Use tables for adding particles, deprecate former way.
separate particles(pawner) definition, add default values, work with no
minetest.unban_player_or_ip(name) -> unban player or IP address
-minetest.add_particle(pos, velocity, acceleration, expirationtime,
+minetest.add_particle(particle definition)
+^ Deprecated: minetest.add_particle(pos, velocity, acceleration, expirationtime,
size, collisiondetection, texture, playername)
-^ Spawn particle at pos with velocity and acceleration
-^ Disappears after expirationtime seconds
-^ collisiondetection: if true collides with physical objects
-^ Uses texture (string)
-^ Playername is optional, if specified spawns particle only on the player's client
-minetest.add_particlespawner(amount, time,
+minetest.add_particlespawner(particlespawner definition)
+^ Add a particlespawner, an object that spawns an amount of particles over time seconds
+^ Returns an id
+^ Deprecated: minetest.add_particlespawner(amount, time,
minpos, maxpos,
minvel, maxvel,
minacc, maxacc,
minexptime, maxexptime,
minsize, maxsize,
collisiondetection, texture, playername)
-^ Add a particlespawner, an object that spawns an amount of particles over time seconds
-^ The particle's properties are random values in between the boundings:
-^ minpos/maxpos, minvel/maxvel (velocity), minacc/maxacc (acceleration),
-^ minsize/maxsize, minexptime/maxexptime (expirationtime)
-^ collisiondetection: if true uses collisiondetection
-^ Uses texture (string)
-^ Playername is optional, if specified spawns particle only on the player's client
-^ If time is 0 has infinite lifespan and spawns the amount on a per-second base
-^ Returns and id
minetest.delete_particlespawner(id, player)
^ Delete ParticleSpawner with id (return value from add_particlespawner)
offset = {x=0, y=0},
^ See "HUD Element Types"
+Particle definition (add_particle)
+ pos = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
+ velocity = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
+ acceleration = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
+ ^ Spawn particle at pos with velocity and acceleration
+ expirationtime = 1,
+ ^ Disappears after expirationtime seconds
+ size = 1,
+ collisiondetection = false,
+ ^ collisiondetection: if true collides with physical objects
+ vertical = false,
+ ^ vertical: if true faces player using y axis only
+ texture = "image.png",
+ ^ Uses texture (string)
+ playername = "singleplayer"
+ ^ Playername is optional, if specified spawns particle only on the player's client
+Particlespawner definition (add_particlespawner)
+ amount = 1,
+ time = 1,
+ ^ If time is 0 has infinite lifespan and spawns the amount on a per-second base
+ minpos = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
+ maxpos = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
+ minvel = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
+ maxvel = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
+ minacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
+ maxacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
+ minexptime = 1,
+ maxexptime = 1,
+ minsize = 1,
+ maxsize = 1,
+ ^ The particle's properties are random values in between the boundings:
+ ^ minpos/maxpos, minvel/maxvel (velocity), minacc/maxacc (acceleration),
+ ^ minsize/maxsize, minexptime/maxexptime (expirationtime)
+ collisiondetection = false,
+ ^ collisiondetection: if true uses collisiondetection
+ vertical = false,
+ ^ vertical: if true faces player using y axis only
+ texture = "image.png",
+ ^ Uses texture (string)
+ playername = "singleplayer"
+ ^ Playername is optional, if specified spawns particle only on the player's client
float size = readF1000(is);
bool collisiondetection = readU8(is);
std::string texture = deSerializeLongString(is);
+ bool vertical = false;
+ try {
+ vertical = readU8(is);
+ } catch (...) {}
ClientEvent event;
event.type = CE_SPAWN_PARTICLE;
event.spawn_particle.size = size;
event.spawn_particle.collisiondetection =
+ event.spawn_particle.vertical = vertical;
event.spawn_particle.texture = new std::string(texture);
bool collisiondetection = readU8(is);
std::string texture = deSerializeLongString(is);
u32 id = readU32(is);
+ bool vertical = false;
+ try {
+ vertical = readU8(is);
+ } catch (...) {}
ClientEvent event;
event.add_particlespawner.minsize = minsize;
event.add_particlespawner.maxsize = maxsize;
event.add_particlespawner.collisiondetection = collisiondetection;
+ event.add_particlespawner.vertical = vertical;
event.add_particlespawner.texture = new std::string(texture); = id;
f32 expirationtime;
f32 size;
bool collisiondetection;
+ bool vertical;
std::string *texture;
} spawn_particle;
f32 minsize;
f32 maxsize;
bool collisiondetection;
+ bool vertical;
std::string *texture;
u32 id;
} add_particlespawner;
f1000 expirationtime
f1000 size
u8 bool collisiondetection
+ u8 bool vertical
u32 len
u8[len] texture
f1000 minsize
f1000 maxsize
u8 bool collisiondetection
+ u8 bool vertical
u32 len
u8[len] texture
u32 id
+ event.spawn_particle.vertical,
v2f(0.0, 0.0),
v2f(1.0, 1.0));
+ event.add_particlespawner.vertical,
float expirationtime,
float size,
bool collisiondetection,
+ bool vertical,
video::ITexture *texture,
v2f texpos,
v2f texsize
m_player = player;
m_size = size;
m_collisiondetection = collisiondetection;
+ m_vertical = vertical;
// Irrlicht stuff
m_collisionbox = core::aabbox3d<f32>
for(u16 i=0; i<4; i++)
- m_vertices[i].Pos.rotateYZBy(m_player->getPitch());
- m_vertices[i].Pos.rotateXZBy(m_player->getYaw());
+ if (m_vertical) {
+ v3f ppos = m_player->getPosition()/BS;
+ m_vertices[i].Pos.rotateXZBy(atan2(ppos.Z-m_pos.Z, ppos.X-m_pos.X)/core::DEGTORAD+90);
+ } else {
+ m_vertices[i].Pos.rotateYZBy(m_player->getPitch());
+ m_vertices[i].Pos.rotateXZBy(m_player->getYaw());
+ }
m_vertices[i].Pos += m_pos*BS;
rand()%100/100., // expiration time
+ false,
u16 amount, float time,
v3f minpos, v3f maxpos, v3f minvel, v3f maxvel, v3f minacc, v3f maxacc,
float minexptime, float maxexptime, float minsize, float maxsize,
- bool collisiondetection, video::ITexture *texture, u32 id)
+ bool collisiondetection, bool vertical, video::ITexture *texture, u32 id)
m_gamedef = gamedef;
m_smgr = smgr;
m_minsize = minsize;
m_maxsize = maxsize;
m_collisiondetection = collisiondetection;
+ m_vertical = vertical;
m_texture = texture;
m_time = 0;
+ m_vertical,
v2f(0.0, 0.0),
v2f(1.0, 1.0));
+ m_vertical,
v2f(0.0, 0.0),
v2f(1.0, 1.0));
float expirationtime,
float size,
bool collisiondetection,
+ bool vertical,
video::ITexture *texture,
v2f texpos,
v2f texsize
float m_size;
u8 m_light;
bool m_collisiondetection;
+ bool m_vertical;
class ParticleSpawner
float minexptime, float maxexptime,
float minsize, float maxsize,
bool collisiondetection,
+ bool vertical,
video::ITexture *texture,
u32 id);
video::ITexture *m_texture;
std::vector<float> m_spawntimes;
bool m_collisiondetection;
+ bool m_vertical;
void allparticles_step (float dtime, ClientEnvironment &env);
#include "common/c_converter.h"
#include "server.h"
-// add_particle(pos, velocity, acceleration, expirationtime,
-// size, collisiondetection, texture, player)
+// add_particle({pos=, velocity=, acceleration=, expirationtime=,
+// size=, collisiondetection=, vertical=, texture=, player=})
// pos/velocity/acceleration = {x=num, y=num, z=num}
// expirationtime = num (seconds)
// size = num
+// collisiondetection = bool
+// vertical = bool
// texture = e.g."default_wood.png"
int ModApiParticles::l_add_particle(lua_State *L)
// Get parameters
- v3f pos = check_v3f(L, 1);
- v3f vel = check_v3f(L, 2);
- v3f acc = check_v3f(L, 3);
- float expirationtime = luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
- float size = luaL_checknumber(L, 5);
- bool collisiondetection = lua_toboolean(L, 6);
- std::string texture = luaL_checkstring(L, 7);
+ v3f pos, vel, acc;
+ pos= vel= acc= v3f(0, 0, 0);
+ float expirationtime, size;
+ expirationtime= size= 1;
+ bool collisiondetection, vertical;
+ collisiondetection= vertical= false;
+ std::string texture = "";
+ const char *playername = "";
- if (lua_gettop(L) == 8) // only spawn for a single player
+ if (lua_gettop(L) > 1) // deprecated
- const char *playername = luaL_checkstring(L, 8);
- getServer(L)->spawnParticle(playername,
- pos, vel, acc, expirationtime,
- size, collisiondetection, texture);
+ pos = check_v3f(L, 1);
+ vel = check_v3f(L, 2);
+ acc = check_v3f(L, 3);
+ expirationtime = luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
+ size = luaL_checknumber(L, 5);
+ collisiondetection = lua_toboolean(L, 6);
+ texture = luaL_checkstring(L, 7);
+ if (lua_gettop(L) == 8) // only spawn for a single player
+ playername = luaL_checkstring(L, 8);
+ }
+ else if (lua_istable(L, 1))
+ {
+ int table = lua_gettop(L);
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ while (lua_next(L, table) != 0)
+ {
+ const char *key = lua_tostring(L, -2);
+ if(strcmp(key,"pos")==0){
+ pos=check_v3f(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"vel")==0){
+ vel=check_v3f(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"acc")==0){
+ acc=check_v3f(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"expirationtime")==0){
+ expirationtime=luaL_checknumber(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"size")==0){
+ size=luaL_checknumber(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"collisiondetection")==0){
+ collisiondetection=lua_toboolean(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"vertical")==0){
+ vertical=lua_toboolean(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"texture")==0){
+ texture=luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"playername")==0){
+ playername=luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
+ }
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ }
- else // spawn for all players
+ if (strcmp(playername, "")==0) // spawn for all players
getServer(L)->spawnParticleAll(pos, vel, acc,
- expirationtime, size, collisiondetection, texture);
+ expirationtime, size, collisiondetection, vertical, texture);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ getServer(L)->spawnParticle(playername,
+ pos, vel, acc, expirationtime,
+ size, collisiondetection, vertical, texture);
return 1;
-// add_particlespawner(amount, time,
-// minpos, maxpos,
-// minvel, maxvel,
-// minacc, maxacc,
-// minexptime, maxexptime,
-// minsize, maxsize,
-// collisiondetection,
-// texture,
-// player)
+// add_particlespawner({amount=, time=,
+// minpos=, maxpos=,
+// minvel=, maxvel=,
+// minacc=, maxacc=,
+// minexptime=, maxexptime=,
+// minsize=, maxsize=,
+// collisiondetection=,
+// vertical=,
+// texture=,
+// player=})
// minpos/maxpos/minvel/maxvel/minacc/maxacc = {x=num, y=num, z=num}
// minexptime/maxexptime = num (seconds)
// minsize/maxsize = num
// collisiondetection = bool
+// vertical = bool
// texture = e.g."default_wood.png"
int ModApiParticles::l_add_particlespawner(lua_State *L)
// Get parameters
- u16 amount = luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
- float time = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
- v3f minpos = check_v3f(L, 3);
- v3f maxpos = check_v3f(L, 4);
- v3f minvel = check_v3f(L, 5);
- v3f maxvel = check_v3f(L, 6);
- v3f minacc = check_v3f(L, 7);
- v3f maxacc = check_v3f(L, 8);
- float minexptime = luaL_checknumber(L, 9);
- float maxexptime = luaL_checknumber(L, 10);
- float minsize = luaL_checknumber(L, 11);
- float maxsize = luaL_checknumber(L, 12);
- bool collisiondetection = lua_toboolean(L, 13);
- std::string texture = luaL_checkstring(L, 14);
+ u16 amount = 1;
+ v3f minpos, maxpos, minvel, maxvel, minacc, maxacc;
+ minpos= maxpos= minvel= maxvel= minacc= maxacc= v3f(0, 0, 0);
+ float time, minexptime, maxexptime, minsize, maxsize;
+ time= minexptime= maxexptime= minsize= maxsize= 1;
+ bool collisiondetection, vertical;
+ collisiondetection= vertical= false;
+ std::string texture = "";
+ const char *playername = "";
- if (lua_gettop(L) == 15) // only spawn for a single player
+ if (lua_gettop(L) > 1) //deprecated
- const char *playername = luaL_checkstring(L, 15);
- u32 id = getServer(L)->addParticleSpawner(playername,
- amount, time,
+ amount = luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
+ time = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
+ minpos = check_v3f(L, 3);
+ maxpos = check_v3f(L, 4);
+ minvel = check_v3f(L, 5);
+ maxvel = check_v3f(L, 6);
+ minacc = check_v3f(L, 7);
+ maxacc = check_v3f(L, 8);
+ minexptime = luaL_checknumber(L, 9);
+ maxexptime = luaL_checknumber(L, 10);
+ minsize = luaL_checknumber(L, 11);
+ maxsize = luaL_checknumber(L, 12);
+ collisiondetection = lua_toboolean(L, 13);
+ texture = luaL_checkstring(L, 14);
+ if (lua_gettop(L) == 15) // only spawn for a single player
+ playername = luaL_checkstring(L, 15);
+ }
+ else if (lua_istable(L, 1))
+ {
+ int table = lua_gettop(L);
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ while (lua_next(L, table) != 0)
+ {
+ const char *key = lua_tostring(L, -2);
+ if(strcmp(key,"amount")==0){
+ amount=luaL_checknumber(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"time")==0){
+ time=luaL_checknumber(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"minpos")==0){
+ minpos=check_v3f(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"maxpos")==0){
+ maxpos=check_v3f(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"minvel")==0){
+ minvel=check_v3f(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"maxvel")==0){
+ maxvel=check_v3f(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"minacc")==0){
+ minacc=check_v3f(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"maxacc")==0){
+ maxacc=check_v3f(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"minexptime")==0){
+ minexptime=luaL_checknumber(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"maxexptime")==0){
+ maxexptime=luaL_checknumber(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"minsize")==0){
+ minsize=luaL_checknumber(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"maxsize")==0){
+ maxsize=luaL_checknumber(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"collisiondetection")==0){
+ collisiondetection=lua_toboolean(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"vertical")==0){
+ vertical=lua_toboolean(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"texture")==0){
+ texture=luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
+ }else if(strcmp(key,"playername")==0){
+ playername=luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
+ }
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (strcmp(playername, "")==0) //spawn for all players
+ {
+ u32 id = getServer(L)->addParticleSpawnerAll( amount, time,
minpos, maxpos,
minvel, maxvel,
minacc, maxacc,
minexptime, maxexptime,
minsize, maxsize,
+ vertical,
lua_pushnumber(L, id);
- else // spawn for all players
+ else
- u32 id = getServer(L)->addParticleSpawnerAll( amount, time,
+ u32 id = getServer(L)->addParticleSpawner(playername,
+ amount, time,
minpos, maxpos,
minvel, maxvel,
minacc, maxacc,
minexptime, maxexptime,
minsize, maxsize,
+ vertical,
lua_pushnumber(L, id);
// Spawns a particle on peer with peer_id
void Server::SendSpawnParticle(u16 peer_id, v3f pos, v3f velocity, v3f acceleration,
float expirationtime, float size, bool collisiondetection,
- std::string texture)
+ bool vertical, std::string texture)
writeF1000(os, size);
writeU8(os, collisiondetection);
+ writeU8(os, vertical);
// Make data buffer
std::string s = os.str();
// Spawns a particle on all peers
void Server::SendSpawnParticleAll(v3f pos, v3f velocity, v3f acceleration,
float expirationtime, float size, bool collisiondetection,
- std::string texture)
+ bool vertical, std::string texture)
for(std::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::iterator
i = m_clients.begin();
SendSpawnParticle(client->peer_id, pos, velocity, acceleration,
- expirationtime, size, collisiondetection, texture);
+ expirationtime, size, collisiondetection, vertical, texture);
// Adds a ParticleSpawner on peer with peer_id
void Server::SendAddParticleSpawner(u16 peer_id, u16 amount, float spawntime, v3f minpos, v3f maxpos,
v3f minvel, v3f maxvel, v3f minacc, v3f maxacc, float minexptime, float maxexptime,
- float minsize, float maxsize, bool collisiondetection, std::string texture, u32 id)
+ float minsize, float maxsize, bool collisiondetection, bool vertical, std::string texture, u32 id)
writeU8(os, collisiondetection);
writeU32(os, id);
+ writeU8(os, vertical);
// Make data buffer
std::string s = os.str();
// Adds a ParticleSpawner on all peers
void Server::SendAddParticleSpawnerAll(u16 amount, float spawntime, v3f minpos, v3f maxpos,
v3f minvel, v3f maxvel, v3f minacc, v3f maxacc, float minexptime, float maxexptime,
- float minsize, float maxsize, bool collisiondetection, std::string texture, u32 id)
+ float minsize, float maxsize, bool collisiondetection, bool vertical, std::string texture, u32 id)
for(std::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::iterator
i = m_clients.begin();
SendAddParticleSpawner(client->peer_id, amount, spawntime,
minpos, maxpos, minvel, maxvel, minacc, maxacc,
- minexptime, maxexptime, minsize, maxsize, collisiondetection, texture, id);
+ minexptime, maxexptime, minsize, maxsize, collisiondetection, vertical, texture, id);
void Server::spawnParticle(const char *playername, v3f pos,
v3f velocity, v3f acceleration,
float expirationtime, float size, bool
- collisiondetection, std::string texture)
+ collisiondetection, bool vertical, std::string texture)
Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(playername);
SendSpawnParticle(player->peer_id, pos, velocity, acceleration,
- expirationtime, size, collisiondetection, texture);
+ expirationtime, size, collisiondetection, vertical, texture);
void Server::spawnParticleAll(v3f pos, v3f velocity, v3f acceleration,
float expirationtime, float size,
- bool collisiondetection, std::string texture)
+ bool collisiondetection, bool vertical, std::string texture)
SendSpawnParticleAll(pos, velocity, acceleration,
- expirationtime, size, collisiondetection, texture);
+ expirationtime, size, collisiondetection, vertical, texture);
u32 Server::addParticleSpawner(const char *playername,
v3f minacc, v3f maxacc,
float minexptime, float maxexptime,
float minsize, float maxsize,
- bool collisiondetection, std::string texture)
+ bool collisiondetection, bool vertical, std::string texture)
Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(playername);
SendAddParticleSpawner(player->peer_id, amount, spawntime,
minpos, maxpos, minvel, maxvel, minacc, maxacc,
minexptime, maxexptime, minsize, maxsize,
- collisiondetection, texture, id);
+ collisiondetection, vertical, texture, id);
return id;
v3f minacc, v3f maxacc,
float minexptime, float maxexptime,
float minsize, float maxsize,
- bool collisiondetection, std::string texture)
+ bool collisiondetection, bool vertical, std::string texture)
u32 id = 0;
for(;;) // look for unused particlespawner id
SendAddParticleSpawnerAll(amount, spawntime,
minpos, maxpos, minvel, maxvel, minacc, maxacc,
minexptime, maxexptime, minsize, maxsize,
- collisiondetection, texture, id);
+ collisiondetection, vertical, texture, id);
return id;
void spawnParticle(const char *playername,
v3f pos, v3f velocity, v3f acceleration,
float expirationtime, float size,
- bool collisiondetection, std::string texture);
+ bool collisiondetection, bool vertical, std::string texture);
void spawnParticleAll(v3f pos, v3f velocity, v3f acceleration,
float expirationtime, float size,
- bool collisiondetection, std::string texture);
+ bool collisiondetection, bool vertical, std::string texture);
u32 addParticleSpawner(const char *playername,
u16 amount, float spawntime,
v3f minacc, v3f maxacc,
float minexptime, float maxexptime,
float minsize, float maxsize,
- bool collisiondetection, std::string texture);
+ bool collisiondetection, bool vertical, std::string texture);
u32 addParticleSpawnerAll(u16 amount, float spawntime,
v3f minpos, v3f maxpos,
v3f minacc, v3f maxacc,
float minexptime, float maxexptime,
float minsize, float maxsize,
- bool collisiondetection, std::string texture);
+ bool collisiondetection, bool vertical, std::string texture);
void deleteParticleSpawner(const char *playername, u32 id);
void deleteParticleSpawnerAll(u32 id);
v3f minacc, v3f maxacc,
float minexptime, float maxexptime,
float minsize, float maxsize,
- bool collisiondetection, std::string texture, u32 id);
+ bool collisiondetection, bool vertical, std::string texture, u32 id);
// Adds a ParticleSpawner on all peers
void SendAddParticleSpawnerAll(u16 amount, float spawntime,
v3f minacc, v3f maxacc,
float minexptime, float maxexptime,
float minsize, float maxsize,
- bool collisiondetection, std::string texture, u32 id);
+ bool collisiondetection, bool vertical, std::string texture, u32 id);
// Deletes ParticleSpawner on a single client
void SendDeleteParticleSpawner(u16 peer_id, u32 id);
void SendSpawnParticle(u16 peer_id,
v3f pos, v3f velocity, v3f acceleration,
float expirationtime, float size,
- bool collisiondetection, std::string texture);
+ bool collisiondetection, bool vertical, std::string texture);
// Spawns particle on all clients
void SendSpawnParticleAll(v3f pos, v3f velocity, v3f acceleration,
float expirationtime, float size,
- bool collisiondetection, std::string texture);
+ bool collisiondetection, bool vertical, std::string texture);
Something random