--- /dev/null
+-- Global configuration variables
+-- Enable the various kinds of trees.
+moretrees.enable_apple_tree = true
+moretrees.enable_oak = true
+moretrees.enable_sequoia = true
+moretrees.enable_palm = true
+moretrees.enable_pine = true
+moretrees.enable_rubber_tree = true
+moretrees.enable_willow = true
+moretrees.enable_birch = true
+moretrees.enable_spruce = true
+moretrees.enable_jungle_tree = true
+moretrees.enable_fir = true
+moretrees.enable_beech = false
+-- Set this to true to enable leaf decay of all trees except the default ones.
+moretrees.enable_leafdecay = true
+-- Enable this one if you want this mod's leafdecay code to affect the old
+-- default trees too; this setting is independent of the one above. You'll
+-- want to manually disable the default leafdecay code in minetest_game if
+-- you enable this, otherwise you'll have two sets of leaf decay code running
+-- at the same time, which will just waste CPU for no benefit.
+moretrees.enable_default_leafdecay = true
+-- Enable this if you want moretrees to redefine default apples so that they
+-- fall when leaves decay/are dug.
+moretrees.enable_redefine_apple = true
+-- various settings to configure leaf decay in general.
+moretrees.leafdecay_delay = 2
+moretrees.leafdecay_chance = 200
+moretrees.leafdecay_radius = 5
+moretrees.palm_leafdecay_radius = 12
+moretrees.default_leafdecay_delay = 3
+moretrees.default_leafdecay_chance = 100
+moretrees.default_leafdecay_radius = 4
+-- Change these settings if you want default trees to be gradually cut down
+-- above the elevation where firs normally generate.
+moretrees.firs_remove_default_trees = false
+moretrees.firs_remove_interval = 2
+moretrees.firs_remove_chance = 150
+-- Sapling settings
+moretrees.sapling_interval = 500
+moretrees.sapling_chance = 20
moretrees = {}
+-- If the config file is not found in the world directory, copy the default
+-- settings to that location and read them in.
+local worldpath=minetest.get_worldpath()
+local modpath=minetest.get_modpath("moretrees")
+if io.open(worldpath.."/moretrees_settings.txt","r") == nil then
+ dofile(modpath.."/default_settings.txt")
+ io.input(modpath.."/default_settings.txt")
+ io.output(worldpath.."/moretrees_settings.txt")
+ local size = 2^13 -- good buffer size (8K)
+ while true do
+ local block = io.read(size)
+ if not block then break end
+ io.write(block)
+ end
-- tree spawning setup
+++ /dev/null
--- Global configuration variables
--- Enable the various kinds of trees.
-moretrees.enable_apple_tree = true
-moretrees.enable_oak = true
-moretrees.enable_sequoia = true
-moretrees.enable_palm = true
-moretrees.enable_pine = true
-moretrees.enable_rubber_tree = true
-moretrees.enable_willow = true
-moretrees.enable_birch = true
-moretrees.enable_spruce = true
-moretrees.enable_jungle_tree = true
-moretrees.enable_fir = true
-moretrees.enable_beech = false
--- Set this to true to enable leaf decay of all trees except the default ones.
-moretrees.enable_leafdecay = true
--- Enable this one if you want this mod's leafdecay code to affect the old
--- default trees too; this setting is independent of the one above. You'll
--- want to manually disable the default leafdecay code in minetest_game if
--- you enable this, otherwise you'll have two sets of leaf decay code running
--- at the same time, which will just waste CPU for no benefit.
-moretrees.enable_default_leafdecay = true
--- Enable this if you want moretrees to redefine default apples so that they
--- fall when leaves decay/are dug.
-moretrees.enable_redefine_apple = true
--- various settings to configure leaf decay in general.
-moretrees.leafdecay_delay = 2
-moretrees.leafdecay_chance = 200
-moretrees.leafdecay_radius = 5
-moretrees.palm_leafdecay_radius = 12
-moretrees.default_leafdecay_delay = 3
-moretrees.default_leafdecay_chance = 100
-moretrees.default_leafdecay_radius = 4
--- Change these settings if you want default trees to be gradually cut down
--- above the elevation where firs normally generate.
-moretrees.firs_remove_default_trees = false
-moretrees.firs_remove_interval = 2
-moretrees.firs_remove_chance = 150
--- Sapling settings
-moretrees.sapling_interval = 500
-moretrees.sapling_chance = 20