table.insert(minetest.timers_to_add, {time=time, func=func, param=param})
+function minetest.check_player_privs(name, privs)
+ local player_privs = minetest.get_player_privs(name)
+ local missing_privileges = {}
+ for priv, val in pairs(privs) do
+ if val then
+ if not player_privs[priv] then
+ table.insert(missing_privileges, priv)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if #missing_privileges > 0 then
+ return false, missing_privileges
+ end
+ return true, ""
+-- Chat commands
+minetest.chatcommands = {}
+function minetest.register_chatcommand(cmd, def)
+ def = def or {}
+ def.params = def.params or ""
+ def.description = def.description or ""
+ def.privs = def.privs or {}
+ minetest.chatcommands[cmd] = def
+-- Register the help command
+minetest.register_chatcommand("help", {
+ privs = {},
+ params = "(nothing)/all/<cmd>",
+ description = "Get help for commands",
+ func = function(name, param)
+ local format_help_line = function(cmd, def)
+ local msg = "/"..cmd
+ if def.params and def.params ~= "" then msg = msg .. " " .. def.params end
+ if def.description and def.description ~= "" then msg = msg .. ": " .. def.description end
+ return msg
+ end
+ if not param or param == "" then
+ local msg = ""
+ cmds = {}
+ for cmd, def in pairs(minetest.chatcommands) do
+ if minetest.check_player_privs(name, def.privs) then
+ table.insert(cmds, cmd)
+ end
+ end
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Available commands: "..table.concat(cmds, " "))
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Use '/help <cmd>' to get more information, or '/help all' to list everything.")
+ elseif param == "all" then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Available commands:")
+ for cmd, def in pairs(minetest.chatcommands) do
+ if minetest.check_player_privs(name, def.privs) then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name, format_help_line(cmd, def))
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local cmd = param
+ def = minetest.chatcommands[cmd]
+ if not def then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Command not available: "..cmd)
+ else
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name, format_help_line(cmd, def))
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+-- Register C++ commands without functions
+minetest.register_chatcommand("me", {params = nil, description = "chat action (eg. /me orders a pizza)"})
+minetest.register_chatcommand("status", {description = "print server status line"})
+minetest.register_chatcommand("privs", {params = "<name>", description = "print out privileges of player"})
+minetest.register_chatcommand("shutdown", {params = "", description = "shutdown server", privs = {server=true}})
+minetest.register_chatcommand("setting", {params = "<name> = <value>", description = "set line in configuration file", privs = {server=true}})
+minetest.register_chatcommand("clearobjects", {params = "", description = "clear all objects in world", privs = {server=true}})
+minetest.register_chatcommand("time", {params = "<0...24000>", description = "set time of day", privs = {settime=true}})
+minetest.register_chatcommand("teleport", {params = "<X>,<Y>,<Z>", description = "teleport to given position", privs = {teleport=true}})
+minetest.register_chatcommand("grant", {params = "<name> <privilege>", description = "Give privilege to player", privs = {privs=true}})
+minetest.register_chatcommand("revoke", {params = "<name> <privilege>", description = "Remove privilege from player", privs = {privs=true}})
+minetest.register_chatcommand("ban", {params = "<name>", description = "ban IP of player", privs = {ban=true}})
+minetest.register_chatcommand("unban", {params = "<name/ip>", description = "remove IP ban", privs = {ban=true}})
+minetest.register_chatcommand("setpassword", {params = "<name> <password>", description = "set given password", privs = {password=true}})
+minetest.register_chatcommand("clearpassword", {params = "<name>", description = "set empty password", privs = {password=true}})
+-- Builtin chat handler
+minetest.register_on_chat_message(function(name, message)
+ local cmd, param = string.match(message, "/([^ ]+) *(.*)")
+ local cmd_def = minetest.chatcommands[cmd]
+ if cmd_def then
+ if not cmd_def.func then
+ -- This is a C++ command
+ return false
+ else
+ local has_privs, missing_privs = minetest.check_player_privs(name, cmd_def.privs)
+ if has_privs then
+ cmd_def.func(name, param)
+ else
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You don't have permission to run this command (missing privileges: "..table.concat(missing_privs, ", ")..")")
+ end
+ return true -- handled chat message
+ end
+ end
+ return false
-- Set random seed
^ return true in func to disable regular player placement
^ currently called _before_ repositioning of player occurs
minetest.register_on_chat_message(func(name, message))
+minetest.register_chatcommand(cmd, chatcommand definition)
minetest.setting_get(name) -> string or nil
minetest.chat_send_player(name, text)
minetest.get_player_privs(name) -> set of privs
+minetest.check_player_privs(name, {priv1=true,...}) -> bool, missing_privs
minetest.get_inventory(location) -> InvRef
^ location = eg. {type="player", name="celeron55"}
{type="node", pos={x=, y=, z=}}
burntime = 1,
+Chatcommand definition (register_chatcommand)
+ params = "<name> <privilege>", -- short parameter description
+ description = "Remove privilege from player", -- full description
+ privs = {privs=true}}, -- require the "privs" privilege to run
+ func = function(name, param), -- called when command is run