%s Alloy Furnace = %s Legierungsofen
%s Battery Box = %s Batteriebox
%s Cable = %s Kabel
-%s Electric Furnace = %s Elektro-Ofen
+%s CNC Machine = %s CNC-Maschine
+%s Compressor = %s Kompressor
+%s Extractor = %s Extraktor
+%s Forcefield Emitter = %s Kraftfeld-Emitter
+%s Furnace = %s Ofen
%s Grinder = %s Schleifmaschine
-%s Generator = %s Generator
-%s Solar Array = %s Solaranlage
+%s Music Player = %s Musikspieler
+%s Quarry = %s Steinbruch
+%s Tool Workshop = %s Werkzeugwerkstatt
+Arrayed Solar %s Generator = %s Solaranlage
+Fuel-Fired %s Generator = %s Kohle-Generator
+Geothermal %s Generator = %s Geothermie-Generator
+Hydro %s Generator = %s Wassermuehle
+Nuclear %s Generator Core = %s Reaktorkern
+Small Solar %s Generator = %s Solarmodul
+Wind %s Generator = %s Windmuehle
Injector = Injektor
Constructor Mk%d = Konstruktor Modell %d
Frame = Rahmen
Battery Box = Batteriebox
Supply Converter = Stromumwandler
Switching Station = Schaltanlage
-CNC Machine = CNC-Maschine
-Coal Alloy Furnace = Kohle-Legierungsofen
-Extractor = Extraktor
-Compressor = Kompressor
-Solar Panel = Solarmodul
-Geothermal Generator = Geothermie-Generator
-Music Player = Musikspieler
-Water Mill = Wassermuehle
-Tool Workshop = Werkzeugwerkstatt
-Wind Mill = Windmuehle
+Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace = Kohle-Legierungsofen
+Fuel-Fired Furnace = Kohle-Ofen
Wind Mill Frame = Windmuehlengeruest
-Forcefield Emitter = Kraftfeld-Emitter
Forcefield = Kraftfeld
-Nuclear Reactor Core = Reaktorkern
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment = Brennstabfaecher
-Quarry = Steinbruch
## Machine-specific
# $1: Pruduced EU
%s Alloy Furnace = Horno de Aleacion %s
%s Battery Box = Caja de Bateria %s
%s Cable = Cable %s
-%s Electric Furnace = Horno Electrico %s
+%s CNC Machine = Maquina CNC %s
+%s Compressor = Compresor %s
+%s Extractor = Extractor %s
+%s Forcefield Emitter = Emisor de Campo de Fuerza %s
+%s Furnace = Horno %s
%s Grinder = Amoladora %s
-%s Generator = Generador %s
-%s Solar Array = Panel Solar %s
+%s Music Player = Reproductor de Musica %s
+%s Quarry = Cantera %s
+%s Tool Workshop = Taller de Herramientas %s
+Arrayed Solar %s Generator = Panel Solar %s
+Fuel-Fired %s Generator = Generador a Carbon %s
+Geothermal %s Generator = Generador Geotermico %s
+Hydro %s Generator = Molino de Agua %s
+Nuclear %s Generator Core = Nucleo de Reactor Nuclear %s
+Small Solar %s Generator = Panel Solar %s
+Wind %s Generator = Molino de Viento %s
Injector =
Constructor Mk%d =
Frame =
Supply Converter = Convertidor de Alimentacion
Switching Station = Estacion de Conmutacion
Battery Box = Caja de Baterias
-Quarry = Cantera
-CNC Machine = Maquina CNC
-Music Player = Reproductor de Musica
-Extractor = Extractor
-Coal Alloy Furnace = Horno de Aleacion a Carbon
-Tool Workshop = Taller de Herramientas
+Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace = Horno de Aleacion a Carbon
+Fuel-Fired Furnace = Horno a Carbon
Forcefield = Campo de Fuerza
-Forcefield Emitter = Emisor de Campo de Fuerza
-Compressor = Compresor
-Geothermal Generator = Generador Geotermico
-Water Mill = Molino de Agua
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment = Compartimiento para Vara de Reactor Nuclear
-Nuclear Reactor Core = Nucleo de Reactor Nuclear
-Wind Mill = Molino de Viento
Wind Mill Frame = Armazon de Molino de Viento
-Solar Panel = Panel Solar
## Machine-specific
# $1: Pruduced EU
%s Alloy Furnace = %s Fornace per leghe
%s Battery Box = %s Box batterie
%s Cable = Cavo %s
-%s Electric Furnace = %s Fornace elettrica
+%s CNC Machine = Tornio CNC %s
+%s Compressor = Compressore %s
+%s Extractor = Estrattore %s
+%s Forcefield Emitter = Emettitore di campo di forza %s
+%s Furnace = %s Fornace
%s Grinder = %s Tritatutto
-%s Generator = %s Generatore
-%s Solar Array = %s Pannello Solare
+%s Music Player = Music Player %s
+%s Quarry = Cava %s
+%s Tool Workshop = Officina per attrezzi %s
+Arrayed Solar %s Generator = %s Pannello Solare
+Fuel-Fired %s Generator = %s Generatore a carbone
+Geothermal %s Generator = %s Generatore Geotermico
+Hydro %s Generator = Turbina Elettrica %s
+Nuclear %s Generator Core = Reattore nucleare %s
+Small Solar %s Generator = %s Pannello solare
+Wind %s Generator = %s Generatore eolico
Injector = Ignettore
Constructor Mk%d = Costruttore Mk%d
Frame = Cornice
Battery Box = Box batterie
Supply Converter = Trasformatore
Switching Station = Stazione di controllo
-CNC Machine = Tornio CNC
-Coal Alloy Furnace = Fornace per leghe a carbone
-Extractor = Estrattore
-Compressor = Compressore
-Solar Panel = Pannello solare
-Geothermal Generator = Generatore Geotermico
-Music Player = Music Player
-Water Mill = Turbina Elettrica
-Tool Workshop = Officina per attrezzi
-Wind Mill = Generatore eolico
+Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace = Fornace per leghe a carbone
+Fuel-Fired Furnace = Fornace a carbone
Wind Mill Frame = Pala eolica
-Forcefield Emitter = Emettitore di campo di forza
Forcefield = Campo di forza
-Nuclear Reactor Core = Reattore nucleare
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment = Compartimento combustibile nucleare
-Quarry = Cava
## Machine-specific
# $1: Pruduced EU
%s Alloy Furnace =
%s Battery Box =
%s Cable =
-%s Electric Furnace =
+%s CNC Machine =
+%s Compressor =
+%s Extractor =
+%s Forcefield Emitter =
+%s Furnace =
%s Grinder =
-%s Generator =
-%s Solar Array =
+%s Music Player =
+%s Quarry =
+%s Tool Workshop =
+Arrayed Solar %s Generator =
+Fuel-Fired %s Generator =
+Geothermal %s Generator =
+Hydro %s Generator =
+Nuclear %s Generator Core =
+Small Solar %s Generator =
+Wind %s Generator =
Injector =
Constructor Mk%d =
Frame =
Battery Box =
Supply Converter =
Switching Station =
-CNC Machine =
-Coal Alloy Furnace =
-Extractor =
-Compressor =
-Solar Panel =
-Geothermal Generator =
-Music Player =
-Water Mill =
-Tool Workshop =
-Wind Mill =
+Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace =
+Fuel-Fired Furnace =
Wind Mill Frame =
-Forcefield Emitter =
Forcefield =
-Nuclear Reactor Core =
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment =
-Quarry =
## Machine-specific
# $1: Pruduced EU
minetest.register_node("technic:forcefield_emitter_off", {
- description = S("Forcefield Emitter"),
+ description = S("%s Forcefield Emitter"):format("HV"),
tiles = {"technic_forcefield_emitter_off.png"},
groups = {cracky = 1},
on_receive_fields = forcefield_receive_fields,
meta:set_int("range", 10)
meta:set_int("enabled", 0)
meta:set_string("formspec", get_forcefield_formspec(10))
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("Forcefield Emitter"))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Forcefield Emitter"):format("HV"))
mesecons = mesecons
minetest.register_node("technic:forcefield_emitter_on", {
- description = S("Forcefield Emitter"),
+ description = S("%s Forcefield Emitter"):format("HV"),
tiles = {"technic_forcefield_emitter_on.png"},
groups = {cracky = 1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
drop = "technic:forcefield_emitter_off",
minetest.register_node("technic:forcefield", {
- description = S("Forcefield"),
+ description = S("%s Forcefield"):format("HV"),
sunlight_propagates = true,
drawtype = "glasslike",
groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1, unbreakable=1},
local eu_input = meta:get_int("HV_EU_input")
local eu_demand = meta:get_int("HV_EU_demand")
local enabled = meta:get_int("enabled")
- local machine_name = S("Forcefield Emitter")
+ local machine_name = S("%s Forcefield Emitter"):format("HV")
-- Power off automatically if no longer connected to a switching station
technic.switching_station_timeout_count(pos, "HV")
minetest.register_node("technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core", {
- description = S("Nuclear Reactor Core"),
+ description = S("Nuclear %s Generator Core"):format("HV"),
tiles = {"technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png", "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png",
"technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png", "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png",
"technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png", "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png"},
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("Nuclear Reactor Core"))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("Nuclear %s Generator Core"):format("HV"))
meta:set_int("HV_EU_supply", 0)
-- Signal to the switching station that this device burns some
-- sort of fuel and needs special handling
chance = 1,
action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local machine_name = S("Nuclear Reactor Core")
+ local machine_name = S("Nuclear %s Generator Core"):format("HV")
local burn_time = meta:get_int("burn_time") or 0
if burn_time >= burn_ticks or burn_time == 0 then
local formspec = "size[3,1.5]"..
if meta:get_int("enabled") == 0 then
- formspec = formspec.."button[0,1;3,1;enable;"..S("%s Disabled"):format(S("Quarry")).."]"
+ formspec = formspec.."button[0,1;3,1;enable;"..S("%s Disabled"):format(S("%s Quarry"):format("HV")).."]"
- formspec = formspec.."button[0,1;3,1;disable;"..S("%s Enabled"):format(S("Quarry")).."]"
+ formspec = formspec.."button[0,1;3,1;disable;"..S("%s Enabled"):format(S("%s Quarry"):format("HV")).."]"
meta:set_string("formspec", formspec)
minetest.register_node("technic:quarry", {
- description = S("Quarry"),
+ description = S("%s Quarry"):format("HV"),
tiles = {"technic_carbon_steel_block.png", "technic_carbon_steel_block.png",
"technic_carbon_steel_block.png", "technic_carbon_steel_block.png",
"technic_carbon_steel_block.png^default_tool_mesepick.png", "technic_carbon_steel_block.png"},
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("Quarry"))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Quarry"):format("HV"))
meta:set_int("size", 4)
meta:set_int("dig_y", pos.y)
local demand = 10000
local center = get_quarry_center(pos, size)
local dig_y = meta:get_int("dig_y")
- local machine_name = S("Quarry")
+ local machine_name = S("%s Quarry"):format("HV")
technic.switching_station_timeout_count(pos, "HV")
-- The actual block inactive state
minetest.register_node("technic:cnc", {
- description = S("CNC Machine"),
+ description = S("%s CNC Machine"):format("LV"),
tiles = {"technic_cnc_top.png", "technic_cnc_bottom.png", "technic_cnc_side.png",
"technic_cnc_side.png", "technic_cnc_side.png", "technic_cnc_front.png"},
drawtype = "nodebox",
legacy_facedir_simple = true,
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("CNC Machine"))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s CNC Machine"):format("LV"))
meta:set_float("technic_power_machine", 1)
meta:set_string("formspec", cnc_formspec)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
-- Active state block
minetest.register_node("technic:cnc_active", {
- description = S("CNC Machine"),
+ description = S("%s CNC Machine"):format("LV"),
tiles = {"technic_cnc_top_active.png", "technic_cnc_bottom.png", "technic_cnc_side.png",
"technic_cnc_side.png", "technic_cnc_side.png", "technic_cnc_front_active.png"},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
local eu_input = meta:get_int("LV_EU_input")
- local machine_name = S("CNC Machine")
+ local machine_name = S("%s CNC Machine"):format("LV")
local machine_node = "technic:cnc"
local demand = 450
--- Coal driven alloy furnace. This uses no EUs:
+-- Fuel driven alloy furnace. This uses no EUs:
local S = technic.getter
minetest.register_node("technic:coal_alloy_furnace", {
- description = S("Coal Alloy Furnace"),
+ description = S("Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace"),
tiles = {"technic_coal_alloy_furnace_top.png", "technic_coal_alloy_furnace_bottom.png",
"technic_coal_alloy_furnace_side.png", "technic_coal_alloy_furnace_side.png",
"technic_coal_alloy_furnace_side.png", "technic_coal_alloy_furnace_front.png"},
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("formspec", coal_alloy_furnace_formspec)
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("Coal Alloy Furnace"))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace"))
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
inv:set_size("fuel", 1)
inv:set_size("src", 1)
minetest.register_node("technic:coal_alloy_furnace_active", {
- description = "Alloy Furnace",
+ description = S("Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace"),
tiles = {"technic_coal_alloy_furnace_top.png", "technic_coal_alloy_furnace_bottom.png",
"technic_coal_alloy_furnace_side.png", "technic_coal_alloy_furnace_side.png",
"technic_coal_alloy_furnace_side.png", "technic_coal_alloy_furnace_front_active.png"},
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
local recipe = nil
- local machine_name = S("Coal Alloy Furnace")
+ local machine_name = S("Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace")
local formspec =
--- /dev/null
+local S = technic.getter
+if minetest.registered_nodes["default:furnace"].description == "Furnace" then
+ minetest.override_item("default:furnace", { description = S("Fuel-Fired Furnace") })
local compressor_formspec =
- "label[0,0;"..S("Compressor").."]"..
+ "label[0,0;"..S("%s Compressor"):format("LV").."]"..
minetest.register_node("technic:compressor", {
- description = S("Compressor"),
+ description = S("%s Compressor"):format("LV"),
tiles = {"technic_compressor_top.png", "technic_compressor_bottom.png",
"technic_compressor_side.png", "technic_compressor_side.png",
"technic_compressor_back.png", "technic_compressor_front.png"},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("Compressor"))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Compressor"):format("LV"))
meta:set_string("formspec", compressor_formspec)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
inv:set_size("src", 1)
minetest.register_node("technic:compressor_active", {
- description = S("Compressor"),
+ description = S("%s Compressor"):format("LV"),
tiles = {"technic_compressor_top.png", "technic_compressor_bottom.png",
"technic_compressor_side.png", "technic_compressor_side.png",
"technic_compressor_back.png", "technic_compressor_front_active.png"},
action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local eu_input = meta:get_int("LV_EU_input")
- local machine_name = S("Compressor")
+ local machine_name = S("%s Compressor"):format("LV")
local machine_node = "technic:compressor"
local demand = 300
local extractor_formspec =
- "label[0,0;"..S("Extractor").."]"..
+ "label[0,0;"..S("%s Extractor"):format("LV").."]"..
minetest.register_node("technic:extractor", {
- description = S("Extractor"),
+ description = S("%s Extractor"):format("LV"),
tiles = {"technic_lv_grinder_top.png", "technic_lv_grinder_bottom.png", "technic_lv_grinder_side.png",
"technic_lv_grinder_side.png", "technic_lv_grinder_side.png", "technic_lv_grinder_front.png"},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("Extractor"))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Extractor"):format("LV"))
meta:set_string("formspec", extractor_formspec)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
inv:set_size("src", 1)
minetest.register_node("technic:extractor_active", {
- description = S("Extractor"),
+ description = S("%s Extractor"):format("LV"),
tiles = {"technic_lv_grinder_top.png", "technic_lv_grinder_bottom.png",
"technic_lv_grinder_side.png", "technic_lv_grinder_side.png",
"technic_lv_grinder_side.png", "technic_lv_grinder_front_active.png"},
local eu_input = meta:get_int("LV_EU_input")
-- Machine information
- local machine_name = S("Extractor")
+ local machine_name = S("%s Extractor"):format("LV")
local machine_node = "technic:extractor"
local demand = 300
minetest.register_craftitem("technic:geothermal", {
- description = S("Geothermal Generator"),
+ description = S("Geothermal %s Generator"):format("LV"),
minetest.register_node("technic:geothermal", {
- description = S("Geothermal Generator"),
+ description = S("Geothermal %s Generator"):format("LV"),
tiles = {"technic_geothermal_top.png", "technic_machine_bottom.png", "technic_geothermal_side.png",
"technic_geothermal_side.png", "technic_geothermal_side.png", "technic_geothermal_side.png"},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("Geothermal Generator"))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("Geothermal %s Generator"):format("LV"))
meta:set_int("LV_EU_supply", 0)
minetest.register_node("technic:geothermal_active", {
- description = S("Geothermal Generator"),
+ description = S("Geothermal %s Generator"):format("LV"),
tiles = {"technic_geothermal_top_active.png", "technic_machine_bottom.png", "technic_geothermal_side.png",
"technic_geothermal_side.png", "technic_geothermal_side.png", "technic_geothermal_side.png"},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
- S("Geothermal Generator").." ("..production_level.."%)")
+ S("Geothermal %s Generator"):format("LV").." ("..production_level.."%)")
if production_level > 0 and minetest.get_node(pos).name == "technic:geothermal" then
technic.swap_node (pos, "technic:geothermal_active")
local music_player_formspec =
- "label[0,0;"..S("Music Player").."]"..
+ "label[0,0;"..S("%s Music Player"):format("LV").."]"..
minetest.register_node("technic:music_player", {
- description = S("Music Player"),
+ description = S("%s Music Player"):format("LV"),
tiles = {"technic_music_player_top.png", "technic_machine_bottom.png", "technic_music_player_side.png",
"technic_music_player_side.png", "technic_music_player_side.png", "technic_music_player_side.png"},
groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("Music Player"))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Music Player"):format("LV"))
meta:set_int("active", 0)
meta:set_int("current_track", 1)
meta:set_string("formspec", music_player_formspec)
meta:set_int("current_track", current_track)
- "label[0,0;"..S("Music Player").."]"..
+ "label[0,0;"..S("%s Music Player"):format("LV").."]"..
action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local eu_input = meta:get_int("LV_EU_input")
- local machine_name = S("Music Player")
+ local machine_name = S("%s Music Player"):format("LV")
local machine_node = "technic:music_player"
local demand = 150
"technic_solar_panel_side.png", "technic_solar_panel_side.png", "technic_solar_panel_side.png"},
groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
- description = S("Solar Panel"),
+ description = S("Small Solar %s Generator"):format("LV"),
active = false,
drawtype = "nodebox",
paramtype = "light",
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_int("LV_EU_supply", 0)
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("Solar Panel"))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("Small Solar %s Generator"):format("LV"))
-- To take care of some of it solar panels do not work outside daylight hours or if
-- built below -10m
local pos1 = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z}
- local machine_name = S("Solar Panel")
+ local machine_name = S("Small Solar %s Generator"):format("LV")
local light = minetest.get_node_light(pos1, nil)
local time_of_day = minetest.get_timeofday()
minetest.register_node("technic:water_mill", {
- description = S("Water Mill"),
+ description = S("Hydro %s Generator"):format("LV"),
tiles = {"technic_water_mill_top.png", "technic_machine_bottom.png",
"technic_water_mill_side.png", "technic_water_mill_side.png",
"technic_water_mill_side.png", "technic_water_mill_side.png"},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("Water Mill"))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("Hydro %s Generator"):format("LV"))
meta:set_int("LV_EU_supply", 0)
minetest.register_node("technic:water_mill_active", {
- description = S("Water Mill"),
+ description = S("Hydro %s Generator"):format("LV"),
tiles = {"technic_water_mill_top_active.png", "technic_machine_bottom.png",
"technic_water_mill_side.png", "technic_water_mill_side.png",
"technic_water_mill_side.png", "technic_water_mill_side.png"},
- S("Water Mill").." ("..production_level.."%)")
+ S("Hydro %s Generator"):format("LV").." ("..production_level.."%)")
if production_level > 0 and
minetest.get_node(pos).name == "technic:water_mill" then
minetest.register_node("technic:power_radiator", {
- description = "Power Radiator",
+ description = "MV Power Radiator",
tiles = {"technic_lv_cable.png", "technic_lv_cable.png", "technic_lv_cable.png",
"technic_lv_cable.png", "technic_lv_cable.png", "technic_lv_cable.png"},
groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2},
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_int("MV_EU_demand",1) -- Demand on the primary side when idle
meta:set_int("connected_EU_demand",0) -- Potential demand of connected appliances
- meta:set_string("infotext", "Power Radiator")
+ meta:set_string("infotext", "MV Power Radiator")
on_dig = function(pos, node, digger)
if eu_input == 0 then
-- No power
- meta:set_string("infotext", "Power Radiator is unpowered");
+ meta:set_string("infotext", "MV Power Radiator is unpowered");
-- meta:set_int("active", 1) -- used for setting textures someday maybe
meta:set_int("connected_EU_demand", 0)
-- The appliance has power from this node. Spend power if it is on.
used_charge = used_charge + math.floor(meta1:get_int("EU_charge") / eff_factor)
- meta:set_string("infotext", "Power Radiator is powered ("
+ meta:set_string("infotext", "MV Power Radiator is powered ("
..math.floor(used_charge / max_charge * 100)
.."% of maximum power)");
if used_charge == 0 then
local workshop_formspec =
- "label[0,0;"..S("Tool Workshop").."]"..
+ "label[0,0;"..S("%s Tool Workshop"):format("MV").."]"..
minetest.register_node("technic:tool_workshop", {
- description = S("Tool Workshop"),
+ description = S("%s Tool Workshop"):format("MV"),
tiles = {"technic_workshop_top.png", "technic_machine_bottom.png", "technic_workshop_side.png",
"technic_workshop_side.png", "technic_workshop_side.png", "technic_workshop_side.png"},
groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("Tool Workshop"))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Tool Workshop"):format("MV"))
meta:set_string("formspec", workshop_formspec)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
inv:set_size("src", 1)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
local eu_input = meta:get_int("MV_EU_input")
- local machine_name = S("Tool Workshop")
+ local machine_name = S("%s Tool Workshop"):format("MV")
local machine_node = "technic:tool_workshop"
local demand = 5000
minetest.register_node("technic:wind_mill", {
- description = S("Wind Mill"),
+ description = S("Wind %s Generator"):format("MV"),
tiles = {"technic_carbon_steel_block.png"},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
groups = {cracky=1},
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("Wind Mill"))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("Wind %s Generator"):format("MV"))
meta:set_int("MV_EU_supply", 0)
chance = 1,
action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local machine_name = S("Wind Mill")
+ local machine_name = S("Wind %s Generator"):format("MV")
local power = math.min(pos.y * 100, 5000)
if not check_wind_mill(pos) then
- description = S(tier.." Alloy Furnace"),
+ description = S("%s Alloy Furnace"):format(tier),
tiles = {"technic_"..ltier.."_alloy_furnace_top.png",
- "label[0,0;"..S("%s Electric Furnace"):format(tier).."]"
+ "label[0,0;"..S("%s Furnace"):format(tier).."]"
if data.upgrade then
formspec = formspec..
minetest.register_node("technic:"..ltier.."_electric_furnace", {
- description = S("%s Electric Furnace"):format(tier),
+ description = S("%s Furnace"):format(tier),
tiles = {"technic_"..ltier.."_electric_furnace_top.png",
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local name = minetest.get_node(pos).name
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Electric Furnace"):format(tier))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Furnace"):format(tier))
meta:set_int("tube_time", 0)
meta:set_string("formspec", formspec)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
minetest.register_node("technic:"..ltier.."_electric_furnace_active", {
- description = ("%s Electric Furnace"):format(tier),
+ description = ("%s Furnace"):format(tier),
tiles = {"technic_"..ltier.."_electric_furnace_top.png",
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local name = minetest.get_node(pos).name
local data = minetest.registered_nodes[name].technic
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Electric Furnace"):format(tier))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Furnace"):format(tier))
meta:set_int("tube_time", 0)
meta:set_string("formspec", formspec)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
local eu_input = meta:get_int(tier.."_EU_input")
-- Machine information
- local machine_name = S("%s Electric Furnace"):format(tier)
+ local machine_name = S("%s Furnace"):format(tier)
local machine_node = "technic:"..ltier.."_electric_furnace"
local machine_demand = data.demand
local generator_formspec =
- "label[0,0;"..S("%s Generator"):format(tier).."]"..
+ "label[0,0;"..S("Fuel-Fired %s Generator"):format(tier).."]"..
- local desc = S("%s Generator"):format(tier)
+ local desc = S("Fuel-Fired %s Generator"):format(tier)
minetest.register_node("technic:"..ltier.."_generator", {
description = desc,
tiles = {"technic_"..ltier.."_generator_top.png", "technic_machine_bottom.png",
meta:set_string("infotext", desc.." ("..percent.."%)")
"size[8, 9]"..
- "label[0, 0;Generator]"..
+ "label[0, 0;"..minetest.formspec_escape(desc).."]"..
"list[current_name;src;3, 1;1, 1;]"..
"image[4, 1;1, 1;default_furnace_fire_bg.png^[lowpart:"..
"technic_"..ltier.."_solar_array_side.png", "technic_"..ltier.."_solar_array_side.png"},
groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
- description = S("%s Solar Array"):format(tier),
+ description = S("Arrayed Solar %s Generator"):format(tier),
active = false,
drawtype = "nodebox",
paramtype = "light",
-- To take care of some of it solar panels do not work outside daylight hours or if
-- built below -10m
local pos1 = {}
- local machine_name = S("%s Solar Array"):format(tier)
+ local machine_name = S("Arrayed Solar %s Generator"):format(tier)
pos1.y = pos.y + 1
pos1.x = pos.x
pos1.z = pos.z