usable = false,
liquids_pointable = false,
tool_capabilities = nil,
+ node_placement_prediction = nil,
-- Interaction callbacks
on_place = redef_wrapper(minetest, 'item_place'), -- minetest.item_place
choppy={times={[3]=0.90}, maxwear=0.05, maxlevel=0}
+ node_placement_prediction = nil,
+ ^ If nil and item is node, prediction is made automatically
+ ^ If nil and item is not a node, no prediction is made
+ ^ If "" and item is anything, no prediction is made
+ ^ Otherwise should be name of node which the client immediately places
+ on ground when the player places the item. Server will always update
+ actual result to client in a short moment.
on_place = func(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing),
^ default: minetest.item_place
// Otherwise report right click to server
+ // Report to server
client.interact(3, pointed);
camera.setDigging(1); // right click animation
+ // If the wielded item has node placement prediction,
+ // make that happen
+ const ItemDefinition &def =
+ playeritem.getDefinition(itemdef);
+ if(def.node_placement_prediction != "")
+ do{ // breakable
+ verbosestream<<"Node placement prediction for "
+ <<<<" is "
+ <<def.node_placement_prediction<<std::endl;
+ v3s16 p = neighbourpos;
+ content_t id;
+ bool found =
+ nodedef->getId(def.node_placement_prediction, id);
+ if(!found){
+ errorstream<<"Node placement prediction failed for "
+ <<<<" (places "
+ <<def.node_placement_prediction
+ <<") - Name not known"<<std::endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ MapNode n(id);
+ try{
+ // This triggers the required mesh update too
+ client.addNode(p, n);
+ }catch(InvalidPositionException &e){
+ errorstream<<"Node placement prediction failed for "
+ <<<<" (places "
+ <<def.node_placement_prediction
+ <<") - Position not loaded"<<std::endl;
+ }
+ }while(0);
groups = def.groups;
+ node_placement_prediction = def.node_placement_prediction;
#ifndef SERVER
inventory_texture = def.inventory_texture;
+ node_placement_prediction = "";
#ifndef SERVER
inventory_texture = NULL;
writeS16(os, i->second);
+ os<<serializeString(node_placement_prediction);
void ItemDefinition::deSerialize(std::istream &is)
int value = readS16(is);
groups[name] = value;
+ // If you add anything here, insert it primarily inside the try-catch
+ // block to not need to increase the version.
+ try{
+ node_placement_prediction = deSerializeString(is);
+ }catch(SerializationError &e) {};
ToolCapabilities *tool_capabilities;
ItemGroupList groups;
+ // Client shall immediately place this node when player places the item.
+ // Server will update the precise end result a moment later.
+ // "" = no prediction
+ std::string node_placement_prediction;
Cached stuff
std::string wrapper = deSerializeString(is2);
std::istringstream wrapper_is(wrapper, std::ios::binary);
+ verbosestream<<"deserialized "<<f->name<<std::endl;
if(f->name != "")
addNameIdMapping(i, f->name);
-static ItemDefinition read_item_definition(lua_State *L, int index)
+static ItemDefinition read_item_definition(lua_State *L, int index,
+ ItemDefinition default_def = ItemDefinition())
if(index < 0)
index = lua_gettop(L) + 1 + index;
// Read the item definition
- ItemDefinition def;
+ ItemDefinition def = default_def;
def.type = (ItemType)getenumfield(L, index, "type",
es_ItemType, ITEM_NONE);
read_groups(L, -1, def.groups);
lua_pop(L, 1);
+ // Client shall immediately place this node when player places the item.
+ // Server will update the precise end result a moment later.
+ // "" = no prediction
+ getstringfield(L, index, "node_placement_prediction",
+ def.node_placement_prediction);
return def;
// Check if name is defined
+ std::string name;
lua_getfield(L, table, "name");
if(lua_isstring(L, -1)){
- std::string name = lua_tostring(L, -1);
+ name = lua_tostring(L, -1);
verbosestream<<"register_item_raw: "<<name<<std::endl;
} else {
throw LuaError(L, "register_item_raw: name is not defined or not a string");
// Check if on_use is defined
- // Read the item definition and register it
- ItemDefinition def = read_item_definition(L, table);
+ ItemDefinition def;
+ // Set a distinctive default value to check if this is set
+ def.node_placement_prediction = "__default";
+ // Read the item definition
+ def = read_item_definition(L, table, def);
+ // Default to having client-side placement prediction for nodes
+ // ("" in item definition sets it off)
+ if(def.type == ITEM_NODE && def.node_placement_prediction == "__default"){
+ def.node_placement_prediction = name;
+ }
+ // Register item definition
// Read the node definition (content features) and register it
// Re-send block to revert change on client-side
RemoteClient *client = getClient(peer_id);
- v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(floatToInt(pointed_pos_under, BS));
- client->SetBlockNotSent(blockpos);
+ // Digging completed -> under
+ if(action == 2){
+ v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(floatToInt(pointed_pos_under, BS));
+ client->SetBlockNotSent(blockpos);
+ }
+ // Placement -> above
+ if(action == 3){
+ v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(floatToInt(pointed_pos_above, BS));
+ client->SetBlockNotSent(blockpos);
+ }
if(g_settings->getBool("creative_mode") == false)
+ // If item has node placement prediction, always send the above
+ // node to make sure the client knows what exactly happened
+ if(item.getDefinition(m_itemdef).node_placement_prediction != ""){
+ RemoteClient *client = getClient(peer_id);
+ v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(floatToInt(pointed_pos_above, BS));
+ client->SetBlockNotSent(blockpos);
+ }
} // action == 3