_amount+1;
- s16 mudflow_maxpos = central_area_size.X+max_spread_amount-2;
+void MapgenV6::addDirtGravelBlobs() {
+ if (getBiome(v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Z)) != BT_NORMAL)
+ return;
+ PseudoRandom pr(blockseed + 983);
+ for (int i = 0; i < volume_nodes/10/10/10; i++) {
+ bool only_fill_cave = (myrand_range(0,1) != 0);
+ v3s16 size(
+ pr.range(1, 8),
+ pr.range(1, 8),
+ pr.range(1, 8)
+ );
+ v3s16 p0(
+ pr.range(node_min.X, node_max.X) - size.X / 2,
+ pr.range(node_min.Y, node_max.Y) - size.Y / 2,
+ pr.range(node_min.Z, node_max.Z) - size.Z / 2
+ );
+ MapNode n1((p0.Y > -32 && !pr.range(0, 1)) ? c_dirt : c_gravel);
+ for (int z1 = 0; z1 < size.Z; z1++)
+ for (int y1 = 0; y1 < size.Y; y1++)
+ for (int x1 = 0; x1 < size.X; x1++) {
+ v3s16 p = p0 + v3s16(x1, y1, z1);
+ u32 i = vm->m_area.index(p);
+ if (!vm->m_area.contains(i))
+ continue;
+ // Cancel if not stone and not cave air
+ if (vm->m_data[i].getContent() != c_stone &&
+ !(vm->m_flags[i] & VMANIP_FLAG_CAVE))
+ continue;
+ if (only_fill_cave && !(vm->m_flags[i] & VMANIP_FLAG_CAVE))
+ continue;
+ vm->m_data[i] = n1;
+ }
+ }
- /*
- Loop this part, it will make stuff look older and newer nicely
- */
- /*double cave_amount = 6.0 + 6.0 * noise2d_perlin(
- 0.5+(double)node_min.X/250, 0.5+(double)node_min.Y/250,
- data->seed+34329, 3, 0.50);*/
+void MapgenV6::placeTrees() {
+ // Divide area into parts
+ s16 div = 8;
+ s16 sidelen = central_area_size.X / div;
+ double area = sidelen * sidelen;
+ for (s16 z0 = 0; z0 < div; z0++)
+ for (s16 x0 = 0; x0 < div; x0++) {
+ // Center position of part of division
+ v2s16 p2d_center(
+ node_min.X + sidelen / 2 + sidelen * x0,
+ node_min.Z + sidelen / 2 + sidelen * z0
+ );
+ // Minimum edge of part of division
+ v2s16 p2d_min(
+ node_min.X + sidelen * x0,
+ node_min.Z + sidelen * z0
+ );
+ // Maximum edge of part of division
+ v2s16 p2d_max(
+ node_min.X + sidelen + sidelen * x0 - 1,
+ node_min.Z + sidelen + sidelen * z0 - 1
+ );
+ // Amount of trees
+ u32 tree_count = area * getTreeAmount(p2d_center); /////////////optimize this!
+ // Put trees in random places on part of division
+ for (u32 i = 0; i < tree_count; i++) {
+ s16 x = myrand_range(p2d_min.X, p2d_max.X);
+ s16 z = myrand_range(p2d_min.Y, p2d_max.Y);
+ s16 y = find_ground_level(v2s16(x, z)); ////////////////////optimize this!
+ // Don't make a tree under water level
+ // Don't make a tree so high that it doesn't fit
+ if(y < water_level || y > node_max.Y - 6)
+ continue;
+ v3s16 p(x,y,z);
+ // Trees grow only on mud and grass
+ {
+ u32 i = vm->m_area.index(p);
+ MapNode *n = &vm->m_data[i];
+ if (n->getContent() != c_dirt &&
+ n->getContent() != c_dirt_with_grass)
+ continue;
+ }
+ p.Y++;
+ // Make a tree
+ treegen::make_tree(*vm, p, false, ndef, myrand());
+ }
+ }
- double cave_amount = NoisePerlin2D(np_cave, node_min.X, node_min.Y, data->seed);
- const u32 age_loops = 2;
- for(u32 i_age=0; i_age<age_loops; i_age++)
- { // Aging loop
- /******************************
- ******************************/
-#if 1
- {
+void MapgenV6::growGrass() {
+ for (s16 z = full_node_min.Z; z <= full_node_max.Z; z++)
+ for (s16 x = full_node_min.X; x <= full_node_max.X; x++) {
+ // Find the lowest surface to which enough light ends up to make
+ // grass grow. Basically just wait until not air and not leaves.
+ s16 surface_y = 0;
+ {
+ v3s16 em = vm->m_area.getExtent();
+ u32 i = vm->m_area.index(x, node_max.Y, z);
+ s16 y;
+ // Go to ground level
+ for (y = node_max.Y; y >= full_node_min.Y; y--) {
+ MapNode &n = vm->m_data[i];
+ if (ndef->get(n).param_type != CPT_LIGHT ||
+ ndef->get(n).liquid_type != LIQUID_NONE)
+ break;
+ vm->m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
+ }
+ surface_y = (y >= full_node_min.Y) ? y : full_node_min.Y;
+ }
+ u32 i = vm->m_area.index(x, surface_y, z);
+ MapNode *n = &vm->m_data[i];
+ if (n->getContent() == c_dirt && surface_y >= water_level - 20)
+ n->setContent(c_dirt_with_grass);
+ }
+void MapgenV6::generateCaves(int max_stone_y) {
// 24ms @cs=8
//TimeTaker timer1("caves");
+ /*double cave_amount = 6.0 + 6.0 * noise2d_perlin(
+ 0.5+(double)node_min.X/250, 0.5+(double)node_min.Y/250,
+ data->seed+34329, 3, 0.50);*/
+ const s16 max_spread_amount = MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
+ float cave_amount = NoisePerlin2D(np_cave, node_min.X, node_min.Y, seed);
- /*
- Make caves (this code is relatively horrible)
- */
cave_amount = MYMAX(0.0, cave_amount);
u32 caves_count = cave_amount * volume_nodes / 50000;
u32 bruises_count = 1;
- PseudoRandom ps(blockseed+21343);
- PseudoRandom ps2(blockseed+1032);
- if(ps.range(1, 6) == 1)
+ PseudoRandom ps(blockseed + 21343);
+ PseudoRandom ps2(blockseed + 1032);
+ if (ps.range(1, 6) == 1)
bruises_count = ps.range(0, ps.range(0, 2));
- if(get_biome(data->seed, v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Z)) == BT_DESERT){
- caves_count /= 3;
+ if (getBiome(v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Z)) == BT_DESERT) {
+ caves_count /= 3;
bruises_count /= 3;
- for(u32 jj=0; jj<caves_count+bruises_count; jj++)
- {
- if (!(flags & MG_CAVES))
- continue;
+ for(u32 jj = 0; jj < caves_count + bruises_count; jj++) {
/*int avg_height = (int)
((base_rock_level_2d(data->seed, v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Z)) +
base_rock_level_2d(data->seed, v2s16(node_max.X, node_max.Z))) / 2);
// Allow a bit more
//(this should be more than the maximum radius of the tunnel)
s16 insure = 10;
- s16 more = max_spread_amount - max_tunnel_diameter/2 - insure;
+ s16 more = max_spread_amount - max_tunnel_diameter / 2 - insure;
ar += v3s16(1,0,1) * more * 2;
of -= v3s16(1,0,1) * more;
s16 route_y_min = 0;
// Allow half a diameter + 7 over stone surface
- s16 route_y_max = -of.Y + stone_surface_max_y + max_tunnel_diameter/2 + 7;
+ s16 route_y_max = -of.Y + max_stone_y + max_tunnel_diameter/2 + 7;
// Limit maximum to area
route_y_max = rangelim(route_y_max, 0, ar.Y-1);
/*// Make better floors in small caves
if(y0 <= -rs/2 && rs<=7)
- if(large_cave_is_flat){
+ if (large_cave_is_flat) {
// Make large caves not so tall
- if(rs > 7 && abs(y0) >= rs/3)
+ if (rs > 7 && abs(y0) >= rs/3)
v3s16 p(x,y,z);
p += of;
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(p) == false)
+ if(vm->m_area.contains(p) == false)
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(p);
+ u32 i = vm->m_area.index(p);
- if(large_cave)
- {
- if(full_node_min.Y < water_level &&
- full_node_max.Y > water_level){
- if(p.Y <= water_level)
- vmanip.m_data[i] = waternode;
+ if(large_cave) {
+ if (full_node_min.Y < water_level &&
+ full_node_max.Y > water_level) {
+ if (p.Y <= water_level)
+ vm->m_data[i] = waternode;
- vmanip.m_data[i] = airnode;
- } else if(full_node_max.Y < water_level){
- if(p.Y < startp.Y - 2)
- vmanip.m_data[i] = lavanode;
+ vm->m_data[i] = airnode;
+ } else if (full_node_max.Y < water_level) {
+ if (p.Y < startp.Y - 2)
+ vm->m_data[i] = lavanode;
- vmanip.m_data[i] = airnode;
+ vm->m_data[i] = airnode;
} else {
- vmanip.m_data[i] = airnode;
+ vm->m_data[i] = airnode;
} else {
// Don't replace air or water or lava or ignore
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE ||
- vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == CONTENT_AIR ||
- vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_water_source ||
- vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_lava_source)
+ if (vm->m_data[i].getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE ||
+ vm->m_data[i].getContent() == CONTENT_AIR ||
+ vm->m_data[i].getContent() == c_water_source ||
+ vm->m_data[i].getContent() == c_lava_source)
- vmanip.m_data[i] = airnode;
+ vm->m_data[i] = airnode;
// Set tunnel flag
- vmanip.m_flags[i] |= VMANIP_FLAG_CAVE;
+ vm->m_flags[i] |= VMANIP_FLAG_CAVE;
orp = rp;
- }
- }//timer1
-#if 1
- {
- // 15ms @cs=8
- TimeTaker timer1("add mud");
- /*
- Add mud to the central chunk
- */
- for(s16 x=node_min.X; x<=node_max.X; x++)
- for(s16 z=node_min.Z; z<=node_max.Z; z++)
- {
- // Node position in 2d
- v2s16 p2d = v2s16(x,z);
- // Randomize mud amount
- s16 mud_add_amount = get_mud_add_amount(data->seed, p2d) / 2.0 + 0.5;
- // Find ground level
- s16 surface_y = find_stone_level(vmanip, p2d, ndef);
- // Handle area not found
- if(surface_y == vmanip.m_area.MinEdge.Y - 1)
- continue;
- MapNode addnode(c_dirt);
- BiomeType bt = get_biome(data->seed, p2d);
- if(bt == BT_DESERT)
- addnode = MapNode(c_desert_sand);
- if(bt == BT_DESERT && surface_y + mud_add_amount <= water_level+1){
- addnode = MapNode(c_sand);
- } else if(mud_add_amount <= 0){
- mud_add_amount = 1 - mud_add_amount;
- addnode = MapNode(c_gravel);
- } else if(bt == BT_NORMAL && get_have_beach(data->seed, p2d) &&
- surface_y + mud_add_amount <= water_level+2){
- addnode = MapNode(c_sand);
- }
- if(bt == BT_DESERT){
- if(surface_y > 20){
- mud_add_amount = MYMAX(0, mud_add_amount - (surface_y - 20)/5);
- }
- }
- /*
- If topmost node is grass, change it to mud.
- It might be if it was flown to there from a neighboring
- chunk and then converted.
- */
- {
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, surface_y, p2d.Y));
- MapNode *n = &vmanip.m_data[i];
- if(n->getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass)
- *n = MapNode(c_dirt);
- }
- /*
- Add mud on ground
- */
- {
- s16 mudcount = 0;
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- s16 y_start = surface_y+1;
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, y_start, p2d.Y));
- for(s16 y=y_start; y<=node_max.Y; y++)
- {
- if(mudcount >= mud_add_amount)
- break;
- MapNode &n = vmanip.m_data[i];
- n = addnode;
- mudcount++;
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }//timer1
- /*
- Add blobs of dirt and gravel underground
- */
- if(get_biome(data->seed, v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Z)) == BT_NORMAL)
- {
- PseudoRandom pr(blockseed+983);
- for(int i=0; i<volume_nodes/10/10/10; i++)
- {
- bool only_fill_cave = (myrand_range(0,1) != 0);
- v3s16 size(
- pr.range(1, 8),
- pr.range(1, 8),
- pr.range(1, 8)
- );
- v3s16 p0(
- pr.range(node_min.X, node_max.X)-size.X/2,
- pr.range(node_min.Y, node_max.Y)-size.Y/2,
- pr.range(node_min.Z, node_max.Z)-size.Z/2
- );
- MapNode n1;
- if(p0.Y > -32 && pr.range(0,1) == 0)
- n1 = MapNode(c_dirt);
- else
- n1 = MapNode(c_gravel);
- for(int x1=0; x1<size.X; x1++)
- for(int y1=0; y1<size.Y; y1++)
- for(int z1=0; z1<size.Z; z1++)
- {
- v3s16 p = p0 + v3s16(x1,y1,z1);
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(p);
- if(!vmanip.m_area.contains(i))
- continue;
- // Cancel if not stone and not cave air
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() != c_stone &&
- !(vmanip.m_flags[i] & VMANIP_FLAG_CAVE))
- continue;
- if(only_fill_cave && !(vmanip.m_flags[i] & VMANIP_FLAG_CAVE))
- continue;
- vmanip.m_data[i] = n1;
- }
- }
- }
-#if 1
- {
- // 340ms @cs=8
- TimeTaker timer1("flow mud");
- /*
- Flow mud away from steep edges
- */
- // Iterate a few times
- for(s16 k=0; k<3; k++)
- {
- for(s16 x=mudflow_minpos; x<=mudflow_maxpos; x++)
- for(s16 z=mudflow_minpos; z<=mudflow_maxpos; z++)
- {
- // Invert coordinates every 2nd iteration
- if(k%2 == 0)
- {
- x = mudflow_maxpos - (x-mudflow_minpos);
- z = mudflow_maxpos - (z-mudflow_minpos);
- }
- // Node position in 2d
- v2s16 p2d = v2s16(node_min.X, node_min.Z) + v2s16(x,z);
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, node_max.Y, p2d.Y));
- s16 y=node_max.Y;
- while(y >= node_min.Y)
- {
- for(;; y--)
- {
- MapNode *n = NULL;
- // Find mud
- for(; y>=node_min.Y; y--)
- {
- n = &vmanip.m_data[i];
- //if(content_walkable(n->d))
- // break;
- if(n->getContent() == c_dirt ||
- n->getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass ||
- n->getContent() == c_gravel)
- break;
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- }
- // Stop if out of area
- //if(vmanip.m_area.contains(i) == false)
- if(y < node_min.Y)
- break;
- /*// If not mud, do nothing to it
- MapNode *n = &vmanip.m_data[i];
- if(n->d != CONTENT_MUD && n->d != CONTENT_GRASS)
- continue;*/
- if(n->getContent() == c_dirt ||
- n->getContent() == c_dirt_with_grass)
- {
- // Make it exactly mud
- n->setContent(c_dirt);
- /*
- Don't flow it if the stuff under it is not mud
- */
- {
- u32 i2 = i;
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i2, -1);
- // Cancel if out of area
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(i2) == false)
- continue;
- MapNode *n2 = &vmanip.m_data[i2];
- if(n2->getContent() != c_dirt &&
- n2->getContent() != c_dirt_with_grass)
- continue;
- }
- }
- /*s16 recurse_count = 0;
- mudflow_recurse:*/
- v3s16 dirs4[4] = {
- v3s16(0,0,1), // back
- v3s16(1,0,0), // right
- v3s16(0,0,-1), // front
- v3s16(-1,0,0), // left
- };
- // Theck that upper is air or doesn't exist.
- // Cancel dropping if upper keeps it in place
- u32 i3 = i;
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i3, 1);
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(i3) == true
- && ndef->get(vmanip.m_data[i3]).walkable)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Drop mud on side
- for(u32 di=0; di<4; di++)
- {
- v3s16 dirp = dirs4[di];
- u32 i2 = i;
- // Move to side
- vmanip.m_area.add_p(em, i2, dirp);
- // Fail if out of area
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(i2) == false)
- continue;
- // Check that side is air
- MapNode *n2 = &vmanip.m_data[i2];
- if(ndef->get(*n2).walkable)
- continue;
- // Check that under side is air
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i2, -1);
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(i2) == false)
- continue;
- n2 = &vmanip.m_data[i2];
- if(ndef->get(*n2).walkable)
- continue;
- /*// Check that under that is air (need a drop of 2)
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i2, -1);
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(i2) == false)
- continue;
- n2 = &vmanip.m_data[i2];
- if(content_walkable(n2->d))
- continue;*/
- // Loop further down until not air
- bool dropped_to_unknown = false;
- do{
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i2, -1);
- n2 = &vmanip.m_data[i2];
- // if out of known area
- if(vmanip.m_area.contains(i2) == false
- || n2->getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE){
- dropped_to_unknown = true;
- break;
- }
- }while(ndef->get(*n2).walkable == false);
- // Loop one up so that we're in air
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i2, 1);
- n2 = &vmanip.m_data[i2];
- bool old_is_water = (n->getContent() == c_water_source);
- // Move mud to new place
- if(!dropped_to_unknown) {
- *n2 = *n;
- // Set old place to be air (or water)
- if(old_is_water)
- *n = MapNode(c_water_source);
- else
- *n = MapNode(CONTENT_AIR);
- }
- // Done
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }//timer1
- } // Aging loop
- /***********************
- ************************/
- /*
- Add dungeons
- */
- if (flags & MG_DUNGEONS) {
- DungeonGen dgen(ndef, data->seed, water_level);
- dgen.generate(&vmanip, blockseed, full_node_min, full_node_max);
- }
- /*
- Add top and bottom side of water to transforming_liquid queue
- */
- for(s16 x=full_node_min.X; x<=full_node_max.X; x++)
- for(s16 z=full_node_min.Z; z<=full_node_max.Z; z++)
- {
- // Node position
- v2s16 p2d(x,z);
- {
- bool water_found = false;
- // Use fast index incrementing
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, full_node_max.Y, p2d.Y));
- for(s16 y=full_node_max.Y; y>=full_node_min.Y; y--)
- {
- if(y == full_node_max.Y){
- water_found =
- (vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_water_source ||
- vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_lava_source);
- }
- else if(water_found == false)
- {
- if(vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_water_source ||
- vmanip.m_data[i].getContent() == c_lava_source)
- {
- v3s16 p = v3s16(p2d.X, y, p2d.Y);
- data->transforming_liquid.push_back(p);
- water_found = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // This can be done because water_found can only
- // turn to true and end up here after going through
- // a single block.
- if(vmanip.m_data[i+1].getContent() != c_water_source ||
- vmanip.m_data[i+1].getContent() != c_lava_source)
- {
- v3s16 p = v3s16(p2d.X, y+1, p2d.Y);
- data->transforming_liquid.push_back(p);
- water_found = false;
- }
- }
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Grow grass
- */
- for(s16 x=full_node_min.X; x<=full_node_max.X; x++)
- for(s16 z=full_node_min.Z; z<=full_node_max.Z; z++)
- {
- // Node position in 2d
- v2s16 p2d = v2s16(x,z);
- /*
- Find the lowest surface to which enough light ends up
- to make grass grow.
- Basically just wait until not air and not leaves.
- */
- s16 surface_y = 0;
- {
- v3s16 em = vmanip.m_area.getExtent();
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p2d.X, node_max.Y, p2d.Y));
- s16 y;
- // Go to ground level
- for(y=node_max.Y; y>=full_node_min.Y; y--)
- {
- MapNode &n = vmanip.m_data[i];
- if(ndef->get(n).param_type != CPT_LIGHT
- || ndef->get(n).liquid_type != LIQUID_NONE)
- break;
- vmanip.m_area.add_y(em, i, -1);
- }
- if(y >= full_node_min.Y)
- surface_y = y;
- else
- surface_y = full_node_min.Y;
- }
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(p2d.X, surface_y, p2d.Y);
- MapNode *n = &vmanip.m_data[i];
- if(n->getContent() == c_dirt){
- // Well yeah, this can't be overground...
- if(surface_y < water_level - 20)
- continue;
- n->setContent(c_dirt_with_grass);
- }
- /*
- Generate some trees
- */
- assert(central_area_size.X == central_area_size.Z);
- if (flags & MG_TREES) {
- // Divide area into parts
- s16 div = 8;
- s16 sidelen = central_area_size.X / div;
- double area = sidelen * sidelen;
- for(s16 x0=0; x0<div; x0++)
- for(s16 z0=0; z0<div; z0++)
- {
- // Center position of part of division
- v2s16 p2d_center(
- node_min.X + sidelen/2 + sidelen*x0,
- node_min.Z + sidelen/2 + sidelen*z0
- );
- // Minimum edge of part of division
- v2s16 p2d_min(
- node_min.X + sidelen*x0,
- node_min.Z + sidelen*z0
- );
- // Maximum edge of part of division
- v2s16 p2d_max(
- node_min.X + sidelen + sidelen*x0 - 1,
- node_min.Z + sidelen + sidelen*z0 - 1
- );
- // Amount of trees
- u32 tree_count = area * tree_amount_2d(data->seed, p2d_center);
- // Put trees in random places on part of division
- for(u32 i=0; i<tree_count; i++)
- {
- s16 x = myrand_range(p2d_min.X, p2d_max.X);
- s16 z = myrand_range(p2d_min.Y, p2d_max.Y);
- s16 y = find_ground_level(vmanip, v2s16(x,z), ndef);
- // Don't make a tree under water level
- if(y < water_level)
- continue;
- // Don't make a tree so high that it doesn't fit
- if(y > node_max.Y - 6)
- continue;
- v3s16 p(x,y,z);
- /*
- Trees grow only on mud and grass
- */
- {
- u32 i = vmanip.m_area.index(v3s16(p));
- MapNode *n = &vmanip.m_data[i];
- if(n->getContent() != c_dirt
- && n->getContent() != c_dirt_with_grass)
- continue;
- }
- p.Y++;
- // Make a tree
- make_tree(vmanip, p, false, ndef);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Calculate lighting
- */
- {
- ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "EmergeThread: mapgen lighting update",
- //VoxelArea a(node_min, node_max);
- VoxelArea a(node_min-v3s16(1,0,1)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE,
- node_max+v3s16(1,0,1)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE);
- /*VoxelArea a(node_min-v3s16(1,0,1)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2,
- node_max+v3s16(1,0,1)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2);*/
- enum LightBank banks[2] = {LIGHTBANK_DAY, LIGHTBANK_NIGHT};
- for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
- {
- enum LightBank bank = banks[i];
- std::set<v3s16> light_sources;
- std::map<v3s16, u8> unlight_from;
- voxalgo::clearLightAndCollectSources(vmanip, a, bank, ndef,
- light_sources, unlight_from);
- bool inexistent_top_provides_sunlight = !block_is_underground;
- voxalgo::SunlightPropagateResult res = voxalgo::propagateSunlight(
- vmanip, a, inexistent_top_provides_sunlight,
- light_sources, ndef);
- // TODO: Do stuff according to bottom_sunlight_valid
- vmanip.unspreadLight(bank, unlight_from, light_sources, ndef);
- vmanip.spreadLight(bank, light_sources, ndef);
- }
- }
- this->generating = false;